get_object_reference是 模块中下的一个函数
该函数通过调用 模块中另外一个函数 xmlid_lookup 返回结果
def get_object_reference(self, cr, uid, module, xml_id): """Returns (model, res_id) corresponding to a given module and xml_id (cached) or raise ValueError if not found""" return self.xmlid_lookup(cr, uid, "%s.%s" % (module, xml_id))[1:3]
# NEW V8 API @tools.ormcache(skiparg=3) def xmlid_lookup(self, cr, uid, xmlid): """Low level xmlid lookup Return (id, res_model, res_id) or raise ValueError if not found """ module, name = xmlid.split('.', 1) ids =, uid, [('module','=',module), ('name','=', name)]) if not ids: raise ValueError('External ID not found in the system: %s' % (xmlid)) # the sql constraints ensure us we have only one result res =, uid, ids[0], ['model', 'res_id']) if not res['res_id']: raise ValueError('External ID not found in the system: %s' % (xmlid)) return ids[0], res['model'], res['res_id']
返回的是 xml 视图id model res_id
@api.multi def popup_wizard( self ): if self._context is None: self._context = {} ir_model_data = self.env[''] try: compose_form_id = ir_model_data.get_object_reference( 'ir_export_extended_ept', 'export_wizard_view_ept' )[1] except ValueError: compose_form_id = False return { 'name': _( 'Export File' ), 'res_model': 'export.wizard.ept', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_id': compose_form_id, 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_type': 'form', 'target': 'new', }