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  • 爱进入,更爱自旋,乱谈Monitor.Enter究竟自旋了麽?(一)


    我们首先来看看CriticalSection的概念与用法,本文在概念这一方面较大量地引用了valdok在CodeProject上的一文Fast critical sections with timeout,作者在这篇文章里实现了一个性能更好的CriticalSection,文中对spin和CriticalSection的分析非常到位,有兴趣的读者请自行前往阅读。


    A critical section object provides synchronization similar to that provided by a mutex object, except that a critical section can be used only by the threads of a single process. Event, mutex, and semaphore objects can also be used in a single-process application, but critical section objects provide a slightly faster, more efficient mechanism for mutual-exclusion synchronization (a processor-specific test and set instruction). Like a mutex object, a critical section object can be owned by only one thread at a time, which makes it useful for protecting a shared resource from simultaneous access. Unlike a mutex object, there is no way to tell whether a critical section has been abandoned.

    从这一段我们得出一个结论临界区使用的线程同步技术和Mutex等不同,Mutex和Event多借助于WaitForSingleObject或WaitForXXXXObject(s)等待内核对象状态,涉及到内核态与用户态的切换,而临界区使用的技术是more efficient mechanism,是a processor-specific test and set instruction是基于处理器命令的,其实这个技术的实现就是自旋。


    Minding all the above, we introduce critical sections. It's a hybrid. When you attempt to lock it (call EnterCriticalSection,调用EnterCriticalSection试图获得锁), the idea is to perform the following steps:

    1. Check if this thread already owns the critical section. If it does, the lock/unlock is omitted (skip the rest). 先检查当前线程是否已经拥有临界区的锁。
    2. Attempt to lock a dedicated variable via the interlocked instruction (similar to what we've done). If the lock succeeds, return (skip the rest). 通过处理器interlocked命令尝试锁住一个变量,如果成功则意味获得锁并返回。
    3. Optionally, retry the second step a number of times. This can be enabled by calling InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount instead of InitializeCriticalSection. This step is always skipped on single-processor machines. 调用InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 来初始化临界区的自旋次数。只在多处理器计算机上有效。
    4. After we've tried all of the above, call a kernel-mode WaitXXXX function.如果上述步骤皆试过且依旧没有获得锁,则调用WaitXXXX进入内核态等待.


    while (InterlockedCompareExchange(&nLockCount, 1, 0));

    InterlockedCompareExchange是Interlocked函数家族的一员,凡冠以此前缀的函数都在处理器级别实现了对变量的操作同步(即使是多处理器情况下也如此,Interlocked会通过总线向其它处理器发送命令,告诉它们此时此刻只有我才能动),InterlockedCompareExchange函数会判断第一个参数与第三个参数是否相等,如果相等则将第二个参数复制给第一个参数,并返回原始值(这里就是0),调用InterlockedCompareExchange意味着只有第一次才生效,之后的调用都不会对nLockCount修改,返回值都是1,所以现在假设有两个线程同一时间分别执行这段代码,那麽将会只有一个线程退出while循环并继续下面的操作,即获得了临界区的锁,而另外一个线程则会无限循环,因为它那里InterlockedCompareExchange永远返回1==TRUE。这就是一个自旋的实现。不过这样的自旋如果没有退出循环的条件则意味着无限自旋和等待,所以真正的临界区肯定会有退出的条件,使用InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 初始化一个自旋次数就是一个条件,如果达到自旋次数且依旧没有获得锁,则直接WaitXXXX进入内核态。这时候我们再来看看valdok提供的一个类似EnterCriticalSection的代码实现就容易理解多了:

    // Attempt spin-lock
    for (DWORD dwSpin = 0; dwSpin < m_dwSpinMax; dwSpin++)
        if (PerfLockImmediate(dwThreadID))
            return true;


    // Ensure we have the kernel event created

    bool bVal = PerfLockKernel(dwThreadID, dwTimeout);

    return bVal;


    inline bool PerfLockImmediate(DWORD dwThreadID)
        return !_InterlockedCompareExchange((long*) &m_nLocker, dwThreadID, 0);


    switch (WaitForSingleObject(m_hSemaphore, dwWait))
            case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
                bWaiter = false;
            case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
                bWaiter = true;


    Interlocked operations cost us from tens to hundreds of processor cycles, whereas every kernel-mode call, including WaitForSingleObject and ReleaseMutex, for example, cost thousands of cycles, so that on multi-processor systems for short-time locking - spinning may be a preferred way to go.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dancewithautomation/p/2421034.html
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