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  • 重学微积分

    Chapter One: A Preview


    1-1 Introduction

    The eighteenth century is frequently thought of as the golden age of formal development in calculus, while the nineteenth century is regarded as the most important era of basic development. It should be noted, however, that the twentieth century has seen a significant basic development in calculus.

    1-2 Summation - 求和


    符号 含义
    sum 求和符号
    It is called a summation sign.
    ii 求和索引(我们都叫下标)
    It is called the summation index.
    jj and nn 上下限
    The lower and upper limits of summation, respectively.
    - 求和符号的意思是把从下限到上限的连续整数赋给ii
    The summation sign means: Assign to the summation index successive integer values from the lower to the upper limit of summation, inclusive.

    1-3 Functions - 函数

    f(x)=yf(x) = y

    术语 含义
    function 函数被定义为一个有序对的集合,这些有序对的第一项各不相同,也就是xx是唯一的,不存在x1=x2x_1=x_2,一个有序对可表示为(x,y)(x, y)
    A function is defined as a set of ordered pairs of numbers no two of which have the same first entry. The notation (x,y)(x, y) is commonly used for the ordered pair whose first entry is xx and whose second entry is yy.
    domain 函数的定义域为xx的集合。
    The domain of a function is the set of all first entries in its ordered pairs.
    range 函数的取值范围,简称值域,是yy的集合。
    The range of a function is the set of all its second entries.
    entry 查到的中文解释对应不上,我个人理解的是“项”:第一项,第二项。
    identity function 恒等函数
    polynomial_function 多项式函数

    Frequently, a single letter is used to denote a particular function. The ones in most common use are f,g,F,G,ϕ,Φf, g, F, G, phi, Phi. If ff is a function and aa is a number in its domain, then the symbol f(a)f(a) is used to denote the entry in the range corresponding to a. The symbol f(a)f(a) is read, ff of aa, and is called the value of ff at aa.
    And, given aa, the operation of getting f(a)f(a) is called application of ff to aa.

    例:f(a,b), g(a,c)两个函数的计算。
    fgf+gfg-5 -1-5 -1-5 -2-5 -2-1 4-1 3-1 -2-1 -2 0 5 0 -2 0 -2 0 -2 2 -1 3 -2 3 0 3 -2 3 0 4 4 egin{array}{cccc} f & g & f+g & fg \ hline ext{-5 -1} & ext{-5 -1} & ext{-5 -2}& ext{-5 -2}\ ext{-1 4} & ext{-1 3} & ext{-1 -2}& ext{-1 -2}\ ext{ 0 5} & ext{ 0 -2} & ext{ 0 -2} & ext{ 0 -2}\ ext{ 2 -1}\ ext{ 3 -2} & ext{ 3 0} & ext{ 3 -2} & ext{ 3 0}\ & ext{ 4 4} end{array}

    Unless otherwise specified, the domain of a function will be the set of all real numbers for which the formula for function values yields real numbers.

    1-4 Composite Functions - 复合函数

    fg,f circ g, if f(a)=b, and, g(b)=c,f(a)=b, and, g(b)=c, then, abc.a o b o c.

    术语 含义
    composite_function If ff and gg are functions such that the domain of ff overlaps the range of gg, then the composite function (fgf circ g) read ff circle gg, is defined as the set of all ordered pairs (a,c)(a, c) such that for some bb, (a,b)(a,b) is in gg and (b,c)(b,c) is in ff.

    1-5 Variables and Loci - 变量和位点



    A mapping is defined as a set of ordered pairs no two of which have the same first entry. The words “domain” and “range” apply to mappings in general as to the special case of functions.
    If two mappings have overlapping domains and if their ranges are sets of numbers, then their sum, difference, product and quotient are defined as in the case of functions.

    术语 含义
    product 乘积
    origin 原点
    the point of intersection of the coordinate axes.
    abscissa 横坐标
    the horizontal measurement.
    ordinate 纵坐标
    the vertical measurement.
    coordinates 坐标,包括横坐标和纵坐标。
    abscissa variable 横坐标变量
    ordinate variable 纵坐标变量

    1-6 Integrals - 积分

    A=limni=1nf(ci)(cici1)A=lim_{n o infty}sum_{i=1}^n f(c_i)(ci-c_{i-1}) 上图中,当矩形宽度无穷小时,所有矩形面积之和AA会无限接近于包围矩形,且上下限为(a,b)(a,b)的曲线与横轴围成的面积,即:abf=limni=1nf(ci)(cici1)int_a^bf=lim_{n o infty}sum_{i=1}^n f(c_i)(ci-c_{i-1}),it called the integral of aa from a to bb, and the symbol int is called an integral sign. The numbers aa and bb appended tp the integral sign are called the ==limits of integration.==This terminology is unfortunate, but standard.

    1-7 Derivatives - 微分

    f(a)=limh0f(a+h)f(a)hf'(a)=lim_{h o0}frac{f(a+h)-f(a)}{h}
    The number f(a)f'(a)is called the derivative of ff at aa. It is also referred to as the slope of the curve at aa.

    The set of all number pairs [a,f(a)][a,f'(a)] is a function ff'called merely the derivative of f.
    The operation of finding ff' from f is called differentiation.

    In general, the nn-th derivative of ff, designated by f(n)f^{(n)}, is the function obtained by starting with ff and applying the operation of differentiation nn times. Parentheses are used in the notation f(n)f^{(n)} to distinguish it from fnf^n, which means nn-th power of ff.

    1-8 The Fundamental Theorem - 基础定理(牛顿-莱布尼茨公式)

    method of exhaustions - 穷举法(这个是经典希腊的算法不是基础定理,就记一下穷举法怎么说。)
    下面的牛顿-莱布尼茨公式(Newton and Leibnitz)才是基础定理。
    在这里插入图片描述当曲线穿过矩形的(xˉ(ar x, f(xˉ)f(ar x))时,存在:A(x0+h)A(x0)h=hf(xˉ)h=f(xˉ)frac{A(x_0+h)-A(x_0)}{h}=frac{hf(ar x)}{h}=f(ar x)因为,A(x0+h)A(x0)A(x_0+h)-A(x_0)表示图a的阴影面积,而观察图b可以发现如果曲线的位置适当,图a的阴影区域面积近似于图b的矩形面积。进而有:A(x0)=limh0A(x0+h)A(x0)h=limxˉx0f(xˉ)=f(x0)A'(x_0)=lim_{h o 0}frac{A(x_0+h)-A(x_0)}{h}=lim_{ar x o x_0}f(ar x)=f(x_0)常见的变换:
    xn=xn1nint x^n=frac{x^{n-1}}{n}abcf=cabf;ab(f+g)=abf+abgint_a^bcf=cint_a^bf quad quad; quad int_a^b(f+g)=int_a^bf+int_a^bgabf+bcf=acf;abf=Fab=F(b)F(a)int_a^bf+int_b^cf=int_a^cfquad quad; quad int_a^bf=F|_a^b=F(b)-F(a)

    1-9 Calculus of Variables - 变量的微积分

    The derivative of vv with respect to uu is denoted by DuvD_uv and defined by
    The nn-th derivative of vv with respect to uu is then DunvD_u^nv
    and abf(x)dxint_a^bf(x)dxis called the integral from aa to bb of f(x)f(x) with respect to xx.

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