请原谅我的后知后觉... ...大学的时候一直听鱼缸同志说这片如此这般的经典,但那时的我应该是比较肤浅吧,只对虎胆龙威黑客帝国类感兴趣... ... 上周入了FH的D9+D5, So... 今天终于有缘观赏 ...

其实片子的剧情挺简单的,没有大起大落的情节,但导演往往会在适当的时候制造一个个小高潮,不乏戏剧张力...所以三个小时的时间也不会觉得闷.....但也许因为没有复杂的剧情+深邃的思想,所以情约今生也没得到什么大奖吧...(但同年的city of angels何尝不是呢~)
老Anthony,实力派,演技自然没的说,他最后那段farewell speech虽然不长,但已足够touching...

老Anthony,实力派,演技自然没的说,他最后那段farewell speech虽然不长,但已足够touching...

BP,hollywood第一性感小生,在情约今生里面表演也是没的说,比较经典的是吃花生酱和跟女主角触电的场景... So good~

Claire Forlani 之前好像没怎么看过她的片子?她不算让人一见倾心的美女,但一双迷人的眼睛越看越顺眼,一句话,是个美女!

里面的台词也很经典... ...
Susan: what do we do now?
Joe: It'll come to us...(smile)
old Bill: No regrets?
Susan: No regrets.
Joe: What's wrong with taking care of a woman?She takes care of you...
old Bill: Sixty-five years,Dont they go by in a blink?
Bill: It's hard to let go,isnt it?
Joe: Yes,it is,Bill.
Bill: Well,that's life,what can i tell you....
lighting can strike...

里面的台词也很经典... ...
Susan: what do we do now?
Joe: It'll come to us...(smile)
old Bill: No regrets?
Susan: No regrets.
Joe: What's wrong with taking care of a woman?She takes care of you...
old Bill: Sixty-five years,Dont they go by in a blink?
Bill: It's hard to let go,isnt it?
Joe: Yes,it is,Bill.
Bill: Well,that's life,what can i tell you....
lighting can strike...