genrsa -out rsa_private_key.pem 1024
pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -in rsa_private_key.pem -outform PEM -nocrypt -out private_key.pem
rsa -in rsa_private_key.pem -pubout -out rsa_public_key.pem
<?php header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); $rsaKey = new RSAKey(); $privateKey = $rsaKey->getPrivateKey(); $publicKey = $rsaKey->getPublicKey(); $pi_key = openssl_pkey_get_private("这里填用openssl生成的私钥字符串"); $pu_key = openssl_pkey_get_public("这里填用openssl生成的公钥字符串"); $data = "一段明文"; $encrypted = ""; $decrypted = ""; echo "原始数据:".$data."<BR>"; /** 私钥加密,公钥解密 */ echo "私钥加密:<br>"; openssl_private_encrypt($data,$encrypted,$pi_key);//私钥加密 $encrypted = base64_encode($encrypted);//将机密后的字符串用base64转义一下,方便个别特殊字符的传输 echo $encrypted."<br>"; echo "公钥解密:<br>"; openssl_public_decrypt(base64_decode($encrypted),$decrypted,$pu_key);//公钥解密 echo $decrypted."<br>"; /** 公钥加密,私钥解密 */ echo "公钥加密:<br>"; openssl_public_encrypt($data,$encrypted,$pu_key);//公钥加密 $encrypted = base64_encode($encrypted); echo "私钥解密:<br>"; openssl_private_decrypt(base64_decode($encrypted),$decrypted,$pi_key);//私钥解密 echo $decrypted."<br>"; ?>
using System; using System.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Web; using System.IO; namespace Thinhunan.Cnblogs.Com.RSAUtility { /// <summary> /// Author http://thinhunan.cnblogs.com /// </summary> public class PemConverter { /// <summary> /// 将pem格式公钥(1024 or 2048)转换为RSAParameters /// </summary> /// <param name="pemFileConent">pem公钥内容</param> /// <returns>转换得到的RSAParamenters</returns> public static RSAParameters ConvertFromPemPublicKey(string pemFileConent) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pemFileConent)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pemFileConent", "This arg cann't be empty."); } pemFileConent = pemFileConent.Replace("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", "").Replace("-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace(" ", ""); byte[] keyData = Convert.FromBase64String(pemFileConent); bool keySize1024 = (keyData.Length == 162); bool keySize2048 = (keyData.Length == 294); if (!( keySize1024 || keySize2048 )) { throw new ArgumentException("pem file content is incorrect, Only support the key size is 1024 or 2048"); } byte[] pemModulus = (keySize1024? new byte[128] : new byte[256]); byte[] pemPublicExponent = new byte[3]; Array.Copy(keyData, (keySize1024? 29:33), pemModulus, 0,(keySize1024? 128:256)); Array.Copy(keyData, (keySize1024? 159:291), pemPublicExponent, 0, 3); RSAParameters para = new RSAParameters(); para.Modulus = pemModulus; para.Exponent = pemPublicExponent; return para; } /// <summary> /// 将pem格式私钥(1024 or 2048)转换为RSAParameters /// </summary> /// <param name="pemFileConent">pem私钥内容</param> /// <returns>转换得到的RSAParamenters</returns> public static RSAParameters ConvertFromPemPrivateKey(string pemFileConent) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pemFileConent)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pemFileConent", "This arg cann't be empty."); } pemFileConent = pemFileConent.Replace("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "").Replace("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace(" ",""); byte[] keyData = Convert.FromBase64String(pemFileConent); bool keySize1024 = (keyData.Length == 609 || keyData.Length == 610); bool keySize2048 = (keyData.Length == 1190 || keyData.Length == 1192); if (!(keySize1024 || keySize2048)) { throw new ArgumentException("pem file content is incorrect, Only support the key size is 1024 or 2048"); } int index = ( keySize1024 ? 11 : 12); byte[] pemModulus = ( keySize1024 ? new byte[128]:new byte[256]); Array.Copy(keyData, index, pemModulus, 0, pemModulus.Length); index += pemModulus.Length; index += 2; byte[] pemPublicExponent = new byte[3]; Array.Copy(keyData, index, pemPublicExponent, 0, 3); index += 3; index += 4; if ((int)keyData[index] == 0) { index++; } byte[] pemPrivateExponent = (keySize1024 ? new byte[128] : new byte[256]); Array.Copy(keyData, index , pemPrivateExponent, 0, pemPrivateExponent.Length); index += pemPrivateExponent.Length; index += (keySize1024? ((int)keyData[index+1] == 64?2: 3):((int)keyData[index+2] == 128 ?3:4)); byte[] pemPrime1 = (keySize1024 ? new byte[64] : new byte[128]); Array.Copy(keyData, index, pemPrime1, 0, pemPrime1.Length); index += pemPrime1.Length; index += (keySize1024 ? ((int)keyData[index + 1] == 64 ? 2 : 3) : ((int)keyData[index + 2] == 128 ? 3 : 4)); byte[] pemPrime2 = (keySize1024 ? new byte[64] : new byte[128]); Array.Copy(keyData, index , pemPrime2, 0, pemPrime2.Length); index += pemPrime2.Length; index += (keySize1024 ? ((int)keyData[index + 1] == 64 ? 2 : 3) : ((int)keyData[index + 2] == 128 ? 3 : 4)); byte[] pemExponent1 = (keySize1024 ? new byte[64] : new byte[128]); Array.Copy(keyData,index, pemExponent1, 0, pemExponent1.Length); index += pemExponent1.Length; index += (keySize1024 ? ((int)keyData[index + 1] == 64 ? 2 : 3) : ((int)keyData[index + 2] == 128 ? 3 : 4)); byte[] pemExponent2 = (keySize1024 ? new byte[64] : new byte[128]); Array.Copy(keyData, index, pemExponent2, 0, pemExponent2.Length); index += pemExponent2.Length; index += (keySize1024 ? ((int)keyData[index + 1] == 64 ? 2 : 3) : ((int)keyData[index + 2] == 128 ? 3 : 4)); byte[] pemCoefficient = (keySize1024 ? new byte[64] : new byte[128]); Array.Copy(keyData, index, pemCoefficient, 0, pemCoefficient.Length); RSAParameters para = new RSAParameters(); para.Modulus = pemModulus; para.Exponent = pemPublicExponent; para.D = pemPrivateExponent; para.P = pemPrime1; para.Q = pemPrime2; para.DP = pemExponent1; para.DQ = pemExponent2; para.InverseQ = pemCoefficient; return para; } } }