使用profiler建立跟踪,将跟踪结果存到表中,使用下面存储过程执行 exec temp_profiler 'tra_tablename'对表数据进行处理归类,然后进行性能分析
--处理trace数据 --exec temp_profiler 'temp_profiler201509061618' select top 10000 * from temp_profiler201509061618 order by reads desc --1)查出最耗时的语句或过程 select * from temp_profiler201509061618_stat order by total_duration desc --3) 统计某个过程或者sql语句的个数 select proc_sql_id ,count(1) counts from temp_profiler201509061618 group by proc_sql_id order by counts desc --2)查询某个过程或者sql语句详情 select * from temp_profiler201509061618 where proc_sql_id = 3--1047 select * from temp_profiler201509061618 where proc_sql_id = 22--672 select * from temp_profiler201509061618 where proc_sql_id = 18--33
exec temp_profiler 'temp_profiler201508210920'
select top 10000 * from temp_profiler201508210920 order by reads desc
select * from temp_profiler201508210920_stat order by total_duration desc
select proc_sql_id ,count(1) counts from temp_profiler201508210920 group by proc_sql_id order by counts desc
select * from temp_profiler201508210920 where proc_sql_id = 2--5761
select * from temp_profiler_2015060816 where textdata like 'exec PageList%'
USE [temp_profiler] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[temp_profiler] Script Date: 08/26/2015 10:16:31 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= --http://www.cnblogs.com/davidhou -- Author: <houpeidong> -- Create date: <20150611> -- Description: <profiler抓取到的数据存入表中,此存储过程功能为性能分析工具,表名不能加中括号> -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[temp_profiler] @tblName NVARCHAR(500) as begin SET NOCOUNT ON --DECLARE @tblName NVARCHAR(500) ; --set @tblName = 'temp_profiler_20151' ; DECLARE @sqlStr NVARCHAR(2000); --10. 对trace表的数据进行处理前的一些准备: -- 时间改为毫秒 SET @sqlStr = N'update ' + @tblName +' set duration = duration / 1000 where duration is not null '; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; --update temp_profiler_2015060917 set duration = duration / 1000 where duration is not null -- 时间改为毫秒 --修改 textdata 为 nvarchar(max)类型,因为textdata默认保存为ntext类型,处理不方便 SET @sqlStr = N'alter table '+@tblName+' alter column textdata nvarchar(max)'; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; --alter table temp_profiler_2015060917 alter column textdata nvarchar(max) --新增两个字段 SET @sqlStr = N'alter table '+@tblName+' add proc_sql nvarchar(max)'; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; --alter table temp_profiler_2015060917 add proc_sql nvarchar(max) -- 保存该textdata调用的存储过程,原始sql等; SET @sqlStr = N'alter table '+@tblName+' add proc_sql_id int'; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; --alter table temp_profiler_2015060917 add proc_sql_id int -- 为存储过程和原始sql指定一个编号 --11. 处理trace数据 -- 1)找出执行的sql脚本(带参数) ,更新到 proc_sql 字段 SET @sqlStr = N' update '+@tblName+' set proc_sql = replace(left(textdata,charindex('''''',N'''''',textdata) - 1),''exec sp_executesql N'''''','''') where (proc_sql is null or proc_sql = '''' ) and charindex(''exec sp_executesql N'', textdata ) = 1 '; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; --2)找出执行的存储过程,更新到 proc_sql 字段 SET @sqlStr = N' update '+@tblName+' set proc_sql = replace( replace( left( right(textdata,len(textdata) - charindex(''exec '',textdata) + 3), charindex(''@'', right(textdata,len(textdata) - charindex(''exec '',textdata) + 3) ) ),''exec '','''') ,''@'','''') where (proc_sql is null or proc_sql = '''' ) and charindex(''exec '',textdata) > 0 '; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; --3)找出没有参数的sql脚本,更新到 proc_sql 字段 --update temp_profiler_2015060917 set proc_sql = textdata where proc_sql is null and textdata is not null SET @sqlStr = N'update '+@tblName+' set proc_sql = textdata where proc_sql is null and textdata is not null' EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; --12. 统计 --1)新建表,用于保存统计数据,trace_20130910每个proc_sql对应一行 SET @sqlStr = N' create table ['+@tblName+'_stat] ( id int identity(1,1) primary key, databaseid int, proc_sql nvarchar(max), -- 对应trace_20130910的proc_sql total_duration bigint, -- 总耗时 max_duration int, -- 该语句最大耗时 min_duration int, -- 该语句最小耗时 rate_duration int -- 所耗时间百分比 ) '; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; --2)生成统计数据,存入1)步的表中 trace_20130910_stat] SET @sqlStr = N' ;with cte ( databaseid, proc_sql, total_duration, max_duration , min_duration ) as (select databaseid, proc_sql, sum(duration) as total_duration, max(duration) as max_duration, min(duration) as min_duration from '+@tblName+' where proc_sql is not null and proc_sql <> '''' group by databaseid,proc_sql ) , cte2 as (-- 总耗时,用来计算百分比 select sum(total_duration) as total_duration from cte ) insert into ['+@tblName+'_stat] ( databaseid, proc_sql, total_duration, max_duration , min_duration , rate_duration ) select databaseid, proc_sql, total_duration, max_duration , min_duration , 100 * total_duration / ( select total_duration from cte2 ) as rate_duration from cte order by rate_duration desc '; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; -- 3)更新记录表[trace_20130910]的 proc_sql_id SET @sqlStr = N' update ['+@tblName+'] set proc_sql_id = b.id from ['+@tblName+'] a inner join ['+@tblName+'_stat] b on a.databaseid = b.databaseid and a.proc_sql = b.proc_sql '; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlStr ; end ; GO