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  • Ext.core.DomQuery Dom选择器


    Element Selectors:(元素选择器)

    Ext.core.DomQuery.select('表达式')   返回HTMLElement[]

    * any element

    Ext.core.DomQuery.select('*') //返回所有dom元素

    E an element with the tag E

    Ext.core.DomQuery.select('div') //返回所有div元素

    E F All descendent elements of E that have the tag F

    Ext.core.DomQuery.select('div span') //返回所有div下的span元素 (无限层级 1,2都会匹配)


    E > F or E/F all direct children elements of E that have the tag F1 

    Ext.DomQuery.select("div > span") //匹配直接子元素 只向下查询一级(返回1)


    E + F all elements with the tag F that are immediately preceded by an element with the tag E

    Ext.DomQuery.select("div + span") //返回平级的 下面第一个匹配的元素 (444)

    E ~ F all elements with the tag F that are preceded by a sibling element with the tag E

    Ext.DomQuery.select("div ~ span") //返回平级的 下面所有匹配的元素 (444,666,777,888) 注意不匹配555,只返回平级的

          <span id="111"></span>
              <span id="222"></span>
              <span id="333"></span>
          <span id="444"><span id="555"></span></span>
          <span id="666"></span>
          <span id="777"></span>
          <span id="888"></span>

    Attribute Selectors:(属性选择器)

    E[foo] has an attribute "foo"

    Ext.DomQuery.select('*[foo]') //返回包含foo属性的所有元素(*代表所有DOM元素)

    Ext.DomQuery.select('div[foo]') //返回包含foo属性的所有DIV元素

    E[foo=bar] has an attribute "foo" that equals "bar"

    Ext.DomQuery.select('div[foo=bar]') //返回所有属性foo等于bar的DIV元素

    E[foo^=bar] has an attribute "foo" that starts with "bar"

    Ext.DomQuery.select('div[foo^=bar]') //返回所有属性foo已bar开头的DIV元素

    E[foo$=bar] has an attribute "foo" that ends with "bar"

    Ext.DomQuery.select('div[foo$=bar]') //返回所有属性foo已bar结尾的DIV元素

    E[foo*=bar] has an attribute "foo" that contains the substring "bar"

    Ext.DomQuery.select('div[foo*=bar]') //返回所有属性foo包含bar的DIV元素

    E[foo%=2] has an attribute "foo" that is evenly divisible by 2

    Ext.DomQuery.select('div[foo%=bar]') //返回所有属性foo能被2整除的DIV元素

    E[foo!=bar] attribute "foo" does not equal "bar"

    Ext.DomQuery.select('div[foo%=bar]') //返回所有属性foo不等于bar的DIV元素

    CSS Value Selectors:(Css选择器)


            .mydiv {
                display: none;
    <div style=" 300; display: none;" >22</div>
    <div class="myidv"></div>

    E{display=none} css value "display" that equals "none"

    E{display^=none} css value "display" that starts with "none"

    E{display$=none} css value "display" that ends with "none"

    E{display*=none} css value "display" that contains the substring "none"

    E{display%=2} css value "display" that is evenly divisible by 2

    E{display!=none} css value "display" that does not equal "none"

    Pseudo Classes:(伪类选择器)

    E:first-child E is the first child of its parent

    Ext.DomQuery.select('div:first-child') //返回元素E ,并且E是它父元素的下面的第一个子元素

    //返回div0 , div1 因为div0的父元素是body 并且它是body在面的第一个元素 ,div1的父元素是div0. 并且他是div0下面的第一个元素

          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2"></div>
          <div id="3"></div>

    E:last-child E is the last child of its parent

    Ext.DomQuery.select('div:last-child') //跟上面的正好相反.是父元素中的最后一个元素


          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2"></div>
          <div id="3"></div>

    E:nth-child(_n_) E is the _n_th child of its parent (1 based as per the spec)

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:nth-child(1)') 返回在其父元素中 第N个的E元素 返回 div0,div1,div4

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:nth-child(2)')  返回div2,div3

          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2"></div>
          <div id="3">
              <div id="4"></div>

    E:nth-child(odd) E is an odd child of its parent

    //与上面类似 返回奇数

    E:nth-child(even) E is an even child of its parent

    //与上面类似 返回偶数

    E:only-child E is the only child of its parent

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:only-child') 返回父元素当中只有一个元素的E元素,返回div4

          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2"></div>
          <div id="3">
              <div id="4"></div>

    E:checked E is an element that is has a checked attribute that is true (e.g. a radio or checkbox)

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('input:checked')  返回选中的元素 1,2

          <input id="1" name="hobby" checked="checked" type="checkbox">
          <input id="2" name="hobby" checked="checked" type="checkbox">
          <input id="3" name="hobby" type="checkbox">

    E:first the first E in the resultset


    E:last the last E in the resultset


    E:nth(_n_) the _n_th E in the resultset (1 based)


    E:odd shortcut for :nth-child(odd)


    E:even shortcut for :nth-child(even)


    E:contains(foo) E's innerHTML contains the substring "foo"

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:contains(foo)')  innerHTML 属性中包含foo的E元素, [div#0div#1div#2]

          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2">foo</div>
          <div id="3">
              <div id="4"></div>
          <div id="5"></div>

    E:nodeValue(foo) E contains a textNode with a nodeValue that equals "foo"

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:nodeValue(foo)')//返回值包含一个文本元素,并且值为foo的 div元素 [div#2]

          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2">foo</div>
          <div id="3">
              <div id="4"></div>
          <div id="5"></div>

    E:not(S) an E element that does not match simple selector S

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:not([id=3])') (注意红色地方放选择器表达式) 返回id 不等于3的div 返回 [div#0div#1div#2div#4div#5]

          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2">foo</div>
          <div id="3">
              <div id="4"></div>
          <div id="5"></div>

    E:has(S) an E element that has a descendent that matches simple selector S

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:has(span[id=s1])')  返回包含span[id=s1]表达式所匹配元素的 div元素


          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2">foo</div>
          <div id="3">
              <div id="4"></div>
          <div id="5"></div>

    E:next(S) an E element whose next sibling matches simple selector S

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:next(div[id=3])') 返回div元素,并且其平级元素的下一个是div[id=3]所匹配的元素

    //匹配 div#1

          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2">foo</div>
          <div id="3">
              <div id="4"></div>
          <div id="5"></div>

    E:prev(S) an E element whose previous sibling matches simple selector S

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:next(div[id=3])') 返回div元素,并且其平级元素的上一个是div[id=3]所匹配的元素


          <div id="0">
              <div id="1">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2">foo</div>
          <div id="3">
              <div id="4"></div>
          <div id="5"></div>

    E:any(S1|S2|S2) an E element which matches any of the simple selectors S1, S2 or S3

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:any([id=2]|[id=3]|[id=4])') 或者的关系

    E:visible(true) an E element which is deeply visible according to Ext.dom.Element.isVisible

    //Ext.DomQuery.select('div:visible(true)') 匹配所有可见的div 返回 [div#0div#3div#4div#5]

          <div id="0">
              <div id="1" style="display: none;">
                  <span id="s1"></span>
                  <div id="2">foo</div>
          <div id="3">
              <div id="4"></div>
          <div id="5"></div>
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