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  • MFC应用程序逆向经验总结

    如何找到MFC AppInitInstance入口地址


    00401A83| E8 68040000           | call    00401EF0                                  | __security_init_cookiepping

    00401A88| E9 36FDFFFF           | jmp     004017C3                                  | __tmainCRTStartup



    004017C3| 6A 5C                 | push    5C                                        |

    004017C5| 68 B83B4000           | push    403BB8                                    |

    004017CA| E8 79060000           | call    00401E48                                  | __SEH_prolog4


    004018FD| 0FB74D C4             | movzx   ecx,word ptr ss:[ebp-3C]                  |

    00401901| EB 03                 | jmp     short 00401906                            |

    00401903| 6A 0A                 | push    0A                                        |

    00401905| 59                    | pop     ecx                                       |

    00401906| 51                    | push    ecx                                       |

    00401907| 50                    | push    eax                                       |

    00401908| 53                    | push    ebx                                       |

    00401909| 68 00004000           | push    400000                                    |

    0040190E| E8 AB070000           | call    004020BE                                  |wWinMain

    00401913| A3 30514000           | mov     dword ptr ds:[405130],eax                 |

    00401918| 391D 24514000         | cmp     dword ptr ds:[405124],ebx                 |

    0040191E| 75 4C                 | jnz     short 0040196C                            |

    00401920| 50                    | push    eax                                       |

    00401921| FF15 A8324000         | call    dword ptr ds:[4032A8]                     |MSVCR80.exit

    00401927| 66:83F9 22            | cmp     cx,22                                     |

    0040192B| 75 0B                 | jnz     short 00401938                            |

    0040192D| 33C9                  | xor     ecx,ecx                                   |

    0040192F| 395D E4               | cmp     dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C],ebx                 |

    00401932| 0F94C1                | sete    cl                                        |

    00401935| 894D E4               | mov     dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C],ecx                 |

    00401938| 40                    | inc     eax                                       |

    00401939| 40                    | inc     eax                                       |

    0040193A| EB 90                 | jmp     short 004018CC                            |

    0040193C| 8B45 EC               | mov     eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]                 |

    0040193F| 8B08                  | mov     ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]                    |

    00401941| 8B09                  | mov     ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]                    |

    00401943| 894D D8               | mov     dword ptr ss:[ebp-28],ecx                 |

    00401946| 50                    | push    eax                                       |

    00401947| 51                    | push    ecx                                       |

    00401948| E8 A9030000           | call    00401CF6                                  |jmp MSVCR80._XcptFilter

    0040194D| 59                    | pop     ecx                                       |

    0040194E| 59                    | pop     ecx                                       |

    0040194F| C3                    | retn                                              |



    004020BE| E9 19000000           | jmp     004020DC                                  | AfxWinMain


    004020DC| FF25 0C324000         | jmp     dword ptr ds:[40320C]                     |MFC80U.7831D25F



    7831D25F| 53                    | push    ebx                                       |

    7831D260| 56                    | push    esi                                       |

    7831D261| 57                    | push    edi                                       |

    7831D262| 83CB FF               | or      ebx,FFFFFFFF                              |

    7831D265| E8 CA2CFFFF           | call    7830FF34                                  |MFC80U.7830FF34

    7831D26A| 8B70 04               | mov     esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]                  |

    7831D26D| E8 4F2CFFFF           | call    7830FEC1                                  |MFC80U.7830FEC1

    7831D272| FF7424 1C             | push    dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]                     |

    7831D276| 8B78 04               | mov     edi,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]                  |

    7831D279| FF7424 1C             | push    dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]                     |

    7831D27D| FF7424 1C             | push    dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]                     |

    7831D281| FF7424 1C             | push    dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]                     |

    7831D285| E8 F3CA0200           | call    78349D7D                                  |MFC80U.78349D7D

    7831D28A| 85C0                  | test    eax,eax                                   |

    7831D28C| 74 3C                 | je      short 7831D2CA                            |MFC80U.7831D2CA

    7831D28E| 85FF                  | test    edi,edi                                   |

    7831D290| 74 0E                 | je      short 7831D2A0                            |MFC80U.7831D2A0

    7831D292| 8B07                  | mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]                    |

    7831D294| 8BCF                  | mov     ecx,edi                                   |

    7831D296| FF90 98000000         | call    dword ptr ds:[eax+98]                     |

    7831D29C| 85C0                  | test    eax,eax                                   |

    7831D29E| 74 2A                 | je      short 7831D2CA                            |MFC80U.7831D2CA

    7831D2A0| 8B06                  | mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[esi]                    |

    7831D2A2| 8BCE                  | mov     ecx,esi                                   |

    7831D2A4| FF50 58               | call    dword ptr ds:[eax+58]                     | CtestApp::InitInstance










    CWnd::OnWndMsg(uint,uint,long,long *) .text 004015CC

    004015CC| FF25 D4304000         | jmp     dword ptr ds:[4030D4]                     |MFC80U.78312DF0



    78312DF0| 55                    | push    ebp                                       |

    78312DF1| 8BEC                  | mov     ebp,esp                                   |

    78312DF3| 83E4 F8               | and     esp,FFFFFFF8                              |

    78312DF6| 6A FF                 | push    -1                                        |

    78312DF8| 68 7ABF3A78           | push    783ABF7A                                  |

    78312DFD| 64:A1 00000000        | mov     eax,dword ptr fs:[0]                      |

    78312E03| 50                    | push    eax                                       |

    78312E04| 81EC 80000000         | sub     esp,80                                    |

    78312E0A| 53                    | push    ebx                                       |

    78312E0B| 56                    | push    esi                                       |

    78312E0C| 57                    | push    edi                                       |

    78312E0D| A1 18803C78           | mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[783C8018]               |

    78312E12| 33C4                  | xor     eax,esp                                   |

    78312E14| 50                    | push    eax                                       |

    78312E15| 8D8424 90000000       | lea     eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+90]                 |

    78312E1C| 64:A3 00000000        | mov     dword ptr fs:[0],eax                      |

    78312E22| 8BF9                  | mov     edi,ecx                                   |

    78312E24| 33C9                  | xor     ecx,ecx                                   |

    78312E26| 894C24 14             | mov     dword ptr ss:[esp+14],ecx                 |

    78312E2A| C74424 20 FFFFFF7F    | mov     dword ptr ss:[esp+20],7FFFFFFF            |

    78312E32| 8B75 08               | mov     esi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]                  |

    78312E35| 81FE 11010000         | cmp     esi,111                                   |

    78312E3B| 898C24 98000000       | mov     dword ptr ss:[esp+98],ecx                 |

    78312E42| 75 25                 | jnz     short 78312E69                            |MFC80U.78312E69

    78312E44| FF75 10               | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]                     |

    78312E47| 8B07                  | mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]                    |

    78312E49| FF75 0C               | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]                      |

    78312E4C| 8BCF                  | mov     ecx,edi                                   |

    78312E4E| FF90 F0000000         | call    dword ptr ds:[eax+F0]                     |

    78312E54| 85C0                  | test    eax,eax                                   |

    78312E56| 0F84 FD010000         | je      78313059                                  |MFC80U.78313059

    78312E5C| C74424 14 01000000    | mov     dword ptr ss:[esp+14],1                   |

    78312E64| E9 28050000           | jmp     78313391                                  |MFC80U.78313391

    78312E69| 83FE 4E               | cmp     esi,4E                                    |

    78312E6C| 75 2B                 | jnz     short 78312E99                            |MFC80U.78312E99

    78312E6E| 8B45 10               | mov     eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]                 |

    78312E71| 3908                  | cmp     dword ptr ds:[eax],ecx                    |

    78312E73| 0F84 E0010000         | je      78313059                                  |MFC80U.78313059

    78312E79| 8B17                  | mov     edx,dword ptr ds:[edi]                    |

    78312E7B| 8D4C24 14             | lea     ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]                 |

    78312E7F| 51                    | push    ecx                                       |

    78312E80| 50                    | push    eax                                       |

    78312E81| FF75 0C               | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]                      |

    78312E84| 8BCF                  | mov     ecx,edi                                   |

    78312E86| FF92 F4000000         | call    dword ptr ds:[edx+F4]                     |

    78312E8C| 85C0                  | test    eax,eax                                   |

    78312E8E| 0F85 FD040000         | jnz     78313391                                  |MFC80U.78313391

    78312E94| E9 C0010000           | jmp     78313059                                  |MFC80U.78313059

    78312E99| 83FE 06               | cmp     esi,6                                     |

    78312E9C| 8B5D 10               | mov     ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]                 |

    78312E9F| 75 13                 | jnz     short 78312EB4                            |MFC80U.78312EB4

    78312EA1| 53                    | push    ebx                                       |

    78312EA2| E8 1EEEFFFF           | call    78311CC5                                  |MFC80U.78311CC5

    78312EA7| FF75 0C               | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]                      |

    78312EAA| 8BF0                  | mov     esi,eax                                   |

    78312EAC| E8 60EBFFFF           | call    78311A11                                  |MFC80U.78311A11

    78312EB1| 8B75 08               | mov     esi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]                  |

    78312EB4| 83FE 20               | cmp     esi,20                                    |

    78312EB7| 75 1C                 | jnz     short 78312ED5                            |MFC80U.78312ED5

    78312EB9| 66:81FB FEFF          | cmp     bx,0FFFE                                  |

    78312EBE| 75 0F                 | jnz     short 78312ECF                            |MFC80U.78312ECF

    78312EC0| 8BC3                  | mov     eax,ebx                                   |

    78312EC2| C1E8 10               | shr     eax,10                                    |

    78312EC5| 50                    | push    eax                                       |

    78312EC6| 8BCF                  | mov     ecx,edi                                   |

    78312EC8| E8 B0EBFFFF           | call    78311A7D                                  |MFC80U.78311A7D

    78312ECD| EB 02                 | jmp     short 78312ED1                            |MFC80U.78312ED1

    78312ECF| 33C0                  | xor     eax,eax                                   |

    78312ED1| 85C0                  | test    eax,eax                                   |

    78312ED3| 75 87                 | jnz     short 78312E5C                            |MFC80U.78312E5C

    78312ED5| 8B47 4C               | mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+4C]                 |

    78312ED8| 85C0                  | test    eax,eax                                   |

    78312EDA| 74 4E                 | je      short 78312F2A                            |MFC80U.78312F2A

    78312EDC| 8378 74 00            | cmp     dword ptr ds:[eax+74],0                   |

    78312EE0| 7E 48                 | jle     short 78312F2A                            |MFC80U.78312F2A

    78312EE2| 81FE 00020000         | cmp     esi,200                                   |

    78312EE8| 72 08                 | jb      short 78312EF2                            |MFC80U.78312EF2

    78312EEA| 81FE 09020000         | cmp     esi,209                                   |

    78312EF0| 76 1B                 | jbe     short 78312F0D                            |MFC80U.78312F0D

    78312EF2| 81FE 00010000         | cmp     esi,100                                   |

    78312EF8| 72 08                 | jb      short 78312F02                            |MFC80U.78312F02

    78312EFA| 81FE 0F010000         | cmp     esi,10F                                   |

    78312F00| 76 0B                 | jbe     short 78312F0D                            |MFC80U.78312F0D

    78312F02| 8D86 7FFDFFFF         | lea     eax,dword ptr ds:[esi-281]                |

    78312F08| 83F8 10               | cmp     eax,10                                    |

    78312F0B| 77 1D                 | ja      short 78312F2A                            |MFC80U.78312F2A

    78312F0D| 8B4F 4C               | mov     ecx,dword ptr ds:[edi+4C]                 |

    78312F10| 8B01                  | mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx]                    |

    78312F12| 8D5424 14             | lea     edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]                 |

    78312F16| 52                    | push    edx                                       |

    78312F17| 53                    | push    ebx                                       |

    78312F18| FF75 0C               | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]                      |

    78312F1B| 56                    | push    esi                                       |

    78312F1C| FF90 9C000000         | call    dword ptr ds:[eax+9C]                     |

    78312F22| 85C0                  | test    eax,eax                                   |

    78312F24| 0F85 67040000         | jnz     78313391                                  |MFC80U.78313391

    78312F2A| 8B07                  | mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]                    |

    78312F2C| 8BCF                  | mov     ecx,edi                                   |

    78312F2E| FF50 30               | call    dword ptr ds:[eax+30]                     | CtestDlg::GetMessageMap 004011D0



    004011D0| B8 78354000           | mov     eax,403578                                |

    004011D5| C3                    | retn                                              |



    00403578  00401680  @  ?GetThisMessageMap@CDialog@@

    0040357C  00403500  @  00403500

    00403580 >00320031  12

    00403584  00000033  3.


    其中00401680  是基类CDialog的消息映射信息;00403500  CtestDlg类的消息映射信息,数据跟随00403500

    00403500  00000112  Ē. WM_SYSCOMMAND

    00403504  00000000  ..

    00403508  00000000  ..

    0040350C  00000000  ..

    00403510  0000001E  ‑.

    00403514  004012C0  @  CtestDlg::OnSysCommandeting destructor''

    00403518  0000000F  . WM_PAINT

    0040351C  00000000  ..

    00403520  00000000  ..

    00403524  00000000  ..

    00403528  00000013  .

    0040352C  00401360  @  CtestDlg::OnPaint deleting destructor'''

    00403530  00000037  7. WM_QUERYDRAGICON

    00403534  00000000  ..

    00403538  00000000  ..

    0040353C  00000000  ..

    00403540  00000028  (.

    00403544  00401440  @  CtestDlg::OnQueryDragIconzer$

    00403548  00000111  đ. WM_COMMAND

    0040354C  00000000  ..

    00403550  000003E8  Ϩ.    按钮的ID,十进制是1000

    00403554  000003E8  Ϩ.   

    00403558  00000038  8.

    0040355C  00401450  @  CtestDlg::OnBnClickedButton1eApp''

    00403560  00000000  ..

    00403564  00000000  ..

    00403568  00000000  ..

    0040356C  00000000  ..

    00403570  00000000  ..

    00403574  00000000  ..


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/daxingxing/p/2186364.html
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