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  • 图片上传

    function changfile(obj, imgid) { var fileName = $(obj).val(); if (fileName.indexOf("\") != -1) fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("\") + 1, fileName.length); //开始提交 $("#form").ajaxSubmit({ url: "ashx/UploadImage.ashx?filename=" + fileName + "&folder=product ", type: "post", dataType: "text", timeout: 600000, beforeSubmit: function (formData, jqForm, options) { $("#img1").attr("src", "images/upfile.jpg"); }, success: function (data) { var imageinfo = eval('(' + data + ')'); if (imageinfo.msg == "1") { $("#div_file").append("<div class='outer' imgsrc='" + imageinfo.imagepath + "'>" + "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></span>" + "<img src='" + imageinfo.imagepath + "' style=' 80px;height: 80px' alt='上传的图片' class='img_create' /></div>"); $(":text[name='OriginalImage']").val($(":text[name='OriginalImage']").val() + "|" + imageinfo.imagepath); $(obj).val(""); } }, error: function (data, status, e) { alert("上传失败,错误信息:" + e); $(obj).val(""); } }); }
       public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                context.Response.Buffer = true;
                context.Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                context.Response.Expires = 0;
                context.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
                context.Request.ContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8");
                context.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8");
                context.Response.Charset = "UTF-8";
                string fi = context.Request["fileName"];//接收文件名
                string folder = context.Request["folder"];//接收文件夹名称
                HttpFileCollection _upfile = context.Request.Files;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                string strFileName = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < _upfile.Count; i++)
                    strFileName = _upfile[i].FileName;
                    if (strFileName != "")
                        FileInfo f = new FileInfo(strFileName);
                        strFileName = f.Name;
                    // if (Common.ReqStr("filename") != "" && strFileName == Common.ReqStr("filename"))
                    //  {
                    context.Response.Write(fileSaveAs(_upfile[i], folder)); break;
                    //  }
     1  /// <summary>
     2         ///  文件上传方法
     3         /// </summary>
     4         /// <param name="_postedFile"></param>
     5         /// <param name="folder">存储文件夹</param>
     6         /// <returns></returns>
     7         public string fileSaveAs(HttpPostedFile _postedFile, string folder)
     8         {
    10             try
    11             {
    12                 string fileName = _postedFile.FileName;
    13                 string _fileExt = _postedFile.FileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).Trim().ToLower();
    14                 //验证合法的文件
    15                 string[] strArray = { "jpg", "png", "jpge", "gif", "bmp", "jpeg" };
    16                 if (!strArray.Contains(_fileExt))
    17                 {
    18                     return "{msg: 0, imagepath: "不允许上传" + _fileExt + "类型的文件!"}";
    19                 }
    20                 if (_postedFile.ContentLength > 4194304)
    21                 {
    22                     return "{msg: 0, imagepath: "文件大小不能超过4MB!"}";
    23                 }
    24                 if (fileName.IndexOf(' ') > -1)
    25                 {
    26                     fileName = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1);
    27                 }
    28                 else if (fileName.IndexOf('/') > -1)
    29                 {
    30                     fileName = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    31                 }
    33                 //string uploadDir = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/images/");
    34                 string uploadDir = "/images/";//上传地址
    35                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder))
    36                 {
    37                     uploadDir = "/images/" + folder + "/";
    38                 }
    41                 //检查是否有该路径没有就创建
    42                 if (!Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(uploadDir)))
    43                 {
    44                     Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(uploadDir));
    45                 }
    46                 string strFileExt = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf("."));
    47                 strFileExt = ".jpg";
    48                 Random r = new Random();
    49                 string strNewFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + r.Next(1, 9);
    50                 string uploadPath = uploadDir + strNewFileName + strFileExt;
    53                 _postedFile.SaveAs(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(uploadPath));
    54                 System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(_postedFile.InputStream);
    55                 float w = image.Width;
    56                 float h = image.Height;
    57                 string fileType = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower();
    59                 return "{msg: 1, imagepath: "" + uploadPath.Replace("~/", "/") + ""}";
    60             }
    61             catch (Exception ex)
    62             {
    63                 return "{msg: 0, imagepath: "上传过程中发生意外错误!+" + ex.Message + ""}";
    64             }
    65         }
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