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  • 在Swift中使用AutoLayout-VFL(AutoLayout-VFL笔记)


    iOS开发这几年, UI布局工具从frame到Masonry到SnapKit, sb和xib的AutoLayout也用过, 但是代码版本的AutoLayout倒是没用过, 最近一年, 频频发现一些三方UI组件布局的bug, 作为三方组件不可能去依赖另一个三方的kayout仓库, 所以只能通过代码的AutoLayout来解决. 好吧, 最近我忍不了了, 于是乎就开始学习代码版本的AutoLayout.

    学习目标: 不追求用的多么熟练, 至少要会用, 能够看懂别人的布局代码是怎么回事, 能够找别人布局代码的问题出在哪里.


    首先需要知道, 在cocoa touch中, 有三种布局方式: Manual layoutAutoresizingAutolayout, 这里要讲解的是第三个AutoLayout. 要想使用代码布局AutoLayout, 首先需要设置translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=false, 原因见API注释:

    /* By default, the autoresizing mask on a view gives rise to constraints that fully determine 
         the view's position. This allows the auto layout system to track the frames of views whose 
         layout is controlled manually (through -setFrame:, for example).
         When you elect to position the view using auto layout by adding your own constraints, 
         you must set this property to NO. IB will do this for you.
        @available(iOS 6.0, *)
        open var translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints: Bool // Default YES

    如果不这样设置, 则在运行时候会得到如下的警告(没有编译警告):



    /* Create constraints explicitly.  Constraints are of the form "view1.attr1 = view2.attr2 * multiplier + constant" 
         If your equation does not have a second view and attribute, use nil and NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute.
        public convenience init(item view1: Any, attribute attr1: NSLayoutAttribute, relatedBy relation: NSLayoutRelation, toItem view2: Any?, attribute attr2: NSLayoutAttribute, multiplier: CGFloat, constant c: CGFloat)
    item:            指定约束左边的视图view1 
    attribute:      指定view1的属性attr1,具体见上述枚举值。 
    relatedBy:     指定左右两边的视图的关系relation,具体见上述枚举值。 
    toItem:         指定约束右边的视图view2 (可以设置为nil,则attribute=.attribute)
    attribute:      指定view2的属性attr2,具体见上述枚举值。 
    multiplier:     指定一个与view2属性相乘的乘数multiplier 
    constant:      指定一个与view2属性相加的浮点数constant
    public enum NSLayoutRelation : Int {
        case lessThanOrEqual
        case equal
        case greaterThanOrEqual
    public enum NSLayoutAttribute : Int {
        case left            //左边
        case right
        case top            //顶部
        case bottom
        case leading       //前面
        case trailing        //后面
        case width
        case height
        case centerX
        case centerY
        case lastBaseline
        @available(iOS 8.0, *)
        case firstBaseline
        @available(iOS 8.0, *)
        case leftMargin
        @available(iOS 8.0, *)
        case rightMargin
        @available(iOS 8.0, *)
        case topMargin
        @available(iOS 8.0, *)
        case bottomMargin
        @available(iOS 8.0, *)
        case leadingMargin
        @available(iOS 8.0, *)
        case trailingMargin
        @available(iOS 8.0, *)
        case centerXWithinMargins
        @available(iOS 8.0, *)
        case centerYWithinMargins
        case notAnAttribute

    left和leading的不同之处, 详见stackoverflow: Difference between NSLayoutAttributeLeft vs NSLayoutAttributeLeading

    **一个简单的,设置view约束的示例: **

    let leftLayout = NSLayoutConstraint(item: blueView,
                                        attribute: .left,
                                        relatedBy: .equal,
                                        toItem: view,
                                        attribute: .left,
                                        multiplier: 1,
                                        constant: 20)
    let topLayout = NSLayoutConstraint(item: blueView,
                                       attribute: .top,
                                       relatedBy: .equal,
                                       toItem: redView,
                                       attribute: .bottom,
                                       multiplier: 1,
                                       constant: 30)
    let heightLayout = NSLayoutConstraint(item: blueView,
                                          attribute: .height,
                                          relatedBy: .equal,
                                          toItem: nil,
                                          attribute: .notAnAttribute,
                                          multiplier: 1,
                                          constant: 100)
    let rightLayout = NSLayoutConstraint(item: blueView,
                                         attribute: .right,
                                         relatedBy: .equal,
                                         toItem: view,
                                         attribute: .right,
                                         multiplier: 1,
                                         constant: -10)
    view.addConstraints([leftLayout, topLayout, heightLayout, rightLayout])

    毋庸置疑, NSLayoutConstraint非常强大, 但是代码量也同样非常大, 简单一个view的约束就要写将近30行代码. 其实cocoa touch团队已经想到了这点, 他们为我们提供了另一种更简单的方法, 那就是VFL !

    4.第二种实现AutoLayout的方法: VFL(Visual Format Language)


    4.1 了解VFL

    VFL(Visual Format Language): “可视化格式语言”, 苹果公司为了简化autolayout的编码而推出的抽象语言.


    功能 表达式
    水平方向 H:
    垂直方向 V:
    Views [view]
    关系 >=,==,<=
    SuperView |
    空间,间隙 - -
    优先级 @value


    例子1: H:|-20-[view1(50)]-11-[view2]-20-|

    设置水平方向的布局, view1距离superView左边20个单位, view1的宽度是50, view1的右边是view2, view1和view2的距离是11个单位长度, view2距离superView右边20个单位长度.




    垂直方向上, redBox距离上面20个单位, redBox的高度是50个单位, redBox右边20个单位之外是yellowBox, yellowBox的高度和redBox的高度相等.

    4.2 代码示例


    /* Create an array of constraints using an ASCII art-like visual format string.
        open class func constraints(withVisualFormat format: String, options opts: NSLayoutFormatOptions = [], metrics: [String : Any]?, views: [String : Any]) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
        /* This macro is a helper for making view dictionaries for +constraintsWithVisualFormat:options:metrics:views:.  
         NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(v1, v2, v3) is equivalent to [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:v1, @"v1", v2, @"v2", v3, @"v3", nil];

    如下是设置redView和greenView的一个代码示例, VFL支持同时设置多个view的约束, 也支持设置相对约束.

    let redView = UIView()
    redView.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
    redView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    let blueView = UIView()
    blueView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blue
    blueView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    view.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "H:|-10-[view(200)]",
                                                       options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(),
                                                       metrics: nil,
                                                       views: ["view": redView]))
    view.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "V:|-20-[view(200)]",
                                                       options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(),
                                                       metrics: nil,
                                                       views: ["view": redView]))
    //设置blueView的约束, 此时blueView的约束是相对于redView来设置
    //实际上, 可以同时设置redView和blueView的约束, 这里拆开是为了测试VFL支持相对约束
    let hMetrics = ["middleSpace": 10, "rightSpace": 20]
    let hViews = ["redView": redView, "blueView": blueView]
    let hVFL = "H:[redView]-middleSpace-[blueView]-rightSpace-|"
    view.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: hVFL,
                                                       options: NSLayoutFormatOptions()
                                                       metrics: hMetrics,
                                                       views: hViews))
    let vMetrics = ["topSpace": 10, "height": 80]
    let vViews = hViews
    let vVFL = "V:[redView]-topSpace-[blueView(height)]"
    view.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: vVFL,
                                                       options: NSLayoutFormatOptions()
                                                       metrics: vMetrics,
                                                       views: vViews))

    4.3 使用规则(来自网络)

    |: 表示父视图
    V: :表示垂直
    H: :表示水平
    = :表示视图间距、宽度和高度必须大于或等于某个值
    <= :表示视图间距、宽度和高度必须小宇或等于某个值
    == :表示视图间距、宽度或者高度必须等于某个值
    @ :>=、<=、== 限制 最大为 1000
    |-[view]-|: 视图处在父视图的左右边缘内
    |-[view] : 视图处在父视图的左边缘
    |[view] : 视图和父视图左边对齐
    -[view]- : 设置视图的宽度高度
    |-30.0-[view]-30.0-|: 表示离父视图 左右间距 30
    [view(200.0)] : 表示视图宽度为 200.0
    |-[view(view1)]-[view1]-| :表示视图宽度一样,并且在父视图左右边缘内
    V:|-[view(50.0)] : 视图高度为 50
    V:|-(==padding)-[imageView]->=0-[button]-(==padding)-| : 表示离父视图的距离
    为Padding,这两个视图间距必须大于或等于0并且距离底部父视图为 padding。
    [wideView(>=60@700)] :视图的宽度为至少为60 不能超过 700
    如果没有声明方向默认为 水平 V:


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dev-walden/p/9379318.html
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