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About Open Books
O'Reilly has published a number of Open Books--books with various forms of "open" copyright--over the years. The reasons for "opening" copyright, as well as the specific license agreements under which they are opened, are as varied as our authors.
2、Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall 大名鼎鼎的培生教育,不是经典的书它不出。《The C programming Language》,《the design of unix operating system》,读过吧?
2002年开始,Prentice Hall 进军电子教育领域,其 courseSmart提供了各个领域的电子书资源。可惜没有免费的。价格也都不便宜。不过,如果你能在这里找到的书,相信你可以找到购买了它并愿意共享的网友。
3、Addison Wesley
unix 和 c++的专业户。c++方面出版过《The C++ Programming Language》,《C++ Templates: The Complete Guide》,<Effective C++>,《Modern C++ Design》;unix 方面有经典的<TCP/IP Illustrated >系列。<Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment>等。
关键词:ebooks collection