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  • LTE-NB : Full Stack Protocol Sequence


    LTE-NB : Full Stack Protocol Sequence







    UE <--- SS



    UE <--- SS



    UE <--- SS

    SIB2,3 and others 


    UE ---> SS

    PRACH (RACH Preamble) 


    UE <--- SS

    NPDCCH(DCI N1)Resource Decoding information for RAR message


    UE <--- SS

    RACH Response 


    UE ---> SS

    RRC Connection Request   


    < UE >

    UE MAC start mac-ContentionResolutionTimer

    3GPP 36.321 5.1.5

    CR Timer value is set in SIB2


    UE <--- SS

    NPDCCH(DCI N1)Resource Decoding information for CR


    UE <--- SS

    Contention Resolution + RRC Connection Setup 


    UE ---> SS

    HARQ ACK (NPUSCH format2)HARQ ACK for CR Reception


    < UE >

    UE MAC stop mac-ContentionResolutionTimer 


    UE <--- SS

    UL Grant (DCI N0, NPDCCH)Grant for transmitting 'RRC Connection Setup Complete'


    UE ---> SS

    RRC Connection Setup Complete

    + Attach Requeset

    + PDN Conn Request



    UE <--- SS

    DCI N1(NPDCCH)Resource Decoding information for RLC ACK


    UE <--- SS

    RLC ACK 


    UE <--- SS

    DCI N1(NPDCCH)Resource Decoding information for Athentication Request


    UE <--- SS

    Authentication Request 


    UE ---> SS

    HARQ ACK (NPUSCH format2) 


    UE <--- SS

    UL Grant (DCI N0, NPDCCH)Grant to send RLC ACK


    UE ---> SS

    RLC ACK 


    UE <--- SS

    UL Grant (DCI N0, NPDCCH) 


    UE ---> SS

    Authentication Response 


    UE <--- SS

    DCI N1(NPDCCH)Resource Decoding information for RLC ACK


    UE <--- SS

    RLC ACK 


    UE <--- SS

    DCI N1(NPDCCH)Resource Decoding information for NAS Security Mode Command


    UE <--- SS

    NAS Security Mode Command 


    UE ---> SS

    HARQ ACK (NPUSCH format2) 


    UE <--- SS

    UL Grant (DCI N0, NPDCCH)Grant to send RLC ACK


    UE ---> SS

    RLC ACK 


    UE <--- SS

    UL Grant (DCI N0, NPDCCH)Grant to send NAS Security Mode Complete


    UE ---> SS

    NAS Security Mode  Complete   


    UE <--- SS

    DCI N1(NPDCCH)Resource Decoding information for RLC ACK


    UE <--- SS

    RLC ACK 


    UE <--- SS

    DCI N1(NPDCCH)Resource Decoding information for Attach Accept


    UE <--- SS

    RRC : dlInformationTransfer

    + Attach Accept

    + Activate Default EPS Bearer Context Request



    UE ---> SS

    HARQ ACK (NPUSCH format2) 


    UE <--- SS

    UL Grant (DCI N0, NPDCCH)Grant to send RLC ACK


    UE ---> SS

    RLC ACK 


    UE ---> SS

    RRC ulInformationTransfer

    + Attach Complete

    + Activate Default EPS Bearer Context Accept



    UE <--- SS

    RLC ACK 



    (1) MIB




            systemFrameNumber-MSB-r13: 00 [bit length 4, 4 LSB pad bits, 0000 .... decimal value 0]

            hyperSFN-LSB-r13: 00 [bit length 2, 6 LSB pad bits, 00.. .... decimal value 0]

            schedulingInfoSIB1-r13: 4 NPDSCH repetitions - TBS 208 bits (0)

            systemInfoValueTag-r13: 0

            .... ...0 ab-Enabled-r13: False

            operationModeInfo-r13: standalone-r13 (3)


                    spare: 00 [bit length 5, 3 LSB pad bits, 0000 0... decimal value 0]

            spare: 0000 [bit length 11, 5 LSB pad bits, 0000 0000  000. .... decimal value 0]


    HEX : 00 00 C0 00 00  



    (2) SIB1



        hyperSFN-MSB-r13: 00 [bit length 8, 0000 0000 decimal value 0]


            plmn-IdentityList-r13: 1 item

                Item 0



                            mcc: 3 items

                                Item 0

                                    MCC-MNC-Digit: 0

                                Item 1

                                    MCC-MNC-Digit: 0

                                Item 2

                                    MCC-MNC-Digit: 1

                            mnc: 2 items

                                Item 0

                                    MCC-MNC-Digit: 0

                                Item 1

                                    MCC-MNC-Digit: 1

                        cellReservedForOperatorUse-r13: notReserved (1)

                        attachWithoutPDN-Connectivity-r13: true (0)

            trackingAreaCode-r13: 0001

            cellIdentity-r13: 00000010

            cellBarred-r13: notBarred (1)

            intraFreqReselection-r13: allowed (0)


            q-RxLevMin-r13: -140dBm (-70)

            q-QualMin-r13: -34dB

        p-Max-r13: -30dBm

        freqBandIndicator-r13: 2

        eutraControlRegionSize-r13: n2 (1)

        nrs-CRS-PowerOffset-r13: dB6 (12)

        schedulingInfoList-r13: 1 item

            Item 0


                    si-Periodicity-r13: rf64 (0)

                    si-RepetitionPattern-r13: every4thRF (1)

                    sib-MappingInfo-r13: 1 item

                        Item 0

                            SIB-Type-NB-r13: sibType3-NB-r13 (0)

                    si-TB-r13: b256 (3)

         si-WindowLength-r13: ms160 (0)


    HEX : 63 00 01 80 08 06 00 02 00 00 00 30 00 00 05 C0 10 86 00  



    (3) SIB2 and others





                preambleTransMax-CE-r13: n20 (7)


                    powerRampingStep: dB4 (2)

                    preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower: dBm-92 (14)

                rach-InfoList-r13: 1 item

                    Item 0


                            ra-ResponseWindowSize-r13: pp10 (7)

                            mac-ContentionResolutionTimer-r13: pp8 (4)


                modificationPeriodCoeff-r13: n16 (0)


                defaultPagingCycle-r13: rf128 (0)

                nB-r13: fourT (0)

                npdcch-NumRepetitionPaging-r13: r1 (0)


                nprach-CP-Length-r13: us66dot7 (0)

                nprach-ParametersList-r13: 1 item

                    Item 0


                            nprach-Periodicity-r13: ms640 (5)

                            nprach-StartTime-r13: ms8 (0)

                            nprach-SubcarrierOffset-r13: n12 (1)

                            nprach-NumSubcarriers-r13: n12 (0)

                            nprach-SubcarrierMSG3-RangeStart-r13: one (3)

                            maxNumPreambleAttemptCE-r13: n10 (6)

                            numRepetitionsPerPreambleAttempt-r13: n1 (0)

                            npdcch-NumRepetitions-RA-r13: r16 (4)

                            npdcch-StartSF-CSS-RA-r13: v4 (2)

                            npdcch-Offset-RA-r13: zero (0)


                nrs-Power-r13: 1dBm


                ack-NACK-NumRepetitions-Msg4-r13: 1 item

                    Item 0

                        ACK-NACK-NumRepetitions-NB-r13: r1 (0)


                    threeTone-BaseSequence-r13: 0

                    threeTone-CyclicShift-r13: 0

                    sixTone-CyclicShift-r13: 0


                    .... 0... groupHoppingEnabled-r13: False

                    groupAssignmentNPUSCH-r13: 0


                p0-NominalNPUSCH-r13: -92dBm

                alpha-r13: al1 (7)

                deltaPreambleMsg3-r13: -2dB (-1)


            t300-r13: ms2500 (0)

            t301-r13: ms2500 (0)

            t310-r13: ms0 (0)

            n310-r13: n1 (0)

            t311-r13: ms1000 (0)

            n311-r13: n1 (0)


            additionalSpectrumEmission-r13: 1

        timeAlignmentTimerCommon-r13: infinity (7)

                                   sib-TypeAndInfo-r13 item: sib3-r13 (1)



            q-Hyst-r13: dB0 (0)


            s-NonIntraSearch-r13: 0dB (0)


            q-RxLevMin-r13: -140dBm (-70)

            s-IntraSearchP-r13: 0dB (0)

            t-Reselection-r13: s6 (2)


    HEX : 00 40 03 DC 78 00 01 41 3C 11 0F 50 40 00 08 B8 00 00 00 71 00 00 00 10



    (7)  RRC Connection Request



        ue-Identity-r13: randomValue (1)

            randomValue: 59aa46959a

        establishmentCause-r13: mo-Signalling (1)

        multiToneSupport-r13: true (0)

        spare: 000000


    HEX : 2A B3 54 8D 2B 34 40 00 00



    (8) Contention Resolution + RRC Connection Setup




            srb-ToAddModList-r13: 1 item

                Item 0


                        rlc-Config-r13: defaultValue (1)

                            defaultValue: NULL

                        logicalChannelConfig-r13: defaultValue (1)

                            defaultValue: NULL

            mac-MainConfig-r13: explicitValue-r13 (0)



                        periodicBSR-Timer-r13: pp8 (2)

                        retxBSR-Timer-r13: infinity (6)

                    drx-Config-r13: release (0)

                        release: NULL

                    timeAlignmentTimerDedicated-r13: infinity (7)

                    logicalChannelSR-Config-r13: setup (1)


                            logicalChannelSR-ProhibitTimer-r13: pp2048 (6)



                    npdcch-NumRepetitions-r13: r16 (4)

                    npdcch-StartSF-USS-r13: v4 (2)

                    npdcch-Offset-USS-r13: zero (0)


                    ack-NACK-NumRepetitions-r13: r8 (3)

                    .... ..1. npusch-AllSymbols-r13: True


                    p0-UE-NPUSCH-r13: 0dB


    HEX :  30 13 3C F5 9F 8E 88 CF 00



    (13) RRC Connection Setup Complete+ Attach Requeset+ PDN Conn Request



        selectedPLMN-Identity-r13: 1


            mmegi: 8001 [bit length 16, 1000 0000  0000 0001 decimal value 32769]

            mmec: 01 [bit length 8, 0000 0001 decimal value 1]

        dedicatedInfoNAS-r13: 1730bb646f020741020bf600f1108001010000000107f070...

            Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

                0001 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected (1)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                Message authentication code: 0x30bb646f

                Sequence number: 2

                0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security protected (0)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Attach request (0x41)

                0... .... = Type of security context flag (TSC): Native security context (for KSIasme)

                .000 .... = NAS key set identifier:  (0)

                .... 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                .... .010 = EPS attach type: Combined EPS/IMSI attach (2)

                EPS mobile identity

                    Length: 11

                    .... 0... = Odd/even indication: Even number of identity digits

                    .... .110 = Type of identity: GUTI (6)

                    Mobile Country Code (MCC): Unknown (1)

                    Mobile Network Code (MNC): Unknown (01)

                    MME Group ID: 32769

                    MME Code: 1

                    M-TMSI: 0x00000001

                UE network capability

                    Length: 7

                    1... .... = EEA0: Supported

                    .1.. .... = 128-EEA1: Supported

                    ..1. .... = 128-EEA2: Supported

                    ...1 .... = 128-EEA3: Supported

                    .... 0... = EEA4: Not supported

                    .... .0.. = EEA5: Not supported

                    .... ..0. = EEA6: Not supported

                    .... ...0 = EEA7: Not supported

                    0... .... = EIA0: Not supported

                    .1.. .... = 128-EIA1: Supported

                    ..1. .... = 128-EIA2: Supported

                    ...1 .... = 128-EIA3: Supported

                    .... 0... = EIA4: Not supported

                    .... .0.. = EIA5: Not supported

                    .... ..0. = EIA6: Not supported

                    .... ...0 = EIA7: Not supported

                    0... .... = UEA0: Not supported

                    .0.. .... = UEA1: Not supported

                    ..0. .... = UEA2: Not supported

                    ...0 .... = UEA3: Not supported

                    .... 0... = UEA4: Not supported

                    .... .0.. = UEA5: Not supported

                    .... ..0. = UEA6: Not supported

                    .... ...0 = UEA7: Not supported

                    0... .... = UCS2 support (UCS2): The UE has a preference for the default alphabet

                    .0.. .... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA1: Not supported

                    ..0. .... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA2: Not supported

                    ...0 .... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA3: Not supported

                    .... 0... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA4: Not supported

                    .... .0.. = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA5: Not supported

                    .... ..0. = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA6: Not supported

                    .... ...0 = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA7: Not supported

                    0... .... = ProSe direct discovery: Not supported

                    .0.. .... = ProSe: Not supported

                    ..0. .... = H.245 After SRVCC Handover: Not supported

                    ...1 .... = Access class control for CSFB: Supported

                    .... 0... = LTE Positioning Protocol: Not supported

                    .... .0.. = Location services (LCS) notification mechanisms: Not supported

                    .... ..0. = SRVCC from E-UTRAN to cdma2000 1xCS: Not supported

                    .... ...0 = Notification procedure: Not supported

                    1... .... = Extended protocol configuration options: Supported

                    .0.. .... = Header compression for control plane CIoT EPS optimization:

                                Not supported

                    ..0. .... = EMM-REGISTERED w/o PDN connectivity: Not supported

                    ...0 .... = S1-U data transfer: Not supported

                    .... 0... = User plane CIoT EPS optimization: Not supported

                    .... .1.. = Control plane CIoT EPS optimization: Supported

                    .... ..0. = ProSe UE-to-network relay: Not supported

                    .... ...0 = ProSe direct communication: Not supported

                    0000 000. = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                    .... ...1 = Multiple DRB: Supported

                ESM message container

                    Length: 48

                    ESM message container contents: 021bd03127268080211001000010810...

                        0000 .... = EPS bearer identity: No EPS bearer identity assigned (0)

                        .... 0010 = Protocol discriminator: EPS session management messages (0x2)

                        Procedure transaction identity: 27

                        NAS EPS session management messages: PDN connectivity request (0xd0)

                        0011 .... = PDN type: IPv4v6 (3)

                        .... 0001 = Request type: Initial request (1)

                        Protocol Configuration Options

                            Element ID: 0x27

                            Length: 38

                            [Link direction: MS to network (0)]

                            1... .... = Extension: True

                            .... .000 = Configuration Protocol:

                                           PPP for use with IP PDP type or IP PDN type (0)

                            Protocol or Container ID: Internet Protocol Control Protocol (0x8021)

                                Length: 0x10 (16)

                                PPP IP Control Protocol

                                    Code: Configuration Request (1)

                                    Identifier: 0 (0x00)

                                    Length: 16

                                    Options: (12 bytes), Primary DNS Server IP Address,

                                                         Secondary DNS Server IP Address

                                        Primary DNS Server IP Address

                                            Type: Primary DNS Server IP Address (129)

                                            Length: 6

                                            Primary DNS Address:

                                        Secondary DNS Server IP Address

                                            Type: Secondary DNS Server IP Address (131)

                                            Length: 6

                                            Secondary DNS Address:

                            Protocol or Container ID: DNS Server IPv4 Address Request (0x000d)

                                Length: 0x00 (0)

                            Protocol or Container ID: DNS Server IPv6 Address Request (0x0003)

                                Length: 0x00 (0)

                            Protocol or Container ID: IP address allocation via NAS signalling(0x000a)

                                Length: 0x00 (0)

                            Protocol or Container ID: MS Support of Network Requested Bearer

                                                      Control indicator (0x0005)

                                Length: 0x00 (0)

                            Protocol or Container ID: IPv4 Link MTU Request (0x0010)

                                Length: 0x00 (0)

                            Protocol or Container ID: MS support of Local address

                                                      in TFT indicator (0x0011)

                                Length: 0x00 (0)

                        Extended protocol configuration options

                            Element ID: 0x7b

                            Length: 1

                            [Link direction: MS to network (0)]

                            0... .... = Extension: False

                            .... .001 = Configuration Protocol: PPP for use with IP PDP type or

                                         IP PDN type (1)

                Tracking area identity - Last visited registered TAI

                    Element ID: 0x52

                    Mobile Country Code (MCC): Unknown (1)

                    Mobile Network Code (MNC): Unknown (01)

                    Tracking area code(TAC): 1

                Location area identification - Old location area identification

                    Element ID: 0x13

                    Location Area Identification (LAI) - 001/01/1

                        Mobile Country Code (MCC): Unknown (1)

                        Mobile Network Code (MNC): Unknown (01)

                        Location Area Code (LAC): 0x0001 (1)

                Mobile station classmark 2

                    Element ID: 0x11

                    Length: 3

                    0... .... = Spare: 0

                    .10. .... = Revision Level: Used by mobile stations supporting R99 or

                                                later versions of the protocol (2)

                    ...0 .... = ES IND: Controlled Early Classmark Sending option is not implemented

                                in the MS

                    .... 1... = A5/1 algorithm supported: encryption algorithm A5/1 not available

                    .... .111 = RF Power Capability: RF Power capability is irrelevant

                                in this information element (7)

                    0... .... = Spare: 0

                    .0.. .... = PS capability (pseudo-synchronization capability):

                                PS capability not present

                    ..01 .... = SS Screening Indicator: Capability of handling of ellipsis notation

                                and phase 2 error handling  (1)

                    .... 1... = SM capability (MT SMS pt to pt capability): Mobile station supports

                                mobile terminated point to point SMS

                    .... .0.. = VBS notification reception: no VBS capability or

                                no notifications wanted

                    .... ..0. = VGCS notification reception: no VGCS capability or

                                no notifications wanted

                    .... ...0 = FC Frequency Capability: The MS does not support the E-GSM or

                                R-GSM band

                    1... .... = CM3: The MS supports options that are indicated in classmark 3 IE

                    .0.. .... = Spare: 0

                    ..1. .... = LCS VA capability (LCS value added location request

                                notification capability): LCS value added location request

                                notification capability supported

                    ...0 .... = UCS2 treatment: the ME has a preference for the default alphabet

                    .... 0... = SoLSA: The ME does not support SoLSA

                    .... .1.. = CMSP: CM Service Prompt: Network initiated MO CM connection request

                                supported for at least one CM protocol

                    .... ..1. = A5/3 algorithm supported: encryption algorithm A5/3 available

                    .... ...0 = A5/2 algorithm supported: encryption algorithm A5/2 not available

                Additional update type

                    1111 .... = Element ID: 0xf-

                    .... 01.. = Preferred CIoT network behaviour:

                                Control-plane CIoT EPS optimization (1)

                    .... ..0. = SAF: Keeping the NAS signalling connection is not required after

                                the completion of the tracking area updating procedure

                    .... ...0 = AUTV: No additional information (shall be interpreted as request for

                                combined attach or combined tracking area updating)

                GUTI type - Old GUTI type

                    1110 .... = Element ID: 0xe-

                    .... 000. = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                    .... ...0 = GUTI type: Native GUTI

                MS network feature support

                    1100 .... = Element ID: 0xc-

                    .... 000. = Spare bit(s): 0

                    .... ...1 = Extended periodic timers: MS supports the extended periodic timer

                                in this domain

                Network Resource Identifier Container - TMSI based NRI container

                    Element ID: 0x10

                    Length: 2

                    0000 0000 00.. .... = NRI container value: 0x000

                    ..00 0000 = Spare bit(s): 0

                Extended DRX Parameters

                    Element ID: 0x6e

                    Length: 1

                    0100 .... = Paging Time Window: Iu: 4 s / WB-S1: 6.4 s / NB-S1: 12.8 s (0x4)

                    .... 1101 = eDRX value: GERAN: 1.88 s / UTRAN: 10.24 s / E-UTRAN: 2621.44 s (0xd)


    HEX : 10 40 20 00 40 5A 85 CC 2E D9 1B C0 81 D0 40 82 FD 80 3C 44 20 00 40 40 00 00 00 41 FC 1C 00 00 04 21 00 40 0C 00 86 F4 0C 49 C9 A0 20 08 44 00 40 00 04 20 41 80 00 00 00 20 C1 80 00 00 00 00 03 40 00 00 C0 00 02 80 00 01 40 00 04 00 00 04 40 1E C0 00 40 54 80 3C 44 00 00 44 C0 3C 44 00 00 44 40 D3 C6 29 BD 38 30 44 00 80 00 1B 80 53 40



    (17) Authentication Request



        dedicatedInfoNAS-r13: 0752000123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef1054cdfeab...

            Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

                0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security protected (0)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Authentication request (0x52)

                0000 .... = Spare half octet: 0

                .... 0... = Type of security context flag (TSC): Native security context (for KSIasme)

                .... .000 = NAS key set identifier:  (0) ASME

                Authentication Parameter RAND - EPS challenge

                    RAND value: 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef

                Authentication Parameter AUTN (UMTS and EPS authentication challenge) - EPS challenge

                    Length: 16

                    AUTN value: 54cdfeab9889800001326754cdfe2b98

                        SQN xor AK: 54cdfeab9889

                        AMF: 8000

                        MAC: 01326754cdfe2b98


    HEX : 00 09 01 D4 80 00 48 D1 59 E2 6A F3 7B C0 48 D1 59 E2 6A F3 7B C4 15 33 7F AA E6 22 60 00 00 4C 99 D5 33 7F 8A E6 00



    (22) Authentication Response



        dedicatedInfoNAS-r13: 17f9cb55fe0307531001326754cdfeab9889baefdc457623...

            Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

                0001 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected (1)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                Message authentication code: 0xf9cb55fe

                Sequence number: 3

                0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security protected (0)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Authentication response (0x53)

                Authentication response parameter

                    Length: 16

                    RES: 01326754cdfeab9889baefdc45762310


    HEX : 30 19 17 F9 CB 55 FE 03 07 53 10 01 32 67 54 CD FE AB 98 89 BA EF DC 45 76 23 10



    (26) NAS Security Mode Command



        dedicatedInfoNAS-r13: 37205a892300075d010002f070c1

            Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

                0011 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected with new EPS security context (3)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                Message authentication code: 0x205a8923

                Sequence number: 0

                0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security protected (0)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Security mode command (0x5d)

                NAS security algorithms - Selected NAS security algorithms

                    0... .... = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                    .000 .... = Type of ciphering algorithm: EPS encryption algorithm EEA0

                                (null ciphering algorithm) (0)

                    .... 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                    .... .001 = Type of integrity protection algorithm:

                                EPS integrity algorithm 128-EIA1 (1)

                0000 .... = Spare half octet: 0

                .... 0... = Type of security context flag (TSC): Native security context (for KSIasme)

                .... .000 = NAS key set identifier:  (0) ASME

                UE security capability - Replayed UE security capabilities

                    Length: 2

                    1... .... = EEA0: Supported

                    .1.. .... = 128-EEA1: Supported

                    ..1. .... = 128-EEA2: Supported

                    ...1 .... = 128-EEA3: Supported

                    .... 0... = EEA4: Not supported

                    .... .0.. = EEA5: Not supported

                    .... ..0. = EEA6: Not supported

                    .... ...0 = EEA7: Not supported

                    0... .... = EIA0: Not supported

                    .1.. .... = 128-EIA1: Supported

                    ..1. .... = 128-EIA2: Supported

                    ...1 .... = 128-EIA3: Supported

                    .... 0... = EIA4: Not supported

                    .... .0.. = EIA5: Not supported

                    .... ..0. = EIA6: Not supported

                    .... ...0 = EIA7: Not supported

                IMEISV request

                    1100 .... = Element ID: 0xc-

                    .... 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                    .... .001 = IMEISV request: IMEISV requested (1)


    HEX : 00 03 8D C8 16 A2 48 C0 01 D7 40 40 00 BC 1C 30 40



    (31) NAS Security Mode  Complete   



        dedicatedInfoNAS-r13: 47f678b4ff00075e23090310200790999909f0

            Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

                0100 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected and ciphered with

                            new EPS security context (4)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                Message authentication code: 0xf678b4ff

                Sequence number: 0

                0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security protected (0)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Security mode complete (0x5e)

                Mobile identity - IMEISV - IMEISV (0010270099999900)

                    Element ID: 0x23

                    Length: 9

                    0000 .... = Identity Digit 1: 0

                    .... 0... = Odd/even indication: Even number of identity digits

                    .... .011 = Mobile Identity Type: IMEISV (3)

                    BCD Digits: 0010270099999900

                    1111 .... = Filler: 0xf


    HEX : 30 13 47 F6 78 B4 FF 00 07 5E 23 09 03 10 20 07 90 99 99 09 F0



    (35) Attach Accept + Activate Default EPS Bearer Context Request



        dedicatedInfoNAS-r13: 27fb54f05e02074202e0060000f1100001003d5201c10109...

            Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

                0010 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected and ciphered (2)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                Message authentication code: 0xfb54f05e

                Sequence number: 2

                0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security protected (0)

                .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management messages (0x7)

                NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Attach accept (0x42)

                0000 .... = Spare half octet: 0

                .... 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                .... .010 = Attach result: Combined EPS/IMSI attach (2)

                GPRS Timer - T3412 value

                    GPRS Timer: timer is deactivated

                        111. .... = Unit: value indicates that the timer is deactivated (7)

                        ...0 0000 = Timer value: 0

                Tracking area identity list - TAI list

                    Length: 6

                    0... .... = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                    .00. .... = Type of list: list of TACs belonging to one PLMN,

                                with non-consecutive TAC values (0)

                    ...0 0000 = Number of elements: 0 [+1 = 1 element(s)]

                    Mobile Country Code (MCC): Unknown (1)

                    Mobile Network Code (MNC): Unknown (01)

                    Tracking area code(TAC): 1

                ESM message container

                    Length: 61

                    ESM message container contents: 5201c10109100377777707616e72...

                        0101 .... = EPS bearer identity: EPS bearer identity value 5 (5)

                        .... 0010 = Protocol discriminator: EPS session management messages (0x2)

                        Procedure transaction identity: 1

                        NAS EPS session management messages:

                            Activate default EPS bearer context request (0xc1)

                        EPS quality of service

                            Length: 1

                            Quality of Service Class Identifier (QCI): QCI 9 (9)

                        Access Point Name

                            Length: 22

                            APN: www.sharetechnote.com

                        PDN address

                            Length: 13

                            0000 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                            PDN type: IPv4v6 (3)

                            PDN IPv6 if id: 0000000000000001

                            PDN IPv4:

                        Linked TI - Transaction identifier

                            Element ID: 0x5d

                            Length: 1

                            1... .... = TI Flag:The message is sent to the side that originates the TI

                            TI value: 0x00 (0)

                        Quality Of Service - Negotiated QoS

                            Element ID: 0x30

                            Length: 14

                            00.. .... = Spare bit(s): 0

                            ..10 0... = Quality of Service Delay class: Delay class 4(best effort)(4)

                            .... .011 = Reliability class: Unacknowledged GTP/LLC, Ack RLC,

                                        Protected data (3)

                            1001 .... = Peak throughput: Up to 256 000 octet/s (9)

                            .... 0... = Spare bit(s): 0

                            .... .010 = Precedence class: Normal priority (2)

                            000. .... = Spare bit(s): 0

                            ...0 1010 = Mean throughput: 100 000 octet/h (10)

                            100. .... = Traffic class: Background class (4)

                            ...1 0... = Delivery order: Without delivery order ('no') (2)

                            .... .011 = Delivery of erroneous SDUs:

                                        Erroneous SDUs are not delivered('No') (3)

                            Maximum SDU size: 1500 octets (150)

                            Maximum bitrate for uplink: 64 kbps (64)

                            Maximum bitrate for downlink: 384 kbps (104)

                            0111 .... = Residual Bit Error Rate (BER): 1*10-5 (7)

                            .... 0100 = SDU error ratio: 1*10-4 (4)

                            0000 00.. = Transfer delay: Subscribed transfer delay/reserved (0)

                            .... ..00 = Traffic handling priority:

                                        Subscribed traffic handling priority/Reserved (0)

                            Guaranteed bitrate for uplink: 64 kbps (64)

                            Guaranteed bitrate for downlink: 568 kbps (127)

                            000. .... = Spare bit(s): 0

                            ...0 .... = Signalling indication: Not optimised for signalling traffic

                            .... 0000 = Source statistics description: unknown (0)

                            Maximum bitrate for downlink (extended): Use the value indicated

                                        by the Maximum bit rate for downlink (0)

                            Guaranteed bitrate for downlink (extended): Use the value indicated

                                        by the Guaranteed bit rate for downlink (0)

                        LLC Service Access Point Identifier - Negotiated LLC SAPI

                            Element ID: 0x32

                            0000 .... = Spare bit(s): 0

                            .... 0011 = LLC SAPI: SAPI 3 (3)

                        Radio Priority

                            1000 .... = Element ID: 0x8-

                            .... .001 = Radio Priority (PDP or SMS): priority level 1 (highest) (1)

                        Protocol Configuration Options

                            Element ID: 0x27

                            Length: 1

                            [Link direction: Network to MS (1)]

                            1... .... = Extension: True

                            .... .000 = Configuration Protocol: PPP for use with IP PDP type

                                                                or IP PDN type (0)

                EPS mobile identity - GUTI

                    Element ID: 0x50

                    Length: 11

                    .... 0... = Odd/even indication: Even number of identity digits

                    .... .110 = Type of identity: GUTI (6)

                    Mobile Country Code (MCC): Unknown (1)

                    Mobile Network Code (MNC): Unknown (01)

                    MME Group ID: 32769

                    MME Code: 1

                    M-TMSI: 0x00000001

                Location area identification

                    Element ID: 0x13

                    Location Area Identification (LAI) - 001/01/1

                        Mobile Country Code (MCC): Unknown (1)

                        Mobile Network Code (MNC): Unknown (01)

                        Location Area Code (LAC): 0x0001 (1)

                Mobile identity - MS identity - TMSI/P-TMSI (0x0000)

                    Element ID: 0x23

                    Length: 5

                    1111 .... = Unused: 0xf

                    .... 0... = Odd/even indication: Even number of identity digits

                    .... .100 = Mobile Identity Type: TMSI/P-TMSI/M-TMSI (4)

                    TMSI/P-TMSI: 0x00000000

                EPS network feature support

                    Element ID: 0x64

                    Length: 2

                    1... .... = Control plane CIoT EPS optimization: Supported

                    .1.. .... = EMM-REGISTERED w/o PDN connectivity: Supported

                    ..0. .... = Support of EXTENDED SERVICE REQUEST for packet services: Not supported

                    ...0 0... = CS-LCS: no information about support of location services

                                via CS domain is available (0)

                    .... .0.. = Location services via EPC: Not supported

                    .... ..0. = Emergency bearer services in S1 mode: Not supported

                    .... ...0 = IMS voice over PS session in S1 mode: Not supported

                    0000 .... = Spare bit(s): 0x00

                    .... 0... = Extended protocol configuration options IE: Not supported

                    .... .0.. = Header compression for control plane CIoT EPS optimization:

                                Not supported

                    .... ..1. = S1-u data transfer: Supported

                    .... ...0 = User plane CIoT EPS optimization: Not supported


    HEX : 00 1B 89 FE D5 3C 17 80 81 D0 80 B8 01 80 00 3C 44 00 00 40 0F 54 80 70 40 42 44 00 DD DD DD C1 D8 5B 9C 9A 5D 1C DD 40 D8 DB DB 43 40 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 2A 05 02 D7 40 60 0C 03 88 E4 82 A4 E5 90 1A 1D 00 10 1F C0 00 00 0C 80 E0 49 C0 60 14 02 FD 80 3C 44 20 00 40 40 00 00 00 44 C0 3C 44 00 00 48 C1 7D 00 00 00 00 19 00 B0 00 80


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