! Configuration File for keepalived global_defs { notification_email { linuxedu@foxmail.com mageedu@126.com } notification_email_from kanotify@magedu.com smtp_connect_timeout 3 smtp_server router_id LVS_DEVEL } vrrp_script chk_haproxy { script "killall -0 haproxy" interval 1 weight 2 } vrrp_script chk_mantaince_down { script "[[ -f /etc/keepalived/down ]] && exit 1 || exit 0" interval 1 weight 2 } vrrp_instance VI_1 { interface eth0 state MASTER # BACKUP for slave routers priority 101 # 100 for BACKUP virtual_router_id 51 garp_master_delay 1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass password } track_interface { eth0 } virtual_ipaddress { dev eth0 label eth0:0 } track_script { chk_haproxy chk_mantaince_down } notify_master "/etc/keepalived/notify.sh master" notify_backup "/etc/keepalived/notify.sh backup" notify_fault "/etc/keepalived/notify.sh fault" } 注意: 1、上面的state为当前节点的起始状态,通常在master/slave的双节点模型中,其一个默认为MASTER,而别一个默认为BACKUP。 2、priority为当关节点在当前虚拟路由器中的优先级,master的优先级应该大于slave的; 下面是一个notify.sh脚本的简单示例: #!/bin/bash # Author: MageEdu <linuxedu@foxmail.com> # description: An example of notify script # vip= contact='root@localhost' Notify() { mailsubject="`hostname` to be $1: $vip floating" mailbody="`date '+%F %H:%M:%S'`: vrrp transition, `hostname` changed to be $1" echo $mailbody | mail -s "$mailsubject" $contact } case "$1" in master) notify master /etc/rc.d/init.d/haproxy start exit 0 ;; backup) notify backup /etc/rc.d/init.d/haproxy restart exit 0 ;; fault) notify fault exit 0 ;; *) echo 'Usage: `basename $0` {master|backup|fault}' exit 1 ;; esac