对于这个问题和这个类,微软的MSDN是这样描述的:BackgroundWorker 类允许您在单独的专用线程上运行操作。耗时的操作(如下载和数据库事务)在长时间运行时可能会导致用户界面 (UI) 似乎处于停止响应状态。如果您需要能进行响应的用户界面,而且面临与这类操作相关的长时间延迟,则可以使用 BackgroundWorker 类方便地解决问题。
Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.IO Public Class ProgressControl 'click the logButton, then open the logFile Private logFile As String 'when the num come to maxValue, the progress is 100% Private maxValue As Integer = 1 'record the finishing count Private finishCount As Integer = 1 'handle of set the statePic' image Private Delegate Sub SetPicImageHandle(ByVal img As Image) 'set the statePic image Private Sub SetPicImage(ByVal img As Image) If Me.statePic.InvokeRequired Then Dim handle As SetPicImageHandle = New SetPicImageHandle(AddressOf SetPicImage) Me.statePic.Invoke(handle, New Object() {img}) Else Me.statePic.Image = img End If End Sub 'handle of set the statePic' visible Private Delegate Sub SetPicVisibleHandle(ByVal v As Boolean) 'set the statePic' visible Private Sub SetPicVisible(ByVal visible As Boolean) If Me.statePic.InvokeRequired Then Dim handle As SetPicVisibleHandle = New SetPicVisibleHandle(AddressOf SetPicVisible) Me.statePic.Invoke(handle, New Object() {visible}) Else Me.statePic.Visible = visible End If End Sub 'handle of set the logButton' visible Private Delegate Sub SetLogButtonVisibleHandle(ByVal v As Boolean) 'set the logButton' visible Private Sub setLogButtonVisible(ByVal visible As Boolean) If Me.logButton.InvokeRequired Then Dim handle As SetLogButtonVisibleHandle = New SetLogButtonVisibleHandle(AddressOf setLogButtonVisible) Me.logButton.Invoke(handle, New Object() {visible}) Else Me.logButton.Visible = visible End If End Sub 'open the log file Private Sub logButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles logButton.Click Try Process.Start(logFile) Catch ex As FileNotFoundException MessageBox.Show("FileNotFoundException!") Catch ex As Win32Exception MessageBox.Show("the file isn'n exist or the file name is wrong!", "Win32Exception") End Try End Sub 'set the statePic' image and whether show it or not Public Sub SetStatePic(ByVal img As Image, ByVal visible As Boolean) 'set statePic' image SetPicImage(img) 'set the statePic' visible SetPicVisible(visible) End Sub 'set the progressbar' value and percentLabel' text Public Sub SetProgressValue(ByVal value As Integer) If value < 0 Then Throw New ArgumentException("the Sub SetProgressValue()' parameter is wrong!") Else Try Dim finishPercent As Integer = value / maxValue * 100 Dim progressBarPercnet As Integer = progressBar.Step * finishCount If finishPercent = 100 Then progressBar.Value = 100 percentLabel.Text = "100%" ElseIf finishPercent > 0 AndAlso finishPercent = progressBarPercnet Then 'change progressBar' length progressBar.PerformStep() 'change the percentLable' text percentLabel.Text = (finishCount * progressBar.Step).ToString & "%" finishCount = finishCount + 1 End If Catch ex As OverflowException MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Catch e As Exception MessageBox.Show(e.Message) End Try End If End Sub 'whether show the logButton or not Public Sub SetLogButton(ByVal visible As Boolean) logButton.Visible = visible End Sub 'set the logFileName Public Sub SetLogFileName(ByVal name As String) logFile = name End Sub 'set the itemLabel' text Public Sub SetItemName(ByVal name As String) itemLabel.Text = name End Sub 'handle of set the progressBar' step Private Delegate Sub AppendProgressBarStepHandle(ByVal value As Integer) 'set the progressBar' step Private Sub AppendProgressBarStep(ByVal value As Integer) If Me.progressBar.InvokeRequired Then Dim handle As AppendProgressBarStepHandle = New AppendProgressBarStepHandle(AddressOf AppendProgressBarStep) Me.progressBar.Invoke(handle, New Object() {value}) ElseIf value <= 0 Then Throw New ArgumentException("the Sub AppendProgressBarStep()' parameter is wrong!") Else Me.progressBar.Step = value End If End Sub 'handle of set the maxValue Private Delegate Sub AppendMaxValueHandle(ByVal value As Integer) 'set the maxValue Private Sub AppendMaxValue(ByVal value As Integer) If Me.progressBar.InvokeRequired Then Dim handle As AppendMaxValueHandle = New AppendMaxValueHandle(AddressOf AppendMaxValue) Me.progressBar.Invoke(handle, New Object() {value}) ElseIf value <= 0 Then Throw New ArgumentException("the Sub AppendMaxValue()' parameter is wrong!") Else Me.maxValue = value End If End Sub 'set the maxValue Public Sub SetMaxValue(ByVal value As Integer) AppendMaxValue(value) End Sub Public Sub SetProgressBarStep(ByVal value As Integer) AppendProgressBarStep(value) End Sub End Class
Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Threading Public Class ProgressContainer Implements IProgress 'operationControl' size Private Const OPERATIONCONTROL_HEIGHT As Integer = 70 'controls' space value Private Const SPACELENGTH As Integer = 30 'totalStateLabel' max length Private Const TOTALSTATE_MAXLENGTH = 230 'the panel' width of progressContainer Private Const PANEL_WIDTH = 500 'the progressControl' count can be show in the panel Private Const PROGRESSCONTROL_MAXCOUNT = 5 'the closeFlag is used to control whether the closeBox is available Private closeFlag As Boolean = False Sub New() ' This call is required by the designer. InitializeComponent() ' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call. 'set bottom controls' properties totalStateLabel.Text = "处理中..." totalStatePic.Image = Global.ProgressClass.My.Resources.loading OKButton.Enabled = False 'set the MinimizeBox and MaximizeBox' Initial state Me.MinimizeBox = True Me.MaximizeBox = False 'the TotalProgress form can't be closed closeFlag = False End Sub Private Sub TotalProgress_Unload(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing If closeFlag = True Then 'MessageBox.Show("make sure to close the dialog box", "CloseDialog", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) If MessageBox.Show("make sure to close the dialog box", "CloseDialog", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then Return Else e.Cancel = True End If Else e.Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OKButton.Click Me.Close() End Sub 'the first string of Dictionary is progressControl' Name,the second is logFileName Public Sub CreateNewProgress(allProgress As System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String)) Implements IProgress.CreateNewProgress Dim progressControl As ProgressControl Dim index As Integer = 0 Dim progressControlMaxCount As Integer = 0 If allProgress.Count <= 0 Then MessageBox.Show("the Sub sendOperatonItems()' parameter has no values, please check it!") End If Try For Each key As String In allProgress.Keys progressControl = New ProgressControl() 'set the progressControl' name progressControl.SetItemName(key) 'set the logFile name progressControl.SetLogFileName(allProgress(key)) 'set the progressBar' value and percentLabel' text progressControl.percentLabel.Text = "0%" 'set the statePic' image and show it or not progressControl.SetStatePic(Global.ProgressClass.My.Resources.loading, False) 'whether show the logButton progressControl.SetLogButton(False) 'set operationControl’location progressControl.Top = index * OPERATIONCONTROL_HEIGHT 'add the progressControl to the progressContainer' panel panel.Controls.Add(progressControl) 'set the operationControl' index to easy access it panel.Controls.SetChildIndex(progressControl, index) index = index + 1 Next 'set the value of most can display of progressControl If allProgress.Count > 5 Then progressControlMaxCount = PROGRESSCONTROL_MAXCOUNT Else progressControlMaxCount = allProgress.Count End If 'set totalStateLabel totalStatePic and OKButton' location totalStateLabel.Location = New Point(2 * SPACELENGTH, progressControlMaxCount * OPERATIONCONTROL_HEIGHT + 2 * SPACELENGTH) totalStatePic.Location = New Point(Left + TOTALSTATE_MAXLENGTH + 4 * SPACELENGTH, progressControlMaxCount * OPERATIONCONTROL_HEIGHT + 2 * SPACELENGTH) OKButton.Location = New Point(Left + TOTALSTATE_MAXLENGTH + 6 * SPACELENGTH, progressControlMaxCount * OPERATIONCONTROL_HEIGHT + 2 * SPACELENGTH) 'set the ProgressContainer' size Me.Size = New Size(PANEL_WIDTH + 2 * SPACELENGTH, progressControlMaxCount * OPERATIONCONTROL_HEIGHT + 5 * SPACELENGTH) Catch ex As InvalidOperationException MessageBox.Show("InvalidOperationException!") End Try End Sub Public Sub SetStartImg(progressNum As Integer) Implements IProgress.SetStartImg Dim progressControl As ProgressControl Try progressControl = panel.Controls.Item(progressNum) 'change the statePic' image and show it progressControl.SetStatePic(Global.ProgressClass.My.Resources.loading, True) Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("the value or type of Sub start()' parameter is wrong,please check it!") End Try End Sub Public Sub SetProgressValue(progressNum As Integer, progressValue As Integer) Implements IProgress.SetProgressValue Dim progressControl As ProgressControl Try progressControl = panel.Controls.Item(progressNum) 'change the progressBar' value and percnetLabel' text progressControl.SetProgressValue(progressValue) Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("the value or type of Sub sendProgressValue()' first parameter is wrong,please check it!") End Try End Sub Public Sub SetResultImg(progressNum As Integer, result As Boolean) Implements IProgress.SetResultImg Dim progressControl As ProgressControl Try progressControl = panel.Controls.Item(progressNum) 'change the statePic to show the statePic' result If result = True Then progressControl.SetStatePic(Global.ProgressClass.My.Resources.yes, True) Else progressControl.SetStatePic(Global.ProgressClass.My.Resources.no, True) End If Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("the value or type of Sub sendOperationResult()' first parameter is wrong,please check it!") End Try End Sub Public Sub FinishAllProgress() Implements IProgress.FinishAllProgress Dim progressControl As ProgressControl For i As Integer = 0 To panel.Controls.Count - 1 progressControl = panel.Controls.Item(i) 'to show the logButton progressControl.SetLogButton(True) Next 'set the properties of totalStateLabel, totalStatePic and OkButton totalStateLabel.Text = "处理完了" totalStatePic.Image = Global.ProgressClass.My.Resources.yes OKButton.Enabled = True 'the TotalProgress form can be closed closeFlag = True End Sub Public Sub SetMaxValue(progressNum As Integer, value As Integer) Implements IProgress.SetMaxValue Dim progressControl As ProgressControl progressControl = panel.Controls.Item(progressNum) 'set the maxValue progressControl.SetMaxValue(value) End Sub Public Sub SetProgressBarStep(progressNum As Integer, value As Integer) Implements IProgress.SetProgressBarStep Dim progerssControl As ProgressControl progerssControl = panel.Controls.Item(progressNum) 'set progressBar' step progerssControl.SetProgressBarStep(value) End Sub End Class
Public Interface IProgress 'set all ' name and logfiles' name Sub CreateNewProgress(ByVal allProgress As Dictionary(Of String, String)) 'set the statePic' image when start one progress Sub SetStartImg(ByVal progressNum As Integer) 'set the progress value of the progress item you want Sub SetProgressValue(ByVal progressNum As Integer, ByVal progressValue As Integer) 'set the result' image of one progress when it was finish Sub SetResultImg(ByVal progressNum As Integer, ByVal result As Boolean) 'when you complete all Progress, you can call this sub Sub FinishAllProgress() 'set the progressBar' step Sub SetProgressBarStep(ByVal progressNum As Integer, ByVal value As Integer) 'set the maxValue Sub SetMaxValue(ByVal progressNum As Integer, ByVal value As Integer) End Interface
Imports ProgressClass Imports ProgressClass.ProgressContainer Imports System.ComponentModel Public Class MainForm Dim check As ProgressContainer Dim progresses As Dictionary(Of String, String) Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click worker.WorkerReportsProgress = True worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = True 'set the total form' startProgress() 'start the disposing program of Dowork' event worker.RunWorkerAsync() End Sub Private Sub worker_DoWork(sender As System.Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles worker.DoWork Dim workerTmp As BackgroundWorker = CType(sender, BackgroundWorker) 'call the dispoding program of event Work(workerTmp) End Sub 'receive the updating progress notice Private Sub worker_ProgressChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles worker.ProgressChanged Dim index As Integer = CType(e.UserState, Integer) Dim progressValue As Integer = CType(e.ProgressPercentage, Integer) 'update the progressBar' value check.SetProgressValue(index, progressValue) End Sub Private Sub worker_RunWorkerCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles worker.RunWorkerCompleted 'when the Work was completed, change the totalStateLabel' text, totalStatePic' image and make the OKButton visible check.FinishAllProgress() End Sub Private Sub startProgress() check = New ProgressContainer() progresses = New Dictionary(Of String, String)() 'add the items' name and log files' position progresses.Add("1", "e:/aaa.txt") progresses.Add("3", "456") check.CreateNewProgress(progresses) check.Show() End Sub Private Sub Work(ByVal workerTmp As BackgroundWorker) If progresses.Count > 0 Then For i As Integer = 0 To progresses.Count - 1 check.SetStartImg(i) check.SetMaxValue(i, 1000) check.SetProgressBarStep(i, 9) For j As Integer = 0 To 1000 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) Try workerTmp.ReportProgress(j, i) Catch ex As InvalidOperationException MessageBox.Show("InvalidOperationException") End Try workerTmp.ReportProgress(j, i) Next check.SetResultImg(i, True) Next End If End Sub End Class
worker.WorkerReportsProgress :获取或设置一个值,该值指示 BackgroundWorker 能否报告进度更新。
worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation :获取或设置一个值,该值指示 BackgroundWorker是否支持异步取消。
workerTmp.ReportProgress(j, i)就是传给前台的一些数据,这个方法引发ProgressChanged事件,第一个参数是进度条值,第二个是操作哪个进度条。
Dim index As Integer = CType(e.UserState, Integer)
Dim progressValue As Integer = CType(e.ProgressPercentage, Integer)
check.SetProgressValue(index, progressValue) :就是对这个进度条组合控件进行操作。
RunWorkerCompleted() : 当后台操作已完成、被取消或引发异常时发生,我们这部分只是对结束后台运算时,前台所要最后做的处理,我们只调用了check.FinishAllProgress()。