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  • spark-streaming-kafka包源码分析

    转载请注明原创地址 http://www.cnblogs.com/dongxiao-yang/p/5443789.html   



     JavaPairReceiverInputDStream<String, String> messages =
                KafkaUtils.createStream(jssc, args[0], args[1], topicMap);
     val lines = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group, topicMap).map(_._2)



    object KafkaUtils {
       * Create an input stream that pulls messages from Kafka Brokers.
       * @param ssc       StreamingContext object
       * @param zkQuorum  Zookeeper quorum (hostname:port,hostname:port,..)
       * @param groupId   The group id for this consumer
       * @param topics    Map of (topic_name -> numPartitions) to consume. Each partition is consumed
       *                  in its own thread
       * @param storageLevel  Storage level to use for storing the received objects
       *                      (default: StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2)
       * @return DStream of (Kafka message key, Kafka message value)
      def createStream(
          ssc: StreamingContext,
          zkQuorum: String,
          groupId: String,
          topics: Map[String, Int],
          storageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2
        ): ReceiverInputDStream[(String, String)] = {
        val kafkaParams = Map[String, String](
          "zookeeper.connect" -> zkQuorum, "group.id" -> groupId,
          "zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms" -> "10000")
        createStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder](
          ssc, kafkaParams, topics, storageLevel)
       * Create an input stream that pulls messages from Kafka Brokers.
       * @param ssc         StreamingContext object
       * @param kafkaParams Map of kafka configuration parameters,
       *                    see http://kafka.apache.org/08/configuration.html
       * @param topics      Map of (topic_name -> numPartitions) to consume. Each partition is consumed
       *                    in its own thread.
       * @param storageLevel Storage level to use for storing the received objects
       * @tparam K type of Kafka message key
       * @tparam V type of Kafka message value
       * @tparam U type of Kafka message key decoder
       * @tparam T type of Kafka message value decoder
       * @return DStream of (Kafka message key, Kafka message value)
      def createStream[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, U <: Decoder[_]: ClassTag, T <: Decoder[_]: ClassTag](
          ssc: StreamingContext,
          kafkaParams: Map[String, String],
          topics: Map[String, Int],
          storageLevel: StorageLevel
        ): ReceiverInputDStream[(K, V)] = {
        val walEnabled = WriteAheadLogUtils.enableReceiverLog(ssc.conf)
        new KafkaInputDStream[K, V, U, T](ssc, kafkaParams, topics, walEnabled, storageLevel)
       * Create an input stream that pulls messages from Kafka Brokers.
       * Storage level of the data will be the default StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2.
       * @param jssc      JavaStreamingContext object
       * @param zkQuorum  Zookeeper quorum (hostname:port,hostname:port,..)
       * @param groupId   The group id for this consumer
       * @param topics    Map of (topic_name -> numPartitions) to consume. Each partition is consumed
       *                  in its own thread
       * @return DStream of (Kafka message key, Kafka message value)
      def createStream(
          jssc: JavaStreamingContext,
          zkQuorum: String,
          groupId: String,
          topics: JMap[String, JInt]
        ): JavaPairReceiverInputDStream[String, String] = {
        createStream(jssc.ssc, zkQuorum, groupId, Map(topics.asScala.mapValues(_.intValue()).toSeq: _*))
       * Create an input stream that pulls messages from Kafka Brokers.
       * @param jssc      JavaStreamingContext object
       * @param zkQuorum  Zookeeper quorum (hostname:port,hostname:port,..).
       * @param groupId   The group id for this consumer.
       * @param topics    Map of (topic_name -> numPartitions) to consume. Each partition is consumed
       *                  in its own thread.
       * @param storageLevel RDD storage level.
       * @return DStream of (Kafka message key, Kafka message value)
      def createStream(
          jssc: JavaStreamingContext,
          zkQuorum: String,
          groupId: String,
          topics: JMap[String, JInt],
          storageLevel: StorageLevel
        ): JavaPairReceiverInputDStream[String, String] = {
        createStream(jssc.ssc, zkQuorum, groupId, Map(topics.asScala.mapValues(_.intValue()).toSeq: _*),
       * Create an input stream that pulls messages from Kafka Brokers.
       * @param jssc      JavaStreamingContext object
       * @param keyTypeClass Key type of DStream
       * @param valueTypeClass value type of Dstream
       * @param keyDecoderClass Type of kafka key decoder
       * @param valueDecoderClass Type of kafka value decoder
       * @param kafkaParams Map of kafka configuration parameters,
       *                    see http://kafka.apache.org/08/configuration.html
       * @param topics  Map of (topic_name -> numPartitions) to consume. Each partition is consumed
       *                in its own thread
       * @param storageLevel RDD storage level.
       * @tparam K type of Kafka message key
       * @tparam V type of Kafka message value
       * @tparam U type of Kafka message key decoder
       * @tparam T type of Kafka message value decoder
       * @return DStream of (Kafka message key, Kafka message value)
      def createStream[K, V, U <: Decoder[_], T <: Decoder[_]](
          jssc: JavaStreamingContext,
          keyTypeClass: Class[K],
          valueTypeClass: Class[V],
          keyDecoderClass: Class[U],
          valueDecoderClass: Class[T],
          kafkaParams: JMap[String, String],
          topics: JMap[String, JInt],
          storageLevel: StorageLevel
        ): JavaPairReceiverInputDStream[K, V] = {
        implicit val keyCmt: ClassTag[K] = ClassTag(keyTypeClass)
        implicit val valueCmt: ClassTag[V] = ClassTag(valueTypeClass)
        implicit val keyCmd: ClassTag[U] = ClassTag(keyDecoderClass)
        implicit val valueCmd: ClassTag[T] = ClassTag(valueDecoderClass)
        createStream[K, V, U, T](
          Map(topics.asScala.mapValues(_.intValue()).toSeq: _*),


    new KafkaInputDStream[K, V, U, T](ssc, kafkaParams, topics, walEnabled, storageLevel)


      def getReceiver(): Receiver[(K, V)] = {
        if (!useReliableReceiver) {
          new KafkaReceiver[K, V, U, T](kafkaParams, topics, storageLevel)
        } else {
          new ReliableKafkaReceiver[K, V, U, T](kafkaParams, topics, storageLevel)

    其中,KafkaReceiver实现比较简单,调用的是kafka的high level api产生数据流,产生的每个线程的数据流都被放到一个线程池由单独的线程来消费

    val topicMessageStreams = consumerConnector.createMessageStreams(
    topics, keyDecoder, valueDecoder)

     ReliableKafkaReceiver是结合了spark的预写日志(Write Ahead Logs)功能,开启这个功能需要设置sparkconf属性 spark.streaming.receiver.writeAheadLog.enable为真(默认值是假)


    参考文章 Spark Streaming容错的改进和零数据丢失

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dongxiao-yang/p/5443789.html
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