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  • (九)mysql语法-分组函数和多表连接查询

    和分组函数查询的字段一般情况下是group by后面的字段
    select DATEDIFF('2019-02-02','2019-02-01');--结果:1

    语法:select 分组函数,列(要求出现再group by的后面)
      from 表
      group by 分组的列表
      【order by 子句】
    注意: 查询列表必须特殊,要求是分组函数和group by 后出现的字段
    use myemployees
    select avg(salary),department_id from employees group by department_id;

    select max(salary),job_id from employees group by job_id;

    select count(*),location_id from departments group by location_id;
    select count(1),location_id from departments group by location_id;--这两种写法查询出来的结果是一样的
    select max(salary),manager_id
    from employees
    where commission_pct is not null group by manager_id;
    select count(*),department_id from employees GROUP BY department_id;
    #第二步:查询哪个部门的员工个数是大于2的 添加分组后的筛选
    select count(*),department_id from employees
    GROUP BY department_id
    having count(*)>2;

    select max(salary),job_id from employees
    where commission_pct is not null
    group by job_id
    select max(salary),job_id from employees
    where commission_pct is not null
    group by job_id
    having max(salary)>12000

    #查询每个领导手下的员工的最低工资大于5000 的领导编号,和最低工资,并且领导编号要大于102
    select min(salary),manager_id
    from employees
    where manager_id>102
    GROUP by manager_id
    having min(salary)>5000;

    #第一步 查询每个长度的员工个数
    select count(1),LENGTH(last_name)
    from employees
    GROUP BY LENGTH(last_name);
    #第二步 添加筛选条件
    select count(1),LENGTH(last_name)
    from employees
    GROUP BY LENGTH(last_name)
    having count(1)>5
    select count(1) c,LENGTH(last_name) d
    from employees
    GROUP BY d
    having c>5


    select avg(salary),department_id,job_id
    from employees
    GROUP BY department_id,job_id;

    select avg(salary),department_id,job_id
    from employees
    GROUP BY job_id,department_id;--group by后面的顺序是能够颠倒的,最终查询出来的结果是一样的(视频中是这样说的,但是我本地试的是不行的,建议还是按照真实的需求来)

    select avg(salary),department_id,job_id
    from employees
    where department_id is not null
    GROUP BY department_id,job_id
    having avg(salary)>=24000 --这里随便的演示了一下having子句的放置位置
    order by avg(salary) desc
    use girls
    show TABLES
    select * from beauty

    #查询每个女神的男朋友 这样拆线呢会产生笛卡尔集的错误情况
    select name,boyname from beauty,boys;--这种写法是错误的
    select name,boyname from beauty,boys where beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id;

    sql92标准 仅仅支持内连接
    sql99标准 推荐使用 支持内连接+外连接(左外和右外)+交叉连接


    select name,boyname from beauty,boys where beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id;

    #查询员工名和对应的部门名 有null的那个部门没有进行显示 在查询的时候我们是可以给表起别名的,有过某个字段显示的时候有歧义的话 对应的视频是71
    SELECT last_name,department_name FROM employees,departments where employees.department_id=departments.department_id;

    select a.last_name,b.department_name,a.commission_pct from employees a,departments b where a.department_id=b.department_id
    and a.commission_pct is not null

    select count(*),b.city from departments a,locations b
    where a.location_id=b.location_id
    GROUP BY b.city;

    select a.last_name,b.department_name,c.city
    from employees a,departments b,locations c
    where a.department_id=b.department_id and b.location_id=c.location_id
    and c.city LIKE '%s%';


    /*CREATE TABLE job_grades
    (grade_level VARCHAR(3),
    lowest_sal int,
    highest_sal int);

    INSERT INTO job_grades
    VALUES ('A', 1000, 2999);

    INSERT INTO job_grades
    VALUES ('B', 3000, 5999);

    INSERT INTO job_grades
    VALUES('C', 6000, 9999);

    INSERT INTO job_grades
    VALUES('D', 10000, 14999);

    INSERT INTO job_grades
    VALUES('E', 15000, 24999);

    INSERT INTO job_grades
    VALUES('F', 25000, 40000);*/

    SELECT * from job_grades

    select a.salary,b.grade_level from employees a,job_grades b
    where a.salary BETWEEN b.lowest_sal and b.highest_sal;

    #查询员工名和上级的名称 这种情况说明是这张表中有一些比较特殊的字段,一共查询了这张表两遍 一张表当做两张表来使用,有些情况下,甚至当作更多张表来使用,分别当作了员工表和领导表
    SELECT a.employee_id,a.last_name,b.manager_id,b.last_name FROM employees a,employees b where a.employee_id=b.manager_id;
    SELECT a.employee_id,a.last_name,b.employee_id,b.last_name FROM employees a,employees b where a.employee_id=b.manager_id;--这两种写法,查询出来的效果是一样的

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dongyaotou/p/12315145.html
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