版本 ,每个数字占用2个字节,一个8个字节组成8位无符号整数
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'qqvipfunction' import re def versionToUInt64(version): version = version.strip() pattern = re.compile(r'^(d+).(d+).(d+).(d+)$') match = pattern.match(version) if match: uint16_max = 2<<16 - 1 uint64_tuple = match.groups() value0 = int(uint64_tuple[0]) value1 = int(uint64_tuple[1]) value2 = int(uint64_tuple[2]) value3 = int(uint64_tuple[3]) if value0 <= uint16_max and value1 <= uint16_max and value2 <= uint16_max and value3 <= uint16_max: value = (value0<<48|value1<<32|value2<<16|value3) return str(value) return "invalid formate version" if __name__ == '__main__': while True: version = input("version:") version = version.strip() print("version " + """ + version + "" " + "to uint64 = " + versionToUInt64(version))