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  • 一个功能覆盖率的简单例子


    在验证计划中编写test case时,需要编写功能覆盖率计划。一般而言,在验证环境中有4个地方可以编写coverage points.

    F1 : Functional coverage points are very near the randomization

    F2 : Functional coverage points are sampled at input interface of DUT

    F3 : Functional coverage points which sample internal DUT states

    F4 : Functional coverage points which sample output interface of DUT


     1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     2 //   DUT With Coverage
     3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     4 module simple_coverage();
     6 logic [7:0]  addr;
     7 logic [7:0]  data;
     8 logic        par;
     9 logic        rw;
    10 logic        en;
    11 //=================================================
    12 // Coverage Group
    13 //=================================================
    14 covergroup memory @ (posedge en);
    15   address : coverpoint addr {
    16     bins low    = {0,50};
    17     bins med    = {51,150};
    18     bins high   = {151,255};
    19   }
    20   parity : coverpoint  par {
    21     bins even  = {0};
    22     bins odd   = {1};
    23   }
    24   read_write : coverpoint rw {
    25     bins  read  = {0};
    26     bins  write = {1};
    27   }
    28 endgroup
    29 //=================================================
    30 // Instance of covergroup memory
    31 //=================================================
    32 memory mem = new();
    33 //=================================================
    34 // Task to drive values
    35 //=================================================
    36 task drive (input [7:0] a, input [7:0] d, input r);
    37   #5 en <= 1;
    38   addr  <= a;
    39   rw    <= r;
    40   data  <= d;
    41   par   <= ^d;
    42   $display ("@%2tns Address :%d data %x, rw %x, parity %x",
    43      $time,a,d,r, ^d);
    44   #5    en <= 0;
    45   rw    <= 0;
    46   data  <= 0;
    47   par   <= 0;
    48   addr  <= 0;
    49   rw    <= 0;
    50 endtask
    51 //=================================================
    52 // Testvector generation
    53 //=================================================
    54 initial begin
    55   en = 0;
    56   repeat (10) begin
    57     drive ($random,$random,$random);
    58   end
    59   #10 $finish;
    60 end
    62 endmodule
    View Code

    In the example we have covergroup memory which basically gets sampled on every posedge of en, and it samples address for three ranges, parity for even and odd, and finally rw for read and write.

    和module/program/interface, coverage 可以用new()实例化,在每个en的边沿上所有的数据被采样存储在仓库(bins)中。

    编写Makefile 文件

        vcs -sverilog -R simple_voerage.sv -debug_all

        dve -covdir simv.vdb&

        urg -dir simv.vdb

        rm -rf *.log simv.* DVEfiles urg* csrc *.key simv

    首先,运行make all 生成覆盖率文件simv.vdb文件,然后运行make dve,用dve图形化的方式查看代码覆盖率。


    [1] http://www.asic-world.com/systemverilog/coverage1.html#Simulation_:_Coverage

    [2] http://www.asic-world.com/systemverilog/coverage.html

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dpc525/p/5538935.html
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