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  • 【数据结构】DFS求有向图的强连通分量


    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 20
    typedef struct ArcBox{
        int tailvex, headvex; //该弧尾和头顶点的位置
        struct ArcBox *hlink, *tlink; //分别指向弧头相同和弧尾相同的弧的链域
    typedef struct VexNode{
        int data;
        ArcBox *firstin, *firstout;//分别指向该顶点的第一条入弧和出弧
    typedef struct{
        VexNode xlist[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; //表头向量
        int vexnum, arcnum; //有向图的顶点数和弧数
    int LocateVex(OLGraph G, int data)
        for(int i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++)
            if(G.xlist[i].data == data)
                return i;
        cout << "error the vertex "<< data << " is not in the list"<<endl;
        return -1;
    void CreateDG(OLGraph &G)
        cout << "please input the number of vertex, the number of arc:";
        cin >> G.vexnum >> G.arcnum;
        for(int i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++)
            cout << "please input vertex data:";
            cin >> G.xlist[i].data;
            G.xlist[i].firstin = NULL;  //初始化指针
            G.xlist[i].firstout = NULL;
        for(int k = 0; k < G.arcnum; k++)
            int v1, v2; //弧的尾和头
            cout << "please input the tail and head vertex of each tail:";
            cin >> v1 >> v2;
            int i = LocateVex(G, v1);
            int j = LocateVex(G, v2);
            ArcBox * p = new ArcBox;
            p->headvex = j;
            p->tailvex = i;
            p->hlink = G.xlist[j].firstin;
            p->tlink = G.xlist[i].firstout;
            G.xlist[j].firstin = p;
            G.xlist[i].firstout = p;
    //输入: 图G, 开始遍历点v, 遍历标志visited, 遍历方向dir 0 表示从尾向头遍历 1表示从头到尾遍历, vecor存放跳出遍历的顺序
    void DFS(OLGraph G, int v, int * visited, int dir, vector<int> * vec)
        visited[v] = 1;
        if(dir == 0) //从尾向头遍历
            ArcBox * w = G.xlist[v].firstout;
            while(w != NULL ) //注意 这里的while 
                if(visited[w->headvex] == 1)
                    w = w->tlink;
                else//未访问过该点 递归遍历该点
                    DFS(G, w->headvex, visited, dir, vec);
                    w = w->tlink;
        else //从头向尾遍历
            ArcBox * w = G.xlist[v].firstin;
            while(w != NULL)//查找下一个遍历点
                if((visited[w->tailvex]) == 1)
                    w = w->hlink;
                else//未访问过该点 递归遍历该点
                    DFS(G, w->tailvex, visited, dir, vec);
                    w = w->hlink;
    vector<vector<int>> FindConnectedPart(OLGraph G)
        vector<vector<int>> ConnectedPart;
        vector<vector<int>> finished;
        int* visited = new int[G.vexnum];
        memset(visited, 0, G.vexnum * sizeof(int)); //初始化为全部没有访问过
        for(int v = 0; v < G.vexnum; v++)
            if(visited[v] == 0) //没有被访问过
                vector<int> vec;
                DFS(G, v, visited, 0, &vec);
        memset(visited, 0, G.vexnum * sizeof(int)); 
        vector<int>::iterator it;
        vector<vector<int>>::iterator it2;
        int* find = new int[G.vexnum]; //find标识顶点实际上是否被查找过
        for(int i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++) 
            find[i] = 0;
            visited[i] = 1;
        for(it2 = finished.begin(); it2 < finished.end(); it2++)
            //已经遍历过的部分visited不变,即都是1; find[i]= 0的表示本次遍历时不遍历结点i,为了跳过i,设它们的visited[i]=1; 但实际上,它们还没有被访问到
            //比如从尾到头遍历时得到两个分量 (1,2,3,4)(5)
            //那么为了找到重连通分量,从头到尾遍历4,3,2,1时不应该经过5 即可能从头到尾遍历时的分量是(1 2 3 5)(4)
            // 但实际上重连通分量为(1,2,3)(4)(5)三个
            for(it = it2->begin(); it < it2->end(); it++)
                visited[*it] = 0; //只把本次遍历考虑到的顶点的visited设为0,其他为1,就不会加人遍历了
                find[*it] = 1;
            for(it = it2->begin(); it < it2->end(); it++)
                if(visited[*it] == 0) //没有被访问过
                    vector<int> vec;
                    DFS(G, *it, visited, 1, &vec);
        int n = 0;
        cout << "重连通分量有:" << endl;
        for(it2 = ConnectedPart.begin(); it2 < ConnectedPart.end(); it2++)
            cout << ++n << ":";
            for(it = it2->begin(); it < it2->end(); it++)
                cout << G.xlist[*it].data << " ";
            cout<< endl;
        delete [] visited;
        delete [] find;
        return ConnectedPart;
    int main()
        OLGraph G;
        return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dplearning/p/3992697.html
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