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  • 【leetcode】Word Ladder (hard) ★

    Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find the length of shortest transformation sequence from start to end, such that:

    1. Only one letter can be changed at a time
    2. Each intermediate word must exist in the dictionary

    For example,

    start = "hit"
    end = "cog"
    dict = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]

    As one shortest transformation is "hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog",
    return its length 5.


    找两点之间的最小距离,感觉只能用图,构建图的邻接矩阵,然后folyd 果断的超时了.....

    int ladderLength1(string start, string end, unordered_set<string> &dict) {
            if(start == end) return 1;
            int vexnum = dict.size() + 2;
            if(dict.find(start) != dict.end()) vexnum--;
            if(dict.find(end) != dict.end()) vexnum--;
            vector<string> s(vexnum); //记录graph中每行代表的单词
            vector<vector<int>> graph(vexnum, vector<int>(vexnum, vexnum + 1)); //邻接矩阵
            s[0] = start;
            s.back() = end;
            int i = 1;
            unordered_set<string>::iterator it;
            for(it = dict.begin(); it != dict.end(); it++)
                if(*it != start && *it != end)
                    s[i++] = (*it);
            for(i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
                string temp = s[i];
                for(int j = 0; j < start.size(); j++)
                    for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
                        temp[j] = c;
                        if(dict.find(temp) != dict.end())
                            int edge = find(s.begin(), s.end(), temp) - s.begin();
                            if(edge == i)
                                graph[i][edge] = 0;
                                graph[edge][i] = 0;
                                graph[i][edge] = 1;
                                graph[edge][i] = 1;
            for(int k = 0; k < graph.size(); k++)
                for(int i = 0; i < graph.size(); i++)
                    for(int j = 0; j < graph.size(); j++)
                        if(graph[i][j] > graph[i][k] + graph[k][j])
                            graph[i][j] = graph[i][k] + graph[k][j];
            return (graph[0][vexnum - 1] == vexnum + 1) ? 0 : graph[0][vexnum - 1] + 1;

    来看大神的BFS算法,用dis记录每个点到start的距离。队列里开始只有start, 然后每次遇到新转化成的单词就进队列,更新距离。判断能否转化时用字符长度和26个字母,而不是对字典遍历,因为字典中单词的数量可能远大于26个。

    int ladderLength(string start, string end, unordered_set<string> &dict)
            unordered_map<string, int> dis;
            queue<string> q;
            dis[start] = 1;
                string word = q.front(); q.pop();
                for(int i = 0; i < start.size(); i++)
                    string temp = word;
                    for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
                        temp[i] = c;
                        if(dict.count(temp) > 0 && dis.count(temp) == 0)
                            dis[temp] = dis[word] + 1;
            if(dis.count(end) == 0) return 0;
            return dis[end];
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dplearning/p/4268705.html
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