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  • kata devices

    const (
        driver9pType        = "9p"
        driverVirtioFSType  = "virtio-fs"
        driverBlkType       = "blk"
        driverBlkCCWType    = "blk-ccw"
        driverMmioBlkType   = "mmioblk"
        driverSCSIType      = "scsi"
        driverNvdimmType    = "nvdimm"
        driverEphemeralType = "ephemeral"
        driverLocalType     = "local"
        vmRootfs            = "/"
    Access to devices on the host
    If you need to directly expose some host devices to a container, you can use the devices parameter in the host_config param in Client.create_container as shown below:
        'busybox', 'true', host_config=cli.create_host_config(devices=[
    Each string is a single mapping using the following format: <path_on_host>:<path_in_container>:<cgroup_permissions> The above example allows the container to have read-write access to the host's /dev/sda via a node named /dev/xvda inside the container.
    As a more verbose alternative, each host device definition can be specified as a dictionary with the following keys:
        'PathOnHost': '/dev/sda1',
        'PathInContainer': '/dev/xvda',
        'CgroupPermissions': 'rwm'
    // Stores a mapping of device names (in host / outer container naming)
    // to the device and resources slots in a container spec
    type devIndexEntry struct {
            idx         int
    func makeDevIndex(spec *pb.Spec) devIndex {
            devIdx := make(devIndex)
            if spec == nil || spec.Linux == nil || spec.Linux.Devices == nil {
                    return devIdx
            for i, d := range spec.Linux.Devices {
                    rIdx := make([]int, 0)
                    if spec.Linux.Resources != nil && spec.Linux.Resources.Devices != nil {
                            for j, r := range spec.Linux.Resources.Devices {
                                    if r.Type == d.Type && r.Major == d.Major && r.Minor == d.Minor {
                                            rIdx = append(rIdx, j)
                    devIdx[d.Path] = devIndexEntry{
                            idx:         i,
                            resourceIdx: rIdx,
            return devIdx
    func (a *agentGRPC) CreateContainer(ctx context.Context, req *pb.CreateContainerRequest) (resp *gpb.Empty, err error) {
            if err := a.createContainerChecks(req); err != nil {
                    return emptyResp, err
            // re-scan PCI bus
            // looking for hidden devices
            if err = rescanPciBus(); err != nil {
                    agentLog.WithError(err).Warn("Could not rescan PCI bus")
            // Some devices need some extra processing (the ones invoked with
            // --device for instance), and that's what this call is doing. It
            // updates the devices listed in the OCI spec, so that they actually
            // match real devices inside the VM. This step is necessary since we
            // cannot predict everything from the caller.
            if err = addDevices(ctx, req.Devices, req.OCI, a.sandbox); err != nil {
                    return emptyResp, err
    func addDevices(ctx context.Context, devices []*pb.Device, spec *pb.Spec, s *sandbox) error {
            devIdx := makeDevIndex(spec)
            for _, device := range devices {
                    if device == nil {
                    err := addDevice(ctx, device, spec, s, devIdx)
                    if err != nil {
                            return err
            return nil
    func addDevice(ctx context.Context, device *pb.Device, spec *pb.Spec, s *sandbox, devIdx devIndex) error {
            if device == nil {
                    return grpcStatus.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid device")
            if spec == nil {
                    return grpcStatus.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid spec")
            // log before validation to help with debugging gRPC protocol
            // version differences.
                    "device-id":             device.Id,
                    "device-type":           device.Type,
                    "device-vm-path":        device.VmPath,
                    "device-container-path": device.ContainerPath,
                    "device-options":        device.Options,
            if device.Type == "" {
                    return grpcStatus.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument,
                            "invalid type for device %v", device)
            if device.Id == "" && device.VmPath == "" {
                    return grpcStatus.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument,
                            "invalid ID and VM path for device %v", device)
            if device.ContainerPath == "" {
                    return grpcStatus.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument,
                            "invalid container path for device %v", device)
            devHandler, ok := deviceHandlerList[device.Type]
            if !ok {
                    return grpcStatus.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument,
                            "Unknown device type %q", device.Type)
            return devHandler(ctx, *device, spec, s, devIdx)
    type deviceHandler func(ctx context.Context, device pb.Device, spec *pb.Spec, s *sandbox, devIdx devIndex) error
    var deviceHandlerList = map[string]deviceHandler{
            driverMmioBlkType: virtioMmioBlkDeviceHandler,
            driverBlkType:     virtioBlkDeviceHandler,
            driverBlkCCWType:  virtioBlkCCWDeviceHandler,
            driverSCSIType:    virtioSCSIDeviceHandler,
            driverNvdimmType:  nvdimmDeviceHandler,
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    list 转换成dictionary,并统计词频
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/14023460.html
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