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  • Tars在鲲鹏ARM64服务器上的移植分享


    Tars是将腾讯内部使用的微服务架构TAF(Total Application Framework)多年的实践成果总结而成的开源项目。是基于名字服务使用Tars协议的高性能RPC开发框架,同时配套一体化的服务治理平台,帮助个人或者企业快速的以微服务的方式构建自己稳定可靠的分布式应用。


    git clone https://github.com/TarsCloud/...
    cd TarsFramework
    git submodule update --init --recursive


    1 原子操作实现


    int add_and_return(int i) 
        /* Modern 486+ processor */
            int __i = i;
            __asm__ __volatile__(
                TARS_LOCK "xaddl %0, %1;"
                :"m"(_value.counter), "0"(i));
         return i + __i;


    int add_and_return(int i)
    #if defined(__aarch64__)
            return __atomic_add_fetch(&_value.counter,i,__ATOMIC_ACQ_REL);
        /* Modern 486+ processor */
            int __i = i;
            __asm__ __volatile__(
                TARS_LOCK "xaddl %0, %1;"
                :"m"(_value.counter), "0"(i));
         return i + __i;

    2 高精度计时器实现


    #define rdtsc(low,high) 
           __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high))


    #if defined(__aarch64__)
     #define rdtsc(var) 
           asm volatile("mrs %0, CNTVCT_EL0" : "=r"(var))
     #elif defined(__x86_64__)
     #define rdtsc(low,high) 
           __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high))

    3 协程实现


        leaq   -0x58(%rdi),    %rax        /* reserve space for fcontext_t at top of context stack */
        /* shift address in RAX to lower 16 byte boundary */
        /* == pointer to fcontext_t and address of context stack */
        andq   $-16,           %rax
        movq   %rdi,           0x40(%rax) /* save address of context stack pointer (base) in fcontext_t */
        movq   %rsi,           0x48(%rax) /* save context stack size in fcontext_t */
        movq   %rdx,           0x38(%rax) /* save address of context function in fcontext_t */
        stmxcsr  0x50(%rax)                /* save MMX control and status word */
        fnstcw   0x54(%rax)                /* save x87 control word */
        leaq   -0x8(%rax),      %rdx       /* reserve space for the return address on context stack, (RSP - 0x8) % 16 == 0 */
        movq   %rdx,            0x30(%rax) /* save address in RDX as stack pointer for context function */
        leaq   finish(%rip),    %rcx       /* compute abs address of label finish */
        movq   %rcx,            (%rdx)     /* save address of finish as return address for context function */
                                           /* entered after context function returns */
        ret                                /* return pointer to fcontext_t placed on context stack */
        /* RSP points to same address as RSP on entry of context function + 0x8 */
        xorq    %rdi,           %rdi       /* exit code is zero */
        call   _exit@PLT                   /* exit application */
        movq     %rbx,       (%rdi)         /* save RBX */
        movq     %r12,       0x8(%rdi)      /* save R12 */
        movq     %r13,       0x10(%rdi)     /* save R13 */
        movq     %r14,       0x18(%rdi)     /* save R14 */
        movq     %r15,       0x20(%rdi)     /* save R15 */
        movq     %rbp,       0x28(%rdi)     /* save RBP */
        cmp      $0,         %rcx
        je       1f
        stmxcsr  0x50(%rdi)             /* save MMX control and status word */
        fnstcw   0x54(%rdi)             /* save x87 control word */
        ldmxcsr  0x50(%rsi)             /* restore MMX control and status word */
        fldcw    0x54(%rsi)             /* restore x87 control word */
        leaq     0x8(%rsp),  %rax       /* exclude the return address and save as stack pointer */
        movq     %rax,       0x30(%rdi) /* save as stack pointer */
        movq     (%rsp),     %rax       /* save return address */
        movq     %rax,       0x38(%rdi) /* save return address as RIP */
        movq     (%rsi),      %rbx      /* restore RBX */
        movq     0x8(%rsi),   %r12      /* restore R12 */
        movq     0x10(%rsi),  %r13      /* restore R13 */
        movq     0x18(%rsi),  %r14      /* restore R14 */
        movq     0x20(%rsi),  %r15      /* restore R15 */
        movq     0x28(%rsi),  %rbp      /* restore RBP */
        movq     0x30(%rsi),  %rsp      /* restore RSP */
        movq     0x38(%rsi),  %rcx      /* fetch the address to return to */
        movq     %rdx,        %rax      /* use third arg as return value after jump */
        movq     %rdx,        %rdi      /* use third arg as first arg in context function */
        jmp      %rcx                  /* indirect jump to context */

    通过理解以上x86实现并结合Procedure Call Standard for the Arm规范我们做了如下支持ARM64平台的实现:

        mov x5, x0
        sub x5, x5 , 0x88
        and x5, x5 , #-16
        str x0, [x5, 0x70]
        str x1, [x5, 0x78]
        str x2, [x5, 0x80]
        /*sub x6, x5, 0x10 */
        str x5, [x5, 0x68]
        mov x0, x5
        LDR x7, =finish
        str x7, [x5, 0x60]
        /* RSP points to same address as RSP on entry of context function + 0x8 */
        eor   x0,     x0,         x0       /* exit code is zero */
        bl     exit                   /* exit application */
        stp x18, x19, [x0]
        stp x20, x21, [x0, 0x10]
        stp x22, x23, [x0, 0x20]
        stp x24, x25, [x0, 0x30]
        stp x26, x27, [x0, 0x40]
        stp x28, x29, [x0, 0x50]
        str      x30, [x0, 0x60]
        mov x5,  sp
        str      x5,  [x0, 0x68]
        str      x30, [x0, 0x80]
        ldp x18, x19, [x1]
        ldp x20, x21, [x1, 0x10]
        ldp x22, x23, [x1, 0x20]
        ldp x24, x25, [x1, 0x30]
        ldp x26, x27, [x1, 0x40]
        ldp x28, x29, [x1, 0x50]
        ldr      x30, [x1, 0x60]
        ldr      x5,  [x1, 0x68]
        mov sp,  x5
        ldr      x6,  [x1, 0x80]
        mov x0,  x2
        br x6

    如想详细了解Procedure Call Standard for the Arm规范请参考如下链接:https://developer.arm.com/doc...



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/14600133.html
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