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  • weak_ptr

    weak_ptr是为配合shared_ptr而引入的一种智能指针来协助shared_ptr工作,它可以从一个shared_ptr或另一个weak_ptr对象构造,它的构造和析构不会引起引用计数的增加或减少。没有重载 *和 -> 但可以使用lock获得一个可用的shared_ptr对象


    注意:weak_ptr并不拥有资源的所有权,所以不能直接使用资源。 可以从一个weak_ptr构造一个shared_ptr以取得共享资源的所有权。

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <memory>
    #include <vector>
    #include <map>
    void check(std::weak_ptr<int> &wp) {
        std::shared_ptr<int> sp = wp.lock();  // 转换为shared_ptr<int>
        if (sp != nullptr) {
          std::cout << "still: " << *sp << std::endl;
        } else {
          std::cout << "still: " << "pointer is invalid" << std::endl;
    int main()
        std::shared_ptr<int> sp1(new int(22));
        std::shared_ptr<int> sp2 = sp1;
        std::weak_ptr<int> wp = sp1;  // 指向shared_ptr<int>所指对象
        std::cout << "count: " << wp.use_count() << std::endl;  // count: 2
        std::cout << *sp1 << std::endl;  // 22
        std::cout << *sp2 << std::endl;  // 22
        check(wp);  // still: 22
        std::cout << "count: " << wp.use_count() << std::endl;  // count: 1
        std::cout << *sp2 << std::endl;  // 22
        check(wp);  // still: 22
        std::cout << "count: " << wp.use_count() << std::endl;  // count: 0
        check(wp);  // still: pointer is invalid
        return 0;
    count: 2
    still: 22
    count: 1
    still: 22
    count: 0
    still: pointer is invalid
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <memory>
    #include <vector>
    #include <map>
    void check(std::weak_ptr<int> &wp) {
        std::shared_ptr<int> sp = wp.lock();  // 转换为shared_ptr<int>
        if (sp != nullptr) {
          std::cout << "still: " << *sp << std::endl;
        } else {
          std::cout << "still: " << "pointer is invalid" << std::endl;
    int main()
        std::shared_ptr<int> sp1(new int(22));
        std::shared_ptr<int> sp2 = sp1;
        std::weak_ptr<int> wp = sp1;  // 指向shared_ptr<int>所指对象
        return 0;
    root@ubuntu:~/c++# g++ -std=c++11  weak.cpp -o weak
    weak.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
    weak.cpp:22:5: error: no match foroperator*’ (operand type is ‘std::weak_ptr<int>’)

    没有重载 *和 -> 

      • 为什么要使用weak_ptr
    class CB;
    class CA
        CA() { cout << "CA() called! " << endl; }
        ~CA() { cout << "~CA() called! " << endl; }
        void set_ptr(shared_ptr<CB>& ptr) { m_ptr_b = ptr; }
        void b_use_count() { cout << "b use count : " << m_ptr_b.use_count() << endl; }
        void show() { cout << "this is class CA!" << endl; }
        shared_ptr<CB> m_ptr_b;
    class CB
        CB() { cout << "CB() called! " << endl; }
        ~CB() { cout << "~CB() called! " << endl; }
        void set_ptr(shared_ptr<CA>& ptr) { m_ptr_a = ptr; }
        void a_use_count() { cout << "a use count : " << m_ptr_a.use_count() << endl; }
        void show() { cout << "this is class CB!" << endl; }
        shared_ptr<CA> m_ptr_a;
    void test_refer_to_each_other()
        shared_ptr<CA> ptr_a(new CA());
        shared_ptr<CB> ptr_b(new CB());
        cout << "a use count : " << ptr_a.use_count() << endl;
        cout << "b use count : " << ptr_b.use_count() << endl;
        cout << "a use count : " << ptr_a.use_count() << endl;
        cout << "b use count : " << ptr_b.use_count() << endl;
    // 测试结果
    CA() called!
    CB() called!
    a use count : 1
    b use count : 1
    a use count : 2
    b use count : 2



    class CB
        CB() { cout << "CB() called! " << endl; }
        ~CB() { cout << "~CB() called! " << endl; }
        void set_ptr(shared_ptr<CA>& ptr) { m_ptr_a = ptr; }
        void a_use_count() { cout << "a use count : " << m_ptr_a.use_count() << endl; }
        void show() { cout << "this is class CB!" << endl; }
        weak_ptr<CA> m_ptr_a;
    // 测试结果
    CA() called!
    CB() called!
    a use count : 1
    b use count : 1
    a use count : 1
    b use count : 2
    ~CA() called!
    ~CB() called!


    weak_ptr 注意事项

    // 编译错误 // error C2665: “std::weak_ptr<CA>::weak_ptr”: 3 个重载中没有一个可以转换所有参数类型
    // weak_ptr<CA> ptr_1(new CA());
    // 编译错误
    // error C2440 : “初始化”: 无法从“std::weak_ptr<CA>”转换为“std::shared_ptr<CA>”
    // shared_ptr<CA> ptr_3 = wk_ptr;
    // 编译错误
    // 编译必须作用于相同的指针类型之间
    // wk_ptr_a.swap(wk_ptr_b);         // 调用交换函数
    // 编译错误
    // 编译必须作用于相同的指针类型之间
    // wk_ptr_b = wk_ptr_a;


    void test2()
        shared_ptr<CA> ptr_a(new CA());     // 输出:CA() called!
        shared_ptr<CB> ptr_b(new CB());     // 输出:CB() called!
        cout << "ptr_a use count : " << ptr_a.use_count() << endl; // 输出:ptr_a use count : 1
        cout << "ptr_b use count : " << ptr_b.use_count() << endl; // 输出:ptr_b use count : 1
        weak_ptr<CA> wk_ptr_a = ptr_a;
        weak_ptr<CB> wk_ptr_b = ptr_b;
        if (!wk_ptr_a.expired())
            wk_ptr_a.lock()->show();        // 输出:this is class CA!
        if (!wk_ptr_b.expired())
            wk_ptr_b.lock()->show();        // 输出:this is class CB!
        wk_ptr_b.reset();                   // 将wk_ptr_b的指向清空
        if (wk_ptr_b.expired())
            cout << "wk_ptr_b is invalid" << endl;  // 输出:wk_ptr_b is invalid 说明改指针已经无效
        wk_ptr_b = ptr_b;
        if (!wk_ptr_b.expired())
            wk_ptr_b.lock()->show();        // 输出:this is class CB! 调用赋值操作后,wk_ptr_b恢复有效
        // 最后输出的引用计数还是1,说明之前使用weak_ptr类型赋值,不会影响引用计数
        cout << "ptr_a use count : " << ptr_a.use_count() << endl; // 输出:ptr_a use count : 1
        cout << "ptr_b use count : " << ptr_b.use_count() << endl; // 输出:ptr_b use count : 1
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/14685199.html
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