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  • riscv ecall

    # Risc-V Assembler program to print "Hello World!"
    # to stdout.
    # a0-a2 - parameters to linux function services
    # a7 - linux function number
    .global _start      # Provide program starting address to linker
    # Setup the parameters to print hello world
    # and then call Linux to do it.
    _start: addi  a0, x0, 1      # 1 = StdOut
            la    a1, helloworld # load address of helloworld
            addi  a2, x0, 13     # length of our string
            addi  a7, x0, 64     # linux write system call
            ecall                # Call linux to output the string
    # Setup the parameters to exit the program
    # and then call Linux to do it.
            addi    a0, x0, 0   # Use 0 return code
            addi    a7, x0, 93  # Service command code 93 terminates
            ecall               # Call linux to terminate the program
    helloworld:      .ascii "Hello World!\n"
    root@ubuntu:~/riscv_learn/01_ecall# riscv64-linux-gnu-as -march=rv64imac -o hello.o hello.s
    root@ubuntu:~/riscv_learn/01_ecall# riscv64-linux-gnu-ld -o hello hello.o
    root@ubuntu:~/riscv_learn/01_ecall# riscv64-linux-gnu-objdump -d hello
    hello:     file format elf64-littleriscv
    Disassembly of section .text:
    00000000000100b0 <_start>:
       100b0:       00100513                li      a0,1
       100b4:       00001597                auipc   a1,0x1
       100b8:       02058593                addi    a1,a1,32 # 110d4 <helloworld>
       100bc:       00d00613                li      a2,13
       100c0:       04000893                li      a7,64
       100c4:       00000073                ecall
       100c8:       00000513                li      a0,0
       100cc:       05d00893                li      a7,93
       100d0:       00000073                ecall
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/15692867.html
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