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  • Java 多线程笔记

    1、A Java program ends when all its threads finish (more specifically, when all its non-daemon threads finish). If the initial thread (the one that executes the main() method) ends, the rest of the threads will continue with their execution until they finish. If one of the threads use the System.exit() instruction to end the execution of the program, all the threads end their execution.
    2、Creating an object of the Thread class doesn't create a new execution thread. Also, calling the run() method of a class that implements the Runnable interface doesn't create a new execution thread. Only calling the start() method creates a new execution thread.
    3、The Thread class saves some information attributes that can help us to identify a thread,know its status, or control its priority. These attributes are:
    #ID: This attribute stores a unique identifier for each Thread.
    #Name: This attribute store the name of Thread.
    #Priority: This attribute stores the priority of the Thread objects. Threads can have a priority between one and 10, where one is the lowest priority and 10 is the  highest one. It's not recommended to change the priority of the threads, but it's a possibility that you can use if you want.
    #Status: This attribute stores the status of Thread. In Java, Thread can be in one of these six states: new, runnable, blocked, waiting, time waiting,or terminated.
    #Status:这个特性保存了线程的状态。Java中线程可以处于下列六个状态之一:new、runnable、blocked、waiting、time waiting、teminated.
    4、Another possibility is to use the sleep() method of an element of the TimeUnit enumeration. This method uses the sleep() method of the Thread class to put the current thread to sleep, but it receives the parameter in the unit that it represents and converts it to milliseconds.
    5、Waiting for the finalization of a thread
    In some situations, we will have to wait for the finalization of a thread. For example, we may have a program that will begin initializing the resources it needs before proceeding with the rest of the execution. We can run the initialization tasks as threads and wait for its finalization before continuing with the rest of the program. For this purpose, we can use the join() method of the Thread class. When we call this method using a thread object, it suspends the execution of the calling thread until the object called finishes its execution.
    6、Java provides two additional forms of the join() method:
      join (long milliseconds)
      join (long milliseconds, long nanos)
    In the first version of the join() method, instead of waiting indefinitely for the finalization of the thread called, the calling thread waits for the milliseconds specified as a parameter of the method. For example, if the object thread1 has the code, thread2.join(1000), the thread thread1 suspends its execution until one of these two conditions is true:
     thread2 finishes its execution 
    1000 milliseconds have been passed
    When one of these two conditions is true, the join() method returns.The second version of the join() method is similar to the first one, but receives the number
    of milliseconds and the number of nanoseconds as parameters.
    join (long milliseconds)
     join (long milliseconds, long nanos)
    7、Creating and running a daemon thread .
    Java has a special kind of thread called daemon thread. These kind of threads have very low priority and normally only executes when no other thread of the same program is running.When daemon threads are the only threads running in a program, the JVM ends the program finishing these threads. With these characteristics, the daemon threads are normally used as service providers for normal (also called user) threads running in the same program. They usually have an infinite loop that waits for the service request or performs the tasks of the thread. They can't do important jobs because we don't know when they are going to have CPU time and they can finish any time if there aren't any other threads running. A typical example of these kind of threads is the Java garbage collector.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huangzejun/p/8143828.html
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