DataSource1 : TDataSource;
ClientDataSet1 : TClientDataSet;
Label1 : TLabel;
Edit1 : TEdit;
Memo1 : TMemo;
ImageControl1 : TImageControl;
BindNavigator1 : TBindNavigator;
{在连接过程中, 会自动添加下面部件}
BindingsList1 : TBindingsList;
BindScopeDB1 : TBindScopeDB;
DBLinkLabel1SpeciesNo1 : TBindDBTextLink;
DBLinkEdit1Category1 : TBindDBEditLink;
DBLinkMemo1Notes1 : TBindDBMemoLink;
DBLinkImageControl1Graphic1 : TBindDBImageLink;
测试使用官方提供的测试数据 biolife.xml(或 biolife.cds), 其路径通常是: C:Program FilesCommon FilesCodeGear SharedDataiolife.xml
1、置 DataSource1 的 DataSet 属性为 ClientDataSet1; 2、置 ClientDataSet 的 FileName 属性为 'C:Program FilesCommon FilesCodeGear SharedDataiolife.xml'; 3、将四个控件分别关联到 biolife.xml 中的字段: Label1 -> 右键 -> Link To DB Field... -> 选择 Species No (数字) Edit1 -> 右键 -> Link To DB Field... -> 选择 CateGory (string) Memo1 -> 右键 -> Link To DB Field... -> 选择 Notes (Text) ImageControl -> 右键 -> Link To DB Field... -> 选择 Graphic (Graphics) 4、置 BindNavigator1 的 BindScope 属性为 BindScopeDB1; 5、置 ClientDataSet1 的 Active 属性为 True.
DataSource1 : TDataSource; ClientDataSet1 : TClientDataSet; Label1 : TLabel; Edit1 : TEdit; Memo1 : TMemo; ImageControl1 : TImageControl; BindNavigator1 : TBindNavigator; BindingsList1 : TBindingsList; BindScopeDB1 : TBindScopeDB;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ClientDataSet1.FileName := 'C:Program FilesCommon FilesCodeGear SharedDataiolife.xml'; DataSource1.DataSet := ClientDataSet1; BindScopeDB1.DataSource := DataSource1; BindNavigator1.BindScope := BindScopeDB1; with TBindDBTextLink.Create(BindingsList1) do begin ControlComponent := Label1; DataSource := BindScopeDB1; FieldName := 'Species No'; end; with TBindDBEditLink.Create(BindingsList1) do begin ControlComponent := Edit1; DataSource := BindScopeDB1; FieldName := 'Category'; end; with TBindDBMemoLink.Create(BindingsList1) do begin ControlComponent := Memo1; DataSource := BindScopeDB1; FieldName := 'Notes'; end; with TBindDBImageLink.Create(BindingsList1) do begin ControlComponent := ImageControl1; DataSource := BindScopeDB1; FieldName := 'Graphic'; end; ClientDataSet1.Active := True; end;
要绑定到 TStringGrid, 在设计时(在上面的基础上)只需: StringGrid1 -> Link to DB DataSource... -> BindScopeDB1
下面是运行时绑定到 TStringGrid 的代码:
uses Fmx.Bind.Editors, Data.Bind.DBLinks, Fmx.Bind.DBLinks; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ClientDataSet1.FileName := 'C:Program FilesCommon FilesCodeGear SharedDataiolife.xml'; DataSource1.DataSet := ClientDataSet1; BindScopeDB1.DataSource := DataSource1; BindNavigator1.BindScope := BindScopeDB1; ClientDataSet1.Active := True; with TBindDBGridLink.Create(BindingsList1) do //还可用 TBindGridLink begin GridControl := StringGrid1; DataSource := BindScopeDB1; Active := True; end; end;