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  • SYS_Oracle Erp的基本知识点(概念)

     2014-01-12 Created By BaoXinjian

    1001. ORACLE EBS学习的其他资源有哪四个?

    (1).metalink  http://metalink.oracle.com  最新名为 MOS http://www.oracle.com/us/support/index.html

    (2).appsworld   oracle电子商务应用大会


    (4).oracle technology network  http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html


    2. ORACLE OPEN WORLD大会是不是一个市场营销活动?




    1003. Oracle 大学有哪五种课程?


    (1).instructor-led traning(ilt)  training on demand

    (2).live webclass(lwc)     live-virtual class         

    (3).recorded webclass(rwc)   live-virtual class

    (4).learning(oracle university knowledge centre(oukc)  classroom training

    (5).self-service cd-rom (sscd)   self-study course 


    1004. 多个责任分配给一个人,是多对一关系,还是一对多关系?



    1005. 一个责任分配给多个人,是什么样的关系?



    1006. 双+号和双-号,分别是做什么用的?



    Expand All expands all the sublevels of all expandable items in the navigation list.


    Collapse All collapses all currently expanded items in the navigation list.



    1007. ORACLE应用系统间的数据流有哪四步,注意顺序不能错?

    data entry数据输入->forms前台菜单->tables后台的数据库表->oracle server oracle服务器


    1008. 不同的字段颜色,有不同的功能,系统中有哪5种颜色,他们分别是做什么用的?

    白色》允许录入数据 White:It allows data entry.

    蓝色字段黑色文本》下拉列表 Blue with Black text:It indicates drilldown capability

    黄色》必填字段  Yellow:It requires data entry.

    白色字段绿色文本》仅显示字段 White with Green text:It is display only

    蓝色》查询输入模式  Blue:It indicates fields to use in “Query-Enter” mode.


    1009. 创建记录有哪些方式?


    b.下拉file菜单 选NEW新建



    1010. 保存记录有哪些方式?


    b.下拉FILE菜单 选SAVE保存


    d.File > Save


    1011. 编辑记录有哪些方式?





    1012. 清除数据功能,可以清除哪些四种类型的数据?



    1013. 查询与查找功能对比,分别列出4种?





    查询用查询记数,查找用NO FIND count 


    1014. 如何使用查询模式?






    1015. 查询运算符有哪些?如何使用他们?

    = 等于






    #BETWEE N 介入两个值之间


    1016. 有哪两种通配符?他们分别表示什么意思?

    % 查找所有 ? 一个个查找


    1017. 如果查看联机帮助?



    1018. 完整的电子商务套件有哪7个优点?

    (1).支持多种语言 Available in multiple languages  

    (2).支持多个币种 Supports multiple currencies 

    (3).支持灵活管理应用流程 Supports flexible management of business processes 

    (4).具有公用数据模型 Has a common data model 

    (5).支持本地的法规要求和惯例 Supports statutory and customary local requirements  

    (6).建立在开放的标准之上 Is built on open standards 

    (7).可以于贸易伙伴进行协作  Collaborates with trading partners


    1019. 电子商务套件的体系有哪4个?


    (2).构建了一个强大的产品套件 产品之间可以协同工作




    1020. 电子商务套件的产品系统有哪6个?

    1. 客户关系管理  2. 财务  3. 项目  4.供应链管理  5.制造  6.人力资源

    –Oracle Financials  oracle财务

    –Project Management Product Suite 项目管理产品套件

    –Supply Chain Planning and Management Suite 供应链计划和管理套件

    –Oracle Manufacturing: Discrete and Process Management  Oracle制造:离散管理和流程管理

    –Human Resources Management System Suite 人力资源管理系统套件

    –Customer Relationship Management Suite 客户关系管理套件


    1021. EBS R12有哪两种结构?

    业务结构Business architecture和技术机构Technical architecture 


    1022. Oracle Applications R12 业务结构有哪5个基本特点?





    (5).快速实施 Rapid Implementation


    1023. Oracle Applications R12 技术结构有哪4个基本特点?

    (1).基于表单的 Forms-based 

    (2).自主服务的 Self-service 

    (3).商业智能 Business Intelligence 

    (4).移动的 Mobile


    1024. Oracle Applications R12 基本技术架构分几层?各层分别是什么?


    桌面层 Desktop/Client Tier

    应用层 Application Tier 

    数据库层 Database Tier 


    1025. Oracle Applications 的应用层主要由哪六台服务器组成?


    (2).FORMS SERVER 表单服务器


    (4).DISCOVERER SERVER  Oracle发现者

    (5).REPORTS SERVER 报表服务器



    1026. Oracle Applications 技术层是其功能将应用于所有 Oracle Applications 模块的组件的完整集合。Oracle Applications 技术层中的组件包括哪8个?

    (1).应用产品 DBA (AD)

    (2).应用对象程序库 (FND)

    (3).应用产品公用程序 (AU)

    (4).公用模块 (AK)

    (5).工作流 (WF)

    (6).预警 (ALR)

    (7).OA Framework (FWK)

    (8).Oracle XML Publisher (XDO)  最新叫法为:Oralce BI publisher


    1027. Oracle Applications 文件系统:应用层使用不同 Oracle 产品中的组件。

    产品文件存储在多个顶层目录中,APPL_TOP,COMMON_TOP 或 COMN_TOP,工具组件的ORACLE_HOME,技术堆栈 Java 组件的ORACLE_HOME,他们分别对应的目录是什么?

    工具组件的ORACLE_HOME 对应的是 RSF 10.1 FORMS 10 REPORTS 10

    JAVA组件的ORACLE_HOME 对应的是 RSF 10.1 OC4J   


    1028. Oracle Applications 文件系统:数据库层有两个目录,他们的目录的路径是什么?有何作用?

    DB/APPS_ST 应用产品文件使用的实际数据库文件

    DB/TECH_ST ORACLE数据库实际使用的主目录文件 

    APPL_TOP对应目录是<db_name>/apps/apps-st/appl 包含oralce电子商务套件的产品目录和文件

    COMN_TOP对应目录是<db_name>/apps/apps-st/comn 包含产品间公用的目录和文件




    1029. Oracle Applications 产品目录有哪4个,他们的路径分别是什么?


    AU_TOP路径为<db_name>/apps/apps-st/appl/au/12.0.0 或 $APPL_TOP/au/12.0.0

    FND_TOP路径为<db_name>/apps/apps-st/appl/fnd/12.0.0 或 $APPL_TOP/fnd/12.0.0

    INV_TOP路径为<db_name>/apps/apps-st/appl/inv/12.0.0 或 $APPL_TOP/inv/12.0.0



    1030. Oracle Applications Manager 可以帮助您完成许多任务,有哪5种任务?







    1031. 快速安装有哪4个步骤?



    1032. “快速安装”将同一个 conf_<SID>.txt 文件存储在三个不同的位置中,它三个位置的路径是什么?



    临时目录:存放在tmp/<time stamp>目录下,由于只是在快速安装运行过程中使用此文件,所以该文件将在安装完成后自动删除。


    1033. 什么是共享实体?我们举例中有哪10个共享实体?




    1034. 应用对像程序库,包括哪六部分?



    1035. 分类账有4C,他们中文分别是什么?

    科目表(chart of accounts),calendar(日历),currency(币种),分类帐会计方法


    1036. 单位的所有者是哪个模块?



    1037. 物料的所有者是哪个模块?



    1038. 供应商的所有者是哪个模块?



    1039. 客户的所有者是哪个模块?



    1040. 销售队伍的所有者是哪个模块?



    1041. 员工的所有者是哪个模块?



    1042. 地点的所有者是哪个模块?



    1043. 组织的所有者是哪个模块?



    1044. EBS有哪12个基础流程?

    Forecast to Plan预测到计划

    Procure to Pay采购到付款

    Demand to Build需求到生产

    Campaign to Order市场活动到订单

    Click to Order点击到订单

    Order to Cash订购到付款

    Contract to Renewal合同到续订

    Request to Resolution请求到解决

    Project to Profit项目到利润

    People to Paycheck人员到薪水

    Plan to Replenish计划到补充

    Benefits to Payroll福利到工资单


    1045. 共有哪六个访问控制层?“核心安全性”层包括哪两个?用户管理的是哪4个?


    Self Service and Approvals

    Registration Processes

    Delegated Administration

    Role Based Access Control

    Data Security

    Function Security

    “核心安全性”层包括Data Security和Function Security,是必须的;



    1046. 系统管理员控制层是哪两个,本地管理员控制层是哪两个,最终用户控制层是哪两个?

    系统管理员控制层是Data Security和Function Security;

    本地管理员控制层是Delegated Administration和Role Based Access Control;

    最终用户控制层是Self Service and Approvals和Registration Processes。


    1047. 最终用户可以自助注册的服务,有哪3种?

    –Obtain new user accounts 获取新的用户账户

    –Request additional access to the system 请求对系统的其他访问权限

    –Reset passwords 重置密码


    1048. 一个有效的责任至少包括哪两个部分,一个完整的责任的3个内容分别是什么?

    一个有效的责任至少包括Data group和Menu  数据组和菜单

    一个完整的责任的3个内容分别:Data group、Request security group、Menu  数据组、请求安全组、菜单


    1049. 定义新责任有哪6个步骤?

    (1).Enter application and responsibility name 输入应用产品名和责任名

    (2).Enter start and end dates 输入起始日期和终止日期

    (3).Select data group 选项数据组

    (4).Select menu 选择菜单

    (5).Select request group 选项请求组

    (6).Enter menu or function exclusions 输入菜单或功能的排除


    1050. 定义新用户,有哪4步?其中哪3步是必须的?

    (1).Enter username and password 输入用户名和密码

    (2).Require password change Limit access attempts 要求更改密码限制访问次数

    (3).Enter user’s start date 输入用户起始日期

    (4).Assign one or more responsibilities 分配一个或多个责任



    1051. 数据安全性组件-对象包括对象的哪3个部分?

    Objects, object instances, object instance sets



    1052. 授权有哪四个功能?

    Define the access given to users through responsibilities

    (1).Can provide access to a limited set of data or to a set of an application’s functionality

    (2).Grants that deal with business objects are part of Data Security.

    (3).Grants that deal with a set of an applications functionality are part of Function Security.






    1053. 配置文件层次结构类型有哪3种?

    (1).Security 安全性

    (2).Organization 组织

    (3).Server 服务器


    1054. 配置文件安全性层次结构有哪4层?

    User level 用户层

    Responsibility level 责任层

    Application level 应用层

    Site level 地点层


    1055. 配置文件组织层次结构有哪3层?

    User level 用户层

    Organization level 组织层

    Site level 地点层


    1056. 配置文件服务器层次结构有哪3层?

    User level 用户层

    Server level 服务器层

    Site level 地点层


    1057. 提交请求的步骤有哪7步?








    Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide中的步骤如下:

    1. Choose the Program Name from the list of available requests and then enter a

    Request Name, which can be used later to search and monitor your request.

    Use the Copy... option to choose and submit a request that you have previously

    submitted from this responsibility.

    2. Define parameters.

    3. Determine the output language.

    4. Define a schedule.

    5. Define the layout.

    6. Notify employees.

    7. Print the output to:

    For printed output, select the print style, printer, copies, and language.

    To view your output online or to save your output to a file, select the Save all Output Files check box.

    8. Review your choices, make any necessary changes, and submit your request.


    1058. 使用弹性域结构有哪5个好处?

    (1).Configuration of applications to support your accounting, product, and other codes 配置应用产品以支持会计科目、产品和其他代码

    (2).Construction of intelligent keys 构建智能关键字

    (3).Configuration of applications to capture additional data 配置应用产品以获取其他数据

    (4).Use of the application to validate values and value combinations entered by the user 可以使用应用产品来验证用户输入的值和值组合

    (5).Support for multiple field structures depending on data context 根据数据上下文支持多种字段结构


    1059. 弹性域有哪两大类?


    弹性域两种类型,一种叫Key Flexfield(KFF)即键弹性域,建立实体标识,说明了由弹性域标识的实体的特性,。

    另一种叫Descriptive flexfield(DFF)即说明性弹性域,收集附加信息,是允许用户自己选用及扩充的说明文字。

    段 在数据库表中以单个列表示;在表单上显示为包含各段提示的弹出式窗口,可以在自定义弹性域时定义单个段的外观和含义。

    每个段都有一个名称和一个有效值集, 最终用户可以在使用应用产品时将段值输入段中。

    一般来说,弹性域都会根据通常预先定义的一组有效值(值集)来验证每个段。“值验证”表示弹性域会将用户在 此段中输入的值与值集中该段的值进行比较。


    1060. 键弹性域有哪13个?

    General Ledger:总账

    Accounting Flexfield 会计科目结构弹性域

    Assets 资产

    Asset Key Flexfield 资产键弹性域

    Location Flexfield 资产地点弹性域

    Category Flexfield 资产类别弹性域

    Service 服务

    Service Item Flexfield 服务项目弹性域

    Human Resources 人力资源

    People Group Flexfield 人力组弹性域

    Job Code Flexfield 职务代码弹性域

    Receivables 应收

    Territory Flexfield 地区弹性域

    Sales Tax Location Flexfield 销售税地点弹性域

    Inventory 库存

    Item Categories 物料类别弹性域

    System Items 系统项目弹性域

    Sales Orders 销售订单弹性域

    Item Catalogs 物料目录弹性域


    1061. 键弹性域有哪5个特点?

    (1).Owned by one application; used by many 一个应用产品拥有,多个应用产品使用

    (2).Required to set up, not always required to use 需要设置,但并不一定必须使用

    (3).Supports intelligent keys 支持智能关键字

    (4).Identifies entities 标识实体

    (5).Drives reporting 驱动报表


    1062. 说明性弹性域有哪4个特点?

    (1).Associated with tables in a specific application 与特定应用的表关联

    (2).Setup is optional 设置是可选的

    (3).No intelligence, stores additional information 不支持智能关键字,存储附加信息

    (4).Captures additional information only 仅收集附加信息


    1063. 弹性域组件有哪4个部分?

    Flexfield/Structure 结构

    Segments 段

    Values(if needed) 值

    Value set - format and validation 值集


    1064. 实施弹性域的一般步骤有哪5个?

    (1).Plan flexfield segments, structures, value sets, and values 计划弹性域的段、结构、值集、和值

    (2).Define value sets 定义值集

    (3).Define flexfield structure 定义弹性域结构

    (4).Define values 定义值

    (5).Define security and cross-validation rules, if necessary 定义安全性规则和交叉验证性规则


    1065. 值集一般有哪4个属性?

    (1).Name 名称

    (2).Description 说明

    (3).List type 列表类型

    (4).Security type 安全类型


    1066. 值集的类型一般有哪8种?

    (1).None: Validation is minimal. 

    (2).Independent: Input must exist on the previously-defined list of values.

    (3).Dependent: Input is checked against a subset of values based on a prior value.

    (4).Table: Input is checked against values in an application table.

    (5).Special: Value set uses a flexfield itself.

    (6).Pair: Two flexfields together specify a range of valid values.

    (7).Translatable Independent: Input must exist on previously-defined list of values; translated value can be used.

    (8).Translatable Dependent: Input is checked against a subset of values based on a prior value; translated value can be used.










    1067. 计划数据格式验证,一般有哪7个?

    (1).Format Type: Value data type 格式类型

    (2).Maximum Size: Maximum permitted size for a value 最大长度

    (3).Precision: Number of decimal places 精度

    (4).Numbers Only: Entry of numbers 0–9 only 仅限于数字

    (5).Uppercase Only: Lowercase input becomes uppercase 仅限于大写字母

    (6).Right-Justify Zero-Fill: Shifts number to right, pads from left 右对齐0填充

    (7).Max/Min Values: Beginning and ending values of a range 最大/小值


    1068. 计划键弹性域一般有哪7步?

    (1).Identify the target flexfield, the information required by Oracle Applications, and any qualifiers.

    (2).Plan the flexfield structure, behavior, and appearance.

    (3).Define the key flexfield structures.

    (4).Define any value sets required and their values.

    (5).Define security rules when appropriate.

    (6).Define cross-validation rules when appropriate.

    (7).Define shorthand aliases as needed.




    定义所需的值集和 值集的值





    1069. OracleApplications 使用的智能关键字 指的是什么?

    Oracle Applications 使用的智能关键字 指的是 代表键弹性域的唯一数字。

    An intelligent key is a code made up of sections, where one or more parts may have meaning. An intelligent key "code" uniquely identifies an object such as an account, an

    asset, a part, or a job. Intelligent keys are useful in applications because they are usually easier for a user to remember and use than a unique number. For example, a part

    number of PAD-YEL-11x14 is much easier to remember than a unique part number of 57494. However, unique ID numbers are easier to maintain in a relational database

    application because only one column is required for the ID number, while multiple columns would be required for an intelligent key (one for each section or segment of the

    code). The Oracle E-Business Suite products use key flexfields to represent intelligent keys with unique ID numbers. That is, an end user sees and works with an

    easy-to-remember intelligent key code, while the Oracle E-Business Suite products only need to store a hidden unique ID number in most tables


    1070. COA键弹性域的限定词,一般有哪6种?

    Cost Center segment 成本中心段

    Balancing segment 平衡段

    Natural account segment 自然账户段

    Intercompany segment 公司间段

    Management segment

    Secondary tracking segment 


    1071. 交叉验证规则的作用是什么?


    Cross-validation (also known as cross-segment validation) controls the combinations of values you can create when you enter values for key flexfields. A cross-validation rule

    defines whether a value of a particular segment can be combined with specific values of other segments. Cross-validation is different from segment validation, which controls

    the values you can enter for a particular segment. You use cross-validation rules to prevent the creation of combinations that should never

    exist (combinations with values that should not coexist in the same combination).


    1072. 安全性规则的作用是什么?


    Flexfield Value Security gives you the capability to restrict the set of values a user can use during data entry. With easy-to-define security rules and responsibility level

    control, you can quickly set up data entry security on your flexfield segments and report parameters.

    Flexfield Value Security lets you determine who can use flexfield segment values and report parameter values. Based on your responsibility and access rules that you define,

    Flexfield Value Security limits what values you can enter in flexfield pop-up windows and report parameters. Flexfield Value Security gives you greater control over who can

    use restricted data in your application. When you use Flexfield Value Security, users see only values they are allowed to use; restricted values do not appear in lists of values

    associated with the flexfield or report parameter.


    1073. 快速录入别名的作用是什么?


    Shorthand flexfield entry lets you enter key flexfield data quickly by using shorthand aliases to represent valid flexfield combinations or patterns of valid segment values. A

    shorthand alias is a word or code that represents a complete or partial key flexfield combination.


    1074. 上下文的作用是什么?



    All descriptive flexfields have a hidden context field that holds structure information for the descriptive flexfield (this field is often called ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY or CONTEXT).

    Depending on how you set up the flexfield, a user may also be able to see and change the context field in the descriptive flexfield window.


    1075. 全局段有何作用?


    A global segment is a segment that always appears in the descriptive flexfield pop-up window (or page, for HTML-based applications), regardless of context (any other information in your form or page).


    1076. 确定说明性弹性域名称的过程有哪4步?

    (1).Click on a field in the same block in which the descriptive flexfield appears.

    (2).Select Help > Diagnostics > Examine.

    (3).A window showing information on the selected field appears.

    (4).Note the name of the block in which the field is located.


    选择 帮助-诊断-检查;




    1077. 说明性弹性域组件有哪4种段?

    Global segment: Displays information that is common to all contexts 全局段

    Context-sensitive segment: Displays information that is appropriate only to a particular context 上下文相关段

    Reference field: A field on the application window whose value is used to determine contexts 参考字段

    Context field: A field in the structure whose value is used to determine contexts 上下文字段


    1078. 维护值集的值,一般包括哪5部分?

    Value 值

    Translated value (translatable value sets only) 转换值

    Description 说明

    Enabled 是否启用

    From/To effective dates 有效日期


    1079. 什么是多组织?



    Multi-Org is a server-side (applications and database) enhancement that enables single installation of Oracle Applications.

    Multi-Org keeps transaction data and some setup data separate and secure by different lines of business.


    1080. OracleApplications R12 中,支持多组织功能的有哪13个产品?














    1081. 多组织有哪6个功能?

    (1).Support multiple business units even if they use different ledgers 支持多个业务实体

    (2).Secure access to data on a single instance by line of business 按照业务部门,为访问单一例程中的数据提供保护

    (3).Define different organizational models 定义不同的组织模型

    (4).Sell and ship from different legal entities 从不同的法人实体之间处理销售和发运

    (5).Procure and receive from different legal entities 从不同的法人实体之间购买和接收

    (6).Produce reports across entities or within a single entity 跨实体或在单一实体中产生报表


    1082. 什么是业务组?


    多个 法人主体可以和一个业务组进行关联,必须至少建立一个业务组。

    安装时,系统默认的业务组是setup business group。

    The represents the highest level in the organization structure, such as the consolidated enterprise, a major division, or an operation company.

    The business group secures human resources information. For example, when you request a list of employees, you see all employees assigned to the business group of which your

    organization is a part.


    1083. 什么是HR组织?


    HR organizations represent the basic work structure of any enterprise. They usually represent the functional management, or reporting groups that exist within a business

    group. In addition to these internal organizations, you can define other organizations for tax and government reporting purposes, or for third party payments.


    1084. 什么是分类账?




    1085. 什么是法人主体?


    A legal company for which you prepare fiscal or tax reports. You assign tax identifiers and other legal entity information to this type of organization.


    1086. 什么是业务实体?


    An organization that uses Oracle subledgers, such as Oracle Cash Management, Order Management and Shipping Execution, Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle

    Receivables, and related products. It may be a sales office, a division, or a department.Operating units are not associated with legal entities. Operating units are assigned to

    ledgers and a default legal context. Information is secured by operating unit for these applications using responsibilities. Each user can access, process, and report on data

    only for the operating units assigned to the MO: Operating Unit or MO: Security Profile profile option. The MO: Operating Unit profile option only provides access to one

    operating unit. The MO: Security Profile provides access to multiple operating units from a single responsibility.


    1087. 什么是库存组织?


    An organization for which you track inventory transactions and balances, and/or an organization that manufactures or distributes products. Examples include (but are not limited to) manufacturing plants, warehouses, distribution centers, and sales offices.The following applications secure information by inventory organization:

    Oracle Inventory, Bills of Material, Engineering, Work in Process, Master Scheduling/MRP, Capacity, and Purchasing receiving functions. To run any of these applications, you must choose an organization that has been classified as an inventory organization.


    1088. 什么是子库存?



    也 就是说,Oracle仅仅是提供了这样的一个模型,至于如何和实际业务对应,就非常灵活了。

    比如:库存是个组织的概念,其比较“虚”,可指一个工厂或者独 立的办事处、分公司这样的实体;而子库则通常代表一个真正的物理仓库,也可指仓库或车间的一块区域,还可以是虚拟的;货位可用来代表仓库的某一处空间或者 货架,也可指车间的一个块区域。


    1089. 应用产品的数据安全性有哪五大类,5类划分的依据是什么?

    GL 以Ledger划分

    FA 以Asset Book划分

    HR 以Business Group划分

    OM, AR, AP, PO, CE, PA,AS, SC, ASO, ASN, AST 以Operating Unit划分

    INV, MFG 以Inventory Organization划分


    1090. 跨组织报告有哪3大类?

    (1).Report at multiple levels: 多层报告


    GRE/Legal entity

    Operating Unit

    (2).Security profile  安全性配置文件

    MO: Top Reporting Level

    (3).Enhanced reporting features: 增强的报告功能

    Reporting Level

    Reporting Context


    1091. 组织报告选择:分类账如何设置?

    MO: Top Reporting Level is set to GRE/Ledger.

    Reporting Level parameter is set to Ledger.

    Reporting Context parameter is set to Ledger 1(具体分类账).


    1092. 组织报告选择:法人如何设置?

    MO: Top Reporting Level is set to GRE/Legal entity.

    Reporting Level parameter is set to GRE/Legal entity.

    Reporting Context parameter is set to LE2(具体法人主体).


    1093. 组织报告选择:业务实体如何设置?

    MO: Top Reporting Level is set to Operating Unit.

    –Reporting Level parameter is set to Operating Unit.

    –Reporting Context parameter is set to OU3(具体业务实体).


    1094. 跨组织报告主要优势有哪4个?

    Ability to report across operating units for many reports 可以跨越多个业务实体,生成多个报表

    Simple reporting security setup 简易化报表安全性设置

    Financial reporting across business groups 跨越多个业务组生成财务报表

    Multi-Org reporting API for custom reports 自定义报表可以使用多组织报表API


    1095. 组织命名的13个注意事项分别是哪13个,一般如何进行编码?











    Inventory Organization:






    1096. MOAC的6个优点分别是什么?

    Enter Payables Invoices 可以输入应付发票

    View Consolidated Requisitions 可以查看合并申请

    Perform Collections 可以执行收账

    Process Receiving and Drop Shipments 处理接收和直接发运

    Customer Data Management 客户数据管理

    Accounting Setup 会计科目的设置


    1097. MOAC设置有哪4步,对应流程操作有哪4步?


    Define Operating Units. 定义业务实体

    Create security profile. 创建安全性配置文件

    Run Security List Maintenance. 运行安全性列表维护

    Set profile options. 设置配置文件选项


    Login and select a responsibility. 登陆并选择一个责任

    Launch a Form. 启动表单

    Application checks user's access privilege. 应用产品检查用户的访问权限

    Process data for Operating Units. 处理业务实体的数据


    1098. MOAC 的相关性和交互反应有哪3个部分,5小点?

    (1).Oracle HRMS:   HR:

      .Define operating units. 定义业务实体

      .Set up Multi-Org Security Profiles. 设置多组织安全性配置文件

    (2).Accounting Setup Manager: ASM会计科目设置管理器:

      .Define operating units. 定义业务实体

      .View all operating units assigned to the primary ledger. 查询已分配给主分类账的所有业务实体

    (3).Oracle E-Business Suite products that use Operating Units: 使用业务实体的oracle电子商务套件的产品:

      .Process data across multiple operating units using Multi-Org Access Control. 使用多组织访问控制MOAC才能跨多个业务实体处理数据


    1099. 工作流可以执行哪6类操作规则?

    (1).Create accounting based on your requirements 基于需求创建会计科目

    (2).Route business documents internally for approval 处于审批的目的在内部发送业务单据

    (3).Initiate an outbound message (queue an approved purchase order for transmission to a supplier) 启用出站消息(将批准的采购订单排队,并发送给供应商)

    (4).Be started as a result of an inbound message (for example, an inbound Payables Invoice) 由入站消息进行启动(如入站的应付发票)

    (5).Generate and send notifications that can be viewed from your personal home page or the Notifications Window 生成和发送通知,可以在个人主页或通知窗口查看

    (6).Generate and send email to an email client (respond directly to notifications without accessing Oracle Applications) 生成并发送电子邮件(不需要访问oracle应用产品,即可直接回复通知)


    1100. 邮件通知可以实现哪三个功能?

    (1).The Notification System interfaces with the notification mailer program to send email notifications. 具有邮件通知程序的通知系统接口可以发送邮件通知

    (2).Users can reply to email notifications by using their email client. 用户可以使用自己的邮件客户端来回复邮件通知

    (3).A notification mailer can send an individual email for each notification, or a summary email listing all the outstanding notifications for a user.



    1101. 通知工作列表有哪5个功能?

    (1).View all open notifications 查看所有打开的通知

    (2).View all FYI notifications (no response required) 查看所有FYI通知(无需回复)

    (3).View all To Do notifications (require a response) 查看所有待办事项(需要回复)

    (4).View all notifications 查看所有通知

    (5).Reassign notifications 重新分配通知


    1102. “工作流监控程序”Web 页有哪4个功能?

    (1).Allows you to search for a workflow process instance 搜索用于工作流流程的例程

    (2).Display status information for the process instance 显示流程例程的状态信息

    .Graphical depiction of the process status in a diagram

    .Detailed information about individual activities and about the process as a whole

    (3).Allows users to view their own workflows 用户可以查看自己的工作流

    (4).Allows administrators to view all workflows, perform control operations, and handle errors 管理员可以查看所有的工作流,执行控制操作,并对错误进行处理


    1103. 预警有哪5个功能?

    (1).Send email message 发送邮件信息

    (2).Submit concurrent program request 提交并发程序请求

    (3).Run SQL script 运行sql脚本

    (4).Run a SQL script that starts a workflow 运行启动工作流的sql脚本

    (5).Run operating system script 运行操作系统脚本


    1104. 插入更新记录时,会启动事件预警,可以实现哪4个功能?

    (1).New Code Combination: Notify GL Manager as soon as a new account combination has been created.

    (2).Shipment Confirmation: Notify a user as soon as a shipment has been processed.

    (3).Supplier Hold: Notify Purchasing Manager as soon as a supplier has been placed on hold.

    (4).Database monitoring: Inform the DBA as soon as database tables need more space and automatically allocate space.






    1105. 预警可以执行哪4种活动?

    Personnel: Show all employees terminated in the last six months (monthly)

    Payroll: Show current balance and vacation reported by month (monthly)

    Purchasing: Detect creation or edit of Vendor with nonstandard payment terms (weekly)

    Purchasing: Show all blanket agreements that will expire (daily)






    1106. 每日业务智能系统的涵盖范围包括哪12个?

    Financials 财务

    Human Resources 人力资源

    Interaction Center 交互中心

    iStore 网店

    Marketing 市场营销

    Product Management 产品管理

    Projects 工程

    Purchasing 采购

    Quoting 报价

    Sales 销售

    Supply Chain 供应链

    Service Contracts 服务合同


    1107. 每日业务智能系统的报表组件有哪5个?

    Overview Pages 概览

    Parameter 参数

    Responsibility 责任

    Region 区域



    1108. Oracle Fusion Business Intelligence的功能有哪4个?

    Embedded dashboards 嵌入式的面板

    Guided drilldown 引导式的追溯

    Integrated security 集成的安全性

    Guided navigation and action links 引导式的定位和活动链接


    1109. 集成安全性有哪3个?

    Launch the Fusion dashboard from Application Navigator  通过应用产品浏览器启动fusion面板

    Shared responsibilities between EBS and OBIEE 在EBS和OBIEE之间共享责任

    Sign in only once in EBS 仅在EBS中登陆一次


    1110. Oracle EBS Demo环境默认的几个帐号





    Thanks and Regards


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/eastsea/p/4196468.html
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