C 语言 实现双向链表 模拟ArrayList功能 可追加,插入,移除,得到指定index 的元素值.
实现方法 :

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
4 //define the node struct
5 typedef struct tmp
6 {
7 int data;
8 int ishead;
9 struct tmp *pre;
10 struct tmp *next;
11 }intList;
12 //create a int list
13 intList * createList(void)
14 {
15 intList *p = (intList *)malloc(sizeof(intList));
16 p->ishead = 1;
17 return p;
18 }
19 //get the last node
20 intList *getLastNode(intList *list)
21 {
22 intList *p = list;
23 while(1)
24 {
25 if(p->next == NULL)
26 return p;
27 else
28 p = p->next;
29 }
30 return NULL;
31 }
32 //append item
33 void listAppend(intList *list,intList *n)
34 {
35 intList *tmp = NULL;
36 if(list->ishead != 0)
37 {
38 *list = *n;
39 }
40 else
41 {
42 tmp = getLastNode(list);
44 if(n == tmp) //if the dizhi is the same
45 {
46 intList *p = (intList *)malloc(sizeof(intList));
47 *p = *n;
48 p -> pre = tmp;
49 tmp->next = p;
50 p->next = NULL;
51 }
52 else
53 {
54 n->pre = tmp;
55 tmp->next = n;
56 n->next = NULL;
57 }
58 }
59 }
60 // get node at index pos
61 intList *listGetNode(intList *list,int index)
62 {
63 intList *p = list ;
64 int tmp = 0;
65 do
66 {
67 if(tmp == index)
68 return p;
69 tmp ++;
70 }while((p = p->next) != NULL);
71 return NULL;
72 }
73 //insert a node
74 void listInsert(intList *list,intList *n,int index)
75 {
76 intList *p = listGetNode(list,index),*pr = p->pre;
77 if(p)
78 {
79 if(p->pre != NULL)
80 {
81 pr->next = n;
82 n->pre = pr;
83 n->next = p;
84 p->pre = n;
85 }
86 else //insert before the first one
87 {
88 intList *kao = (intList *)malloc(sizeof(intList));
89 *kao = *p;
90 n->next = kao;
91 kao->pre = n;
92 kao->next->pre = kao; //因为第一个元素变成了第二个元素. 所以一定要把原来的第二个元素的前一个元素改成 这个新的地址kao
93 *list = *n;
94 }
95 }
96 }
97 //remove node at index
98 void listRemoveNode(intList *list,int index)
99 {
100 intList *p = listGetNode(list,index);
101 if(p)
102 {
103 if(p->pre == NULL) //删除列首
104 {
105 *list = *(list->next);
106 list->pre = NULL;
107 }
108 else if(p->next == NULL) //删除列尾
109 {
110 p->pre->next = NULL;
111 free(p);
112 }
113 else
114 {
115 (p->pre)->next = p->next;
116 (p->next)->pre = p->pre;
117 free(p);
118 }
119 }
120 }
121 //out put the list
122 void putList(intList *list)
123 {
124 printf("%3d",list->data);
125 if(list->next)
126 putList(list->next);
127 else
128 printf("\n");
129 }
131 int main()
132 {
133 //Create a int list
134 intList *list = createList();
135 intList i1 = {2,0,NULL,NULL};
136 intList i2 = {45,0,NULL,NULL};
137 intList i3 = {84,0,NULL,NULL};
138 intList i4 = {24,0,NULL,NULL};
139 intList i5 = {57,0,NULL,NULL};
140 intList i7 = {77,0,NULL,NULL};
141 listAppend(list,&i2);
142 listAppend(list,&i1);
143 listAppend(list,&i7);
144 putList(list);
145 printf("在第三个元素前增加 84:\n");
146 listInsert(list,&i3,2);
147 putList(list);
148 printf("在列首增加 24:\n");
149 listInsert(list,&i4,0);
150 putList(list);
151 printf("在列尾增加 57:\n");
152 listAppend(list,&i5);
153 putList(list);
154 printf("删除第三个元素:\n");
155 listRemoveNode(list,2);
156 putList(list);
157 printf("删除第一个元素:\n");
158 listRemoveNode(list,0);
159 putList(list);
160 printf("删除最后一个元素:\n");
161 listRemoveNode(list,3);
162 putList(list);
163 getchar();
164 }