C Programming Examples
Here are a few snippets written in C that are a good representation of the code listings you might see in this course. It is suggested that you follow the links and browse the source code listings. If necessary, download the various samples and run them locally to verify your understanding.
C Source Listings
Makefile Example
If you have never used Makefiles before, then here is a great tutorial explaining how they work (tutorial uses g++ instead of gcc).
While more complex syntaxes are possible, we have limited the following Makefile example to something that is both simple and readable. If you can understand this example, then you should be capable of following the Makefile policy for the course's projects.
# specify the compiler CC=gcc # specify options for the compiler CFLAGS=-c -Wall all: hello hello: main.o hello.o $(CC) main.o hello.o -o hello main.o: main.cpp $(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.cpp hello.o: hello.cpp $(CC) $(CFLAGS) hello.cpp clean: rm -rf *o hello
All course materials will be made available on the Course Wiki.
Reference Books
- Operating System Concepts
- Operating System Concepts: Essentials
- Modern Operating Systems
- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
For team collaboration, specific details about how teams will be formed and managed will be distributed in Piazza or found on project pages that are part of the Course Wiki.
Additionally, for any policies which are not clear in this video, more information will be posted or linked to in Piazza.
- Introduction to Operating Systems: Course Wiki
- T-Square (check grades here)
- Piazza (class forum)
- ProctorU (for taking exams)