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  • Murano Weekly Meeting 2015.09.01

    Meeting time:   2015.September.1st 1:00~2:00

    Chairperson:    Nikolay Starodubtsev, from Mirantis

    Meeting summary:

    1.Glance Artifact Repository(glance v3) transition status.

       PIC:       Alexander Tivelkov 

       Action: This function has almost be done in Glance. 

          Alexander is going to copy-paste some of Glance v3 client functionality into muranoclient.

          For now supporting for artifact repository should be considered experimental for Liberty.

          And we are going to have artifacts OFF by default for Liberty.

     Link:   https://www.mirantis.com/blog/openstack-glances-artifacts/

    2.Feature Freeze.

       PIC:       Kirill Zaitsev

     Status: Feature Freeze is September 3rd.

          But it is only for murano and murano-dashboard repository.

          While murano-apps and python-muranoclient are on different release schedule.

          So we can still contribute to this two sub projects after September 3rd.

    3.Weekly work. 

          I got some information about assertEqual function from Cinder and Heat.

          After checking the assertEqual function in unit test,

          I filed a bug to community, and this bug has already been merged in Liberty.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/edisonxiang/p/4777999.html
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