如果sap*未锁定,可以用sap*登陆解锁,用户数少可以手工在su01里解,用户数多的话,可以用catt or abap程序的方式批量改,table字段为usr02-UFLAG.
/usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/(instance profile)
delete from sapr3.usr02 where mandt='<client>' and bname='SAP*';
最后重启SAP instance 来activated新的profile.
how to reset DDIC and SAP* password 如何解除DDIC 和SAP* 用户全被锁定
I'll give the awnser from my issue practise as below:
1, logon the operate system as <sid>adm. for example: logon the server by user slmadm and password. slm is the slm's sid, slmadm is the admin for slm.
if slm was installed on the single PC, this step can be ignored. if slm and dev or ide or prd were installed on the one server together, this step is important.
2, cmd - > sqlplus /nolog
3, sql > connect /as sysdba
4, sql > delete from sapsr3.usr02 where bname='SAP*' AND mandt='001';
5, sql > commit;
6, sql > exit
note: the key step is 4, 001 is the wanted client, you can change it. sapsr3.usr02 is used be. you can see it use : "select owner,table_name from dba_tables where table_name='USR02'; ".
finally, ";" cannot be ommitted.
7, then you can logon 001 with sap* (password is pass). needn't restart the instance. and you can change or unlock any other users by sap*.
8, enjoy it!
1, logon the operate system as <sid>adm. for example: logon the server by user slmadm and password. slm is the slm's sid, slmadm is the admin for slm.
if slm was installed on the single PC, this step can be ignored. if slm and dev or ide or prd were installed on the one server together, this step is important.
2, cmd - > sqlplus /nolog
3, sql > connect /as sysdba
4, sql > delete from sapsr3.usr02 where bname='SAP*' AND mandt='001';
5, sql > commit;
6, sql > exit
note: the key step is 4, 001 is the wanted client, you can change it. sapsr3.usr02 is used be. you can see it use : "select owner,table_name from dba_tables where table_name='USR02'; ".
finally, ";" cannot be ommitted.
7, then you can logon 001 with sap* (password is pass). needn't restart the instance. and you can change or unlock any other users by sap*.
8, enjoy it!