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    chapter 01

    1. The impact of project management is most profound in the area of electronics industry

    2. The Project Management Institute (PMI), is a professional organization for project managers

    3. Specific time, cost, and performance requirements bind projects

    4. A major portion of the project work takes place—both physical and mental

    5. Works well with others is the number one characteristic that is looked for in management candidates

    6. A common rule of thumb in the world of high-tech product development is that a six-month project delay can result in a 33 percent loss in product revenue share

    7. The waste on failed projects and cost overruns is estimated in the neighborhood of over $150 billion

    8. Environmental Analysis is the first step in developing a set of strategies designed to best meet the needs of customers

    9.  Integration of project management项目管理一体化的集成是通过strategy plan and procoss of managing actual projects

    10. There are two dimensions within the actual execution of projects , the Technical and Sociocultural Dimensions 

    11.  Corporate downsizing has increased the trend toward outsourcing significant segments of project work外包工作增加

    12. 项目管理需求背后最重要的驱动力之一是缩短产品生命周期。在当今越来越扁平化(大规模发展)、越来越精简的组织中,项目管理正在取代中间管理,以确保事情顺利完成。企业裁员也导致了企业处理项目的方式的改变。公司将大部分项目工作外包出去,项目经理不仅要管理自己的人员,还要管理不同组织中的对应人员

    13. Competing in a global market influenced by rapid change, innovation, and time to market means organizations manage more and more projects

    14. Integration of all project processes and practices to improve Project Management is due to centralization集中化

    15. From 1994 to 2009 the trend for projects late or over budget was slightly better

    16. A major portion of the project work, both physical and mental is done in the executing stage

    chapter 02

    1. Project management historically has been preoccupied solely with the planning and execution of projects. Strategy was considered to be under the purview of senior management. This is old-school thinking.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/eleni/p/11362973.html
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