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    megablast 采用贪婪式算法,速度较一般blast快,多用于数据量大且序列相似性较高的情况。

    megablast 参数说明

    ./megablast --help

    megablast 2.2.11 arguments:
    -d Database [String]
    default = nr
    -i Query File [File In]
    -e Expectation value [Real]
    default = 10.0
    -m alignment view options:
    0 = pairwise,
    1 = query-anchored showing identities,
    2 = query-anchored no identities,
    3 = flat query-anchored, show identities,
    4 = flat query-anchored, no identities,
    5 = query-anchored no identities and blunt ends,
    6 = flat query-anchored, no identities and blunt ends,
    7 = XML Blast output,
    8 = tabular,
    9 tabular with comment lines,
    10 ASN, text
    11 ASN, binary [Integer]
    default = 0
    -o BLAST report Output File [File Out] Optional
    default = stdout
    -F Filter query sequence [String]
    default = T
    -X X dropoff value for gapped alignment (in bits) [Integer]
    default = 20
    -I Show GI's in deflines [T/F]
    default = F
    -q Penalty for a nucleotide mismatch [Integer]
    default = -3
    -r Reward for a nucleotide match [Integer]
    default = 1
    -v Number of database sequences to show one-line descriptions for (V) [Intege
    default = 500
    -b Number of database sequence to show alignments for (B) [Integer]
    default = 250
    -D Type of output:
    0 - alignment endpoints and score,
    1 - all ungapped segments endpoints,
    2 - traditional BLAST output,
    3 - tab-delimited one line format [Integer]
    default = 2
    -a Number of processors to use [Integer]
    default = 1
    -O ASN.1 SeqAlign file; must be used in conjunction with -D2 option [File Out
    ] Optional
    -J Believe the query defline [T/F] Optional
    default = F
    -M Maximal total length of queries for a single search [Integer]
    default = 20000000
    -W Word size (length of best perfect match) [Integer]
    default = 28
    -z Effective length of the database (use zero for the real size) [Real]
    default = 0
    -P Maximal number of positions for a hash value (set to 0 to ignore) [Integer
    default = 0
    -S Query strands to search against database: 3 is both, 1 is top, 2 is bottom
    default = 3
    -T Produce HTML output [T/F]
    default = F
    -l Restrict search of database to list of GI's [String] Optional
    -G Cost to open a gap (zero invokes default behavior) [Integer]
    default = 0
    -E Cost to extend a gap (zero invokes default behavior) [Integer]
    default = 0
    -s Minimal hit score to report (0 for default behavior) [Integer]
    default = 0
    -Q Masked query output, must be used in conjunction with -D 2 option [File Ou
    t] Optional
    -f Show full IDs in the output (default - only GIs or accessions) [T/F]
    default = F
    -U Use lower case filtering of FASTA sequence [T/F] Optional
    default = F
    -R Report the log information at the end of output [T/F] Optional
    default = F
    -p Identity percentage cut-off [Real]
    default = 0
    -L Location on query sequence [String] Optional
    -A Multiple Hits window size [Integer]
    default = 0
    -y X dropoff value for ungapped extension [Integer]
    default = 10
    -Z X dropoff value for dynamic programming gapped extension [Integer]
    default = 50
    -t Length of a discontiguous word template (contiguous word if 0) [Integer]
    default = 0
    -g Generate words for every base of the database (default is every 4th base;
    may only be used with discontiguous words) [T/F] Optional
    default = F
    -n Use non-greedy (dynamic programming) extension for affine gap scores [T/F]
    default = F
    -N Type of a discontiguous word template (0 - coding, 1 - optimal, 2 - two si
    multaneous [Integer]
    default = 0
    -H Maximal number of HSPs to save per database sequence (0 = unlimited) [Inte
    default = 0
    -V Force use of the legacy BLAST engine [T/F] Optional
    default = F

    megablast 输出结果






    Strand = Plus / Plus
    Strand = Plus / Minus 分别代表匹配在两条不同的链上;


    -db: 指定blast搜索用的数据库
    -evalue: 设置e值cutoff
    -max_target_seqs:Maximum number of aligned sequences to keep. 设置最多的目标序列匹配数
    -outfmt format "7 qacc sacc evalue length pident" :这个是新BLAST+中最拉风的功能了,直接控制输出格式,不用再用parser啦, 7表示带注释行的tab格式的输出,可以自定义要输出哪些内容,用空格分格跟在7的后面,并把所有的输出控制用双引号括起来,其中qacc查询序列的acc,sacc表示目标序列的acc,evalue即是e值,length即是匹配的长度,pident即是序列相同的百分比
    -best_hit_overhang, Best Hit algorithm overhang value (recommended value: 0.1)
    -best_hit_score_edge,Best Hit algorithm score edge value (recommended value: 0.1)
    -task <String, Permissible values: 'blastn' 'blastn-short' 'dc-megablast' 'megablast' 'vecscreen' >
       Task to execute   Default = `megablast'

    megablast 算法

    Reference: Zheng Zhang, Scott Schwartz, Lukas Wagner, and Webb Miller (2000), "A greedy algorithm for aligning DNA sequences", J Comput Biol 2000; 7(1-2):203-14.

    Zheng Zhang, Scott Schwartz, Lukas Wagner, and Webb Miller. Journal of Computational Biology. February 2000, 7(1-2): 203-214. doi:10.1089/10665270050081478.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/emanlee/p/2254863.html
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