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  • linux内核seq_file接口


    由于procfs的默认操作函数只使用一页的缓存,在处理较大的proc文件时就有点麻烦,并且在输出一系列结构体中的数据时也比较不灵活,需要自己在read_proc函数中实现迭代,容易出现Bug。所以内核黑客们对一些/proc代码做了研究,抽象出共性,最终形成了seq_file(Sequence file:序列文件)接口。 这个接口提供了一套简单的函数来解决以上proc接口编程时存在的问题,使得编程更加容易,降低了Bug出现的机会。




    struct seq_file {
        char *buf;  //序列文件对应的数据缓冲区,要导出的数据是首先打印到这个缓冲区,然后才被拷贝到指定的用户缓冲区。
        size_t size;  //缓冲区大小,默认为1个页面大小,随着需求会动态以2的级数倍扩张,4k,8k,16k...
        size_t from;  //没有拷贝到用户空间的数据在buf中的起始偏移量
        size_t count; //buf中没有拷贝到用户空间的数据的字节数,调用seq_printf()等函数向buf写数据的同时相应增加m->count
        size_t pad_until; 
        loff_t index;  //正在或即将读取的数据项索引,和seq_operations中的start、next操作中的pos项一致,一条记录为一个索引
        loff_t read_pos;  //当前读取数据(file)的偏移量,字节为单位
        u64 version;  //文件的版本
        struct mutex lock;  //序列化对这个文件的并行操作
        const struct seq_operations *op;  //指向seq_operations
        int poll_event; 
        const struct file *file; // seq_file相关的proc或其他文件
        void *private;  //指向文件的私有数据


    struct seq_operations {
        void * (*start) (struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos); //开始读数据项,通常需要在这个函数中加锁,以防止并行访问数据
        void (*stop) (struct seq_file *m, void *v); //停止数据项,和start相对,通常需要解锁
        void * (*next) (struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos); //下一个要处理的数据项
        int (*show) (struct seq_file *m, void *v); //打印数据项到临时缓冲区





      • seq_open:通常会在打开文件的时候调用,以第二个参数为seq_operations表创建seq_file结构体。
      • seq_read, seq_lseek和seq_release:他们通常都直接对应着文件操作表中的read, llseek和release。
      • seq_escape:将一个字符串中的需要转义的字符(字节长)以8进制的方式打印到seq_file。
      • seq_putc, seq_puts, seq_printf:他们分别和C语言中的putc,puts和printf相对应。
      • seq_path:用于输出文件名。
      • single_open, single_release: 打开和释放只有一条记录的文件。
      • seq_open_private, __seq_open_private, seq_release_private:和seq_open类似,不过打开seq_file的时候创建一小块文件私有数据。


    struct list_head *seq_list_start(struct list_head *head, loff_t pos) 
        struct list_head *lh; 
        list_for_each(lh, head)
            if (pos-- == 0)
                return lh;
        return NULL;
    struct list_head *seq_list_start_head(struct list_head *head, loff_t pos) 
        if (!pos)
            return head;
        return seq_list_start(head, pos - 1);
    struct list_head *seq_list_next(void *v, struct list_head *head, loff_t *ppos)
        struct list_head *lh;
        lh = ((struct list_head *)v)->next;
        return lh == head ? NULL : lh;


     *  seq_read -  ->read() method for sequential files.
     *  @file: the file to read from
     *  @buf: the buffer to read to
     *  @size: the maximum number of bytes to read
     *  @ppos: the current position in the file
     *  Ready-made ->f_op->read()
    ssize_t seq_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t size, loff_t *ppos)
        struct seq_file *m = file->private_data;
        size_t copied = 0;
        loff_t pos;
        size_t n;
        void *p;
        int err = 0;
         * seq_file->op->..m_start/m_stop/m_next may do special actions
         * or optimisations based on the file->f_version, so we want to
         * pass the file->f_version to those methods.
         * seq_file->version is just copy of f_version, and seq_file
         * methods can treat it simply as file version.
         * It is copied in first and copied out after all operations.
         * It is convenient to have it as  part of structure to avoid the
         * need of passing another argument to all the seq_file methods.
        m->version = file->f_version;
        /* Don't assume *ppos is where we left it */
        if (unlikely(*ppos != m->read_pos)) {   // 读取位置与当前buf位置不同,traverse遍历
            while ((err = traverse(m, *ppos)) == -EAGAIN)
            if (err) {
                /* With prejudice... */
                m->read_pos = 0;
                m->version = 0;
                m->index = 0;
                m->count = 0;
                goto Done;
            } else {
                m->read_pos = *ppos;
        /* grab buffer if we didn't have one */
        if (!m->buf) {
            m->buf = seq_buf_alloc(m->size = PAGE_SIZE);
            if (!m->buf)
                goto Enomem;
        /* if not empty - flush it first */
        if (m->count) {  //操作完后两情况:buf数据读取完,m->count=0;未读完,size=0,下次再读,本次读取结束
            n = min(m->count, size);
            err = copy_to_user(buf, m->buf + m->from, n);
            if (err)
                goto Efault;
            m->count -= n;
            m->from += n;
            size -= n;
            buf += n;
            copied += n;
            if (!m->count) {
                m->from = 0;
            if (!size)
                goto Done;
        /* we need at least one record in buffer */  
        pos = m->index;
        p = m->op->start(m, &pos);
        while (1) {   //容纳一条数据后执行Fill,不能容纳一条数据就分配更大空间,若读到最后记录就break。
            err = PTR_ERR(p);
            if (!p || IS_ERR(p))
            err = m->op->show(m, p);
            if (err < 0)
            if (unlikely(err))
                m->count = 0;
            if (unlikely(!m->count)) {
                p = m->op->next(m, p, &pos);
                m->index = pos;
            if (m->count < m->size)
                goto Fill;
            m->op->stop(m, p);
            m->count = 0;
            m->buf = seq_buf_alloc(m->size <<= 1);
            if (!m->buf)
                goto Enomem;
            m->version = 0;
            pos = m->index;
            p = m->op->start(m, &pos);
        m->op->stop(m, p);
        m->count = 0;
        goto Done;
    Fill:  //退出条件为没有记录可读(next返回NULL)或buf缓冲区满
        /* they want more? let's try to get some more */
        while (m->count < size) {
            size_t offs = m->count;
            loff_t next = pos;
            p = m->op->next(m, p, &next);
            if (!p || IS_ERR(p)) {
                err = PTR_ERR(p);
            err = m->op->show(m, p);
            if (seq_has_overflowed(m) || err) {
                m->count = offs;
                if (likely(err <= 0))
            pos = next;
        m->op->stop(m, p);
        n = min(m->count, size);
        err = copy_to_user(buf, m->buf, n);
        if (err)
            goto Efault;
        copied += n;
        m->count -= n;
        if (m->count)
            m->from = n;
        m->index = pos;
    Done:   // 操作完成后,出错返回错误,成功则file位置偏移和seq读指针偏移增加拷贝字节数
        if (!copied)
            copied = err;
        else {
            *ppos += copied;
            m->read_pos += copied;
        file->f_version = m->version;
        return copied;
        err = -ENOMEM;
        goto Done;
        err = -EFAULT;
        goto Done;


    如下例用于列出进程相关信息,在ubuntu 16/18上测试通过:

    //#include <linux/config.h>
    #include <linux/kernel.h>
    #include <linux/module.h>
    #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
    #include <linux/seq_file.h>
    #include <linux/percpu.h>
    #include <linux/init.h>
    #include <linux/sched.h>
    // #include <linux/sched/signal.h> static struct proc_dir_entry *entry; static loff_t offset = 1; static void *l_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t * pos) { loff_t index = *pos; loff_t i = 0; struct task_struct * task ; if (index == 0) { seq_printf(m, "Current all the processes in system: " "%-24s%-5s ", "name", "pid"); printk(KERN_EMERG "++++++++++=========>%5d ", 0); // offset = 1; return &init_task; }else { for(i = 0, task=&init_task; i < index; i++){ task = next_task(task); } BUG_ON(i != *pos); if(task == &init_task){ return NULL; } printk(KERN_EMERG "++++++++++>%5d ", task->pid); return task; } } static void *l_next(struct seq_file *m, void *p, loff_t * pos) { struct task_struct * task = (struct task_struct *)p; task = next_task(task); if ((*pos != 0) && (task == &init_task)) { // if ((task == &init_task)) { // printk(KERN_EMERG "=====>%5d ", task->pid); return NULL; } printk(KERN_EMERG "=====>%5d ", task->pid); offset = ++(*pos); return task; } static void l_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *p) { printk(KERN_EMERG "------> "); } static int l_show(struct seq_file *m, void *p) { struct task_struct * task = (struct task_struct *)p; seq_printf(m, "%-24s%-5d %lld ", task->comm, task->pid, offset); // seq_printf(m, "======>%-24s%-5d ", task->comm, task->pid); return 0; } static struct seq_operations exam_seq_op = { .start = l_start, .next = l_next, .stop = l_stop, .show = l_show }; static int exam_seq_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return seq_open(file, &exam_seq_op); } static struct file_operations exam_seq_fops = { .open = exam_seq_open, .read = seq_read, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = seq_release, }; static int __init exam_seq_init(void) { // entry = create_proc_entry("exam_esq_file", 0, NULL); entry = proc_create("exam_esq_file", 0444, NULL, &exam_seq_fops); if (!entry) printk(KERN_EMERG "proc_create error. "); //entry->proc_fops = &exam_seq_fops; printk(KERN_EMERG "exam_seq_init. "); return 0; } static void __exit exam_seq_exit(void) { remove_proc_entry("exam_esq_file", NULL); printk(KERN_EMERG "exam_seq_exit. "); } module_init(exam_seq_init); module_exit(exam_seq_exit); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");


    obj-m := seq.o  
    KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build  
    #KDIR := ~/source_ap/build_dir/target-arm_cortex-a7_uClibc-1.0.14_eabi/linux-ipq806x/linux-3.14.77  
    PWD := $(shell pwd)  
        $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules  
        rm -rf *.o *.ko *.mod* *.order *.sym* 


    1. 内核proc文件系统与seq接口(4)---seq_file接口编程浅析 tekkaman

    2. 内核proc文件系统与seq接口(5)---通用proc接口与seq_file接口实验  tekkaman

    3. seq_file工作机制实例 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/embedded-linux/p/9751995.html
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