How to migrate a .NET Windows Service application to Linux using mono?
Under Linux, deamons are simple background processes. No special control methods (e.g start()
, stop()
) are used as in Windows. Build your service as a simple (console) application, and run it in the background. Use a tool like daemonize
to run a program as a Unix daemon, and remember to specify mono
as the program to be activated.
As noted by others, mono-service is a host to run services built with the ServiceProcess
assembly. Services built for Windows can use this method to run unmodified under Linux. You can control the service by sending signals to the process (see man page).
命令格式:mono-service [options] program.exe
-d:DIRECTORYUse this option to specify the working directory for the service. The default is the current directory.
-l:LOCKFILESpecifies the file to use for locking, the default is a filename constructed in /tmp based on the name of the program that hosts the service.
-m:MESSAGEName to show in the syslog.
-n:NAMEUse this to specify the service to be launched (if the program contains more than one service). The default is to run the first defined service.
--debug:Use this option to prevent mono-service from redirecting stdin and stdout and prevent the program to be sent to the background. Equivalent to
--no-daemon:Use this option to prevent mono-service from redirecting stdin and stdout and prevent the program to be sent to the background. Equivalent to --debug.
例:mono-service -l:/var/run/ MyService.exe (这个-l参数一定要加上)
暂停: kill -USR1 `cat <lock file>`
继续: kill -USR2 `cat <lock file>`
停止: kill `cat <lock file>`
注意:Use mono-service to run services that use the 1.0 assemblies and use mono-service2 to run services that use the 2.0 assemblies.
mono-service可以运行.net 1.0的程序集,mono-service2可以运行.net 2.0的程序集。