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  • 效率不高的7个原因


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    7 Reasons Why You Might Never Be Productive

    This post was guest blogged by Alan Johnson, author of The Online Business Handbook.

    Are you disappointed with the fact that, no matter how hard you try, you can never seem to get things done in a productive manner? If so, then acting now is the way to go because you can rest assured that things will not exactly get better if you just stand there and wait for a miracle. As a blogger, being productive is definitely a must if you are serious about long-term success and living in denial is simply not an option.

    Where to start? Identifying the problem is always the first step and here are the 7 most common reasons why you might never be productive:

    Reason 1: You Hate What You’re Doing

    If you are not passionate about your work then maximizing results can and will prove to be quite a challenge. You won’t be productive, you will treat everything as a chore or, in other words, you will have a lot to lose as a result of such an attitude in the long run.

    Reason 2: Your Priorities Are All Wrong

    Simply being busy isn’t going to cut it. You can work all day and feel all worn out, only to realize that you haven’t actually accomplished anything worthwhile. Identifying the tasks which are worth your time and dropping those which are not is the way to go if you are serious about being productive.

    Reason 3: You’re Not Used To Working

    I’m sorry to break it to you but, if you were used to one of those 9-5 jobs where you sit at your desk but aren’t actually doing anything productive most of the time, then you cannot expect your current productivity level to be an impressive one. You won’t be able to see results overnight, no matter how desperately you would want to. Take
    it one step at a time and you are on the right track.

    Reason 4: You Are Easily Distracted

    If you are unable to concentrate on certain tasks, if anything seems to be able to act as a distraction, then I’m afraid that you have a serious problem you need to work on. Try small things that will help you focus, like working on a specific room or time, removing the telephone from your surroundings and so on.

    Reason 5: You Take Too Many Breaks

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a well-deserved break every now and then, but on the other hand, you have to determine when enough is enough and act accordingly.

    Reason 6: You Have an Unhealthy Lifestyle

    All of those sleepless nights will come back to haunt you, there’s absolutely no doubt about it. Having a healthy lifestyle is an investment in yourself and it is, let’s face it, the most important one you can make, ignore this aspect at your own risk.

    Reason 7: You Seem to Never Learn

    Everyone makes mistakes, that’s perfectly natural and it’s all a part of human nature. Not learning from your mistakes, on the other hand, is unacceptable. You might fall into the trap of a certain time waster once, it happens. But if you don’t learn your lesson then, my friend, you will end up making the same mistakes over and over again and that is simply not an option.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/erwin/p/1183475.html
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