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  • react 仿 antd 风格的季度选择组件

    产品也真是够了,周选择、月份选择、年份选择都是 antd 直接支持的,然而他现在要求要季度选择和半年份的选择。

    那就来实现一个仿 antd 风格的季度选择组件吧,本文部分参照博客园-真的想不出来-模仿 Antd 写一个季度的时间选择器 V1.0




    • 一个纯组件,并且是 ts 版本。
    • 可以切换年份
    • 点选某个季度,执行 props 传入的 onChange 函数,value 参数形如 "2019-Q2"
    • 点击外部收起下拉框
    • 支持 value 传入默认选择项并定位到此。


    <QuarterPicker value={selectStartMonth} onChange={this.startDataChange} style={{marginRight: 24}}></QuarterPicker>
    startDataChange(data: any) {
        selectStartMonth: data


    -- 第二次更新 --

    补充了 ts 的一些类型说明,并且将 componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, prevState) 替换为 static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState),因为前者即将被 React 废弃。

    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import moment from 'moment';
    import './index.less';
    type IProps = {
      className?: string;
      style?: React.CSSProperties;
      value?: string;
      defaultValue?: string;
      startValue?: string;
      endValue?: string;
      open?: boolean;
      disabled?: boolean;
      onOk?: Function;
      showOk?: boolean;
      onChange?: Function;
    type IState = {
      stateOpen: boolean;
      year: string;
      selectTime: string;
      selectionTime: string;
      oneDisplay: string;
      twoDisplay: string;
    const quarterData = [{
      value: 'Q1',
      label: '第一季度'
    }, {
      value: 'Q2',
      label: '第二季度'
    }, {
      value: 'Q3',
      label: '第三季度'
    }, {
      value: 'Q4',
      label: '第四季度'
    const _defaultProps = {
      showOk: false, // 是否使用确定按钮,默认不使用
      disabled: false, // 组件是否禁用,默认组件可以使用
      defaultValue: "请选择时间", // 默认日期 or 没有日期时的提示语
      value: "",
      startValue: "1970-1",
      endValue: `${moment().format("YYYY")}-${moment().quarter()}`,
      open: undefined,
      onOk: () => {},
      className: ""
    class QuarterPicker extends Component<IProps, IState> {
      private static defaultProps = _defaultProps; //主要是用 static 关联当前的class Loading
      private toggleContainer: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
      constructor(props: IProps) {
        this.state = {
          stateOpen: false, // 是否展示弹窗
          year: "", // "2020"
          selectTime: `${moment().format("YYYY")}-${moment().quarter()}`, // 选中的时间, "2020-1", "-1" 代表第一季度
          selectionTime: "", // 点确定后需要返回的时间
          oneDisplay: "block",
          twoDisplay: "block"
        this.toggleContainer = React.createRef()
      componentDidMount() {
        const { value, open } = this.props;
        let { year, selectTime } = this.state;
        year = value ? value.split("-")[0] : selectTime.split("-")[0]
          selectTime: value ? value : selectTime,
          selectionTime: value ? value : "",
        if (open === undefined) {
          document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleClickOutside)
      componentWillUnmount() {
        document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.handleClickOutside)
      // componentWillReceiveProps 被废弃,使用 getDerivedStateFromProps 来取代
      static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps: IProps, prevState: IState) {
        // 该方法内禁止访问 this
        const { value } = nextProps;
        if (value !== prevState.selectionTime) {
          // 通过对比nextProps和prevState,返回一个用于更新状态的对象
          const year = value && value.split('-')[0];
          return {
            selectTime: value,
            selectionTime: value,
        // 不需要更新状态,返回null
        return null;
      onclick = (ev: any) => {
        // ...
          stateOpen: !this.state.stateOpen,
      handleClickOutside = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
        if (!(this && this.toggleContainer && this.toggleContainer.current)) {
        if (this.state.stateOpen && !this.toggleContainer.current.contains(ev.target as Node)) {
          this.setState({ stateOpen: false });
      ulliclick = (index: number) => {
        // ...
      iconLeftClick = () => {
        // ...
        const year = parseInt(this.state.year);
          year: (year - 1).toString()
      iconRightClick = () => {
        // ...
        const year = parseInt(this.state.year);
          year: (year + 1).toString()
      idBlock = (year: string) => {
        // ...
      okBut = (ev: any) => {
        // ...
      textChange = () => {
        // ...
      changeQuarter = (item: any) => {
        this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(`${this.state.year}-${item.value}`);
          stateOpen: false,
      render() {
        const { oneDisplay, twoDisplay, selectTime, year, selectionTime, stateOpen } = this.state;
        const { className, defaultValue, disabled, showOk, open } = this.props;
        let openOnOff = false;
        if (typeof (this.props.open) === "boolean") {
          openOnOff = !!open;
        } else {
          openOnOff = stateOpen;
        return (
            className={`QuarterlyPicker ${className}`}
            <div className="begin">
              <input className={selectionTime ? "zjl-input" : "zjl-input default_input"}
                value={selectionTime ? selectionTime : defaultValue}
                onClick={(ev) => { disabled ? null : this.onclick(ev) }}
                onChange={() => { this.textChange() }}
              <i className="img" ></i>
            <div className="child" style={{ display: openOnOff ? "block" : "none" }}>
              <header className="zjl-timehear">
              <div className="con">
                <ul className="content-one">
                  <li className="lefticon" onClick={this.iconLeftClick} style={{ display: oneDisplay }}>{"<<"}</li>
                  <li className="righticon" onClick={this.iconRightClick} style={{ display: twoDisplay }}>{">>"}</li>
              <div className="TimerXhlleft">
                <ul className="quaterleft">
                    quarterData && quarterData.map(item => {
                      return <li
                        className={`quaterleftli ${this.props.value === item.value ? 'active' : ''}`}
                        onClick={this.changeQuarter.bind(this, item)}>
                showOk ?
                  <div className="zjl-but">
                    <span onClick={this.okBut}>确定</span>
                  </div> : null
    export default QuarterPicker;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/everlose/p/12516461.html
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