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  • mysql02

    1. 数据完整性

    1) 数据的准确性和可靠性。

    2) 完整性约束

    A. 实体完整性



    主键约束:  唯一的,不能为空。 primary key

    # 1.添加主键约束

    create table student(

     sid int primary key,

     sname varchar(20)


    # 2.添加主键约束

    create table student(

      sid int,

    sname varchar(20),

    primary key(sid)


    # 3.表创建之后添加主键约束

    create table student(

        sid int,

    sname varchar(20)



    alter table student add CONSTRAINT PK_SID primary key(sid);

    1. 字段选择?


    1. 主键添加



      唯一约束: 不能重复 可以添加多个(unique)


    alter table userinfo add CONSTRAINT UQ_CARD unique(card);


    create table student(

     sid int primary key auto_increment,

     sname varchar(20)



     alter table student drop primary key

    B. 域完整性

    : 字段


    非空约束:  不能为空  not null

    默认值:  default 值


    create table student(

     sid int primary key auto_increment,

     sname varchar(20) not null,

     gender bit(1) default 1


    C. 引用完整性


    外键约束:foreign key

    alter table student add CONSTRAINT FK_CID foreign key(cid)

    REFERENCES classroom(cid);

    1. 主外键关联
    2. 外键关联字段名称可以不一样,但是类型必须一致。

    D. 自定义完整性


    Alter table student add constriaint check(age between 1 and 150)

    2. 运算符  


     select 1+1;

     select 1-1;

     select 1*2;

     select 3/2;   # 1.5

     select 3 div 2; #整除

     select 3/0;   # null

    # 比较运算符  = != >= <=  true 1 false 0  select 1!=1;

    # is null / is not null / between ...and .../ in / not in

    # 逻辑运算符  and or !

      select 1=1 and 1=2;

    select 1=1 or 1=2;

    select !1=1;

    # 位运算符  & | ^

      select 3 & 2;   # 2

    select 3 | 2;   # 3

    select 3 ^ 2;   # 1

    3. DML

    1) 添加数据(insert)

    Insert into tname[(字段名称…)] values(值…);



    insert into classroom values(3,'bd1809');


    insert into classroom(des,cname) values('des','bd1810');


    insert into classroom(cname,des) values('bd1811','des'),




    insert into classroom1 select * from classroom;

    3) 删除数据 delete

    delete from tname [where 条件]

    truncate:清空   文件级别清空  自增重置

    delete:删除  只修改数据  逐行删除  自增不会重置

    4) 修改数据  update

    Update tname set 字段=新值,… [where 条件]

    update classroom set des = 'des' where cid = 2;

    5) 查询数据  select

    Select 字段|表达式 from 表|视图|结果集

    Where 条件

    Group by 分组

    Having 分组之后进行检索

    Order by 排序

    Limit 限制结果

    # 查询所有信息

     select * from emp;


     select ename,sal from emp;


     select * from emp where sal > 2000;


     select * from emp where sal >= 1000 and sal <=2000;

     select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 2000;


    select * from emp where empno = 7521 or empno = 7369 or empno = 7788;

    select * from emp where empno in (7521,7369,7788);

     #别名(简化   做解释说明)  [as] 别名

     #字段  表达式  结果集 表 都可以起别名

     select ename,sal*1.05 nsal from emp;

     # 查询所有职位信息  去重

     select distinct job from emp;

     # 查询在10号部门工资最高的员工信息


    select * from emp where deptno =10;


    select * from emp where deptno =10 order by sal desc limit 0,1;

    # 排序 order by 排序字段   默认升序排序 asc | desc

      #根据员工工资降序排序,工资一致的按照员工编号的降序排序。  select * from emp order by sal desc,empno desc;

    # 限制结果查询  limit 下标,长度  (仅适用于mysql,分页查询)

      select * from emp limit 0,5;

    # 查询所有有奖金的员工信息  select * from emp where comm is not null;

    # 模糊查询  like  %:0到多个任意字符 _:1个字符

      # 查询名字以s打头的员工信息

     select * from emp where ename like 's%';


     select * from emp where ename like '%s%';

     # 第二个字符为L的所有员工信息

     select * from emp where ename like '_l%';

    4. 函数

    1) 单行函数



     select PI()* 2 *2;  #pi

     select CEIL(-12.3); #向上取整

     select FLOOR(12.3); #向下取整

     select ROUND(8.45,-1); #四舍五入

     select MOD(5,2);  #取模

     select RAND();  #随机数 [0,1)

     select POW(2,3); #幂运算


      select * from emp order by RAND() limit 2;


       select LENGTH('this is a dog');   #获取长度

     select length(ename) from emp;

     select LOWER('THIS');

     select UPPER('this');

     select SUBSTR('this is zs',1,6); #下标从1开始

     #select REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str);

     select trim(' this is '); #去两端空格

     select LPAD('aa',10,'*');  #左填充

     select RPAD('aa',10,'*');  #右填充


      select NOW();  #当前时间

    select SYSDATE();  #获取系统时间

    select CURRENT_DATE();

      select CURDATE();

    select CURRENT_TIME();

      select CURTIME();

      select YEAR('1998-09-09');

    select YEAR(NOW());

    select MONTH(date);

    select DAY(date);


    select LAST_DAY('2018-02-02');


    select DATE_ADD(NOW(),interval 2 MONTH);

    6) 聚合函数

    7) 分组函数

    # 聚合函数

      # min()  max()  avg()  count() sum()

    select max(sal) from emp;

    select min(sal) from emp;

    select avg(sal) from emp;  

    select count(*) from emp;  #记录数

    select count(1) from emp;  #记录数

    select count(comm) from emp; #字段非空总数

    select sum(sal) from emp;

     #分组 group by 分组条件   having:分组之后进行检索

      select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;

     # 查询平均工资大于2000的部门的编号和平均工资。

       # 1.where在group by之后

     # 2.where中不能使用聚合函数

       select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal) > 2000;

    8) 加密函数


     select MD5('root');

     select SHA('root');

     select password('root');



    # 1.添加主键约束
    create table student(
    sid int primary key,
    sname varchar(20)
    # 2.添加主键约束
    create table student(
    sid int,
    sname varchar(20),
    primary key(sid,sname)
    # 3.表创建之后添加主键约束
    create table student(
    sid int,
    sname varchar(20)
    alter table student add CONSTRAINT PK_SID primary key(sid);

    create table userinfo(
    uid int primary key,
    uname varchar(20),
    card varchar(18)

    alter table userinfo add CONSTRAINT UQ_CARD unique(card);

    create table student(
    sid int primary key auto_increment,
    sname varchar(20)

    create table student(
    sid int primary key auto_increment,
    sname varchar(20) not null,
    gender bit(1) default 1

    alter table student add CONSTRAINT FK_CID foreign key(cid)
    REFERENCES classroom(cid);


    insert into classroom values(3,'bd1809');

    insert into classroom(des,cname) values('des','bd1810');

    insert into classroom(cname,des) values('bd1811','des'),

    insert into classroom1 select * from classroom;

    select * from classroom;

    create table classroom1 select * from classroom where 0;

    # delete删除逐行删除
    delete from classroom where cid = 7;
    insert into classroom(cname,des) values('bd1805','des');
    delete from classroom;
    truncate table classroom;

    update classroom set des = 'des' where cid = 2;

    select 1+1;
    select 1-1;
    select 1*2;
    select 3/2; # 1.5
    select 3 div 2; #整除
    select 3/0; # null
    # 比较运算符 = != >= <= true 1 false 0 select 1!=1;
    # is null / is not null / between ...and .../ in / not in
    # 逻辑运算符 and or !
    select 1=1 and 1=2;
    select 1=1 or 1=2;
    select !1=1;
    # 位运算符 & | ^
    select 3 & 2; # 2
    select 3 | 2; # 3
    select 3 ^ 2; # 1

    # 查询所有信息
    select * from emp;
    select ename,sal from emp;
    select * from emp where sal > 2000;
    select * from emp where sal >= 1000 and sal <=2000;
    select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 2000;
    select * from emp where empno = 7521 or empno = 7369 or empno = 7788;
    select * from emp where empno in (7521,7369,7788);
    #别名(简化 做解释说明) [as] 别名
    #字段 表达式 结果集 表 都可以起别名
    select ename,sal*1.05 nsal from emp;
    # 查询所有职位信息 去重
    select distinct job from emp;
    # 查询在10号部门工资最高的员工信息
    select * from emp where deptno =10;
    select * from emp where deptno =10 order by sal desc limit 0,1;
    # 排序 order by 排序字段 默认升序排序 asc | desc
    #根据员工工资降序排序,工资一致的按照员工编号的降序排序。 select * from emp order by sal desc,empno desc;
    # 限制结果查询 limit 下标,长度 (仅适用于mysql,分页查询)
    select * from emp limit 0,5;
    # 查询所有有奖金的员工信息 select * from emp where comm is not null;
    # 模糊查询 like %:0到多个任意字符 _:1个字符
    # 查询名字以s打头的员工信息
    select * from emp where ename like 's%';
    select * from emp where ename like '%s%';
    # 第二个字符为L的所有员工信息
    select * from emp where ename like '_l%';

    select * from emp where sal >2000;
    select * from emp where deptno = 10 and sal between 1000 and 2000 order by sal desc
    limit 0,1;

    update emp1 set sal = sal * 1.05 where sal < 2000;

    select * from emp where deptno = 20 and ename like '%s%';
    select * from emp where deptno =10 and sal > 1000 limit 0,5;
    update emp1 set comm = IFNULL(comm,0) + 100 where comm is null;

    select PI()* 2 *2; #pi
    select CEIL(-12.3); #向上取整
    select FLOOR(12.3); #向下取整
    select ROUND(8.45,-1); #四舍五入
    select MOD(5,2); #取模
    select RAND(); #随机数 [0,1)
    select POW(2,3); #幂运算
    select * from emp order by RAND() limit 2;
    select LENGTH('this is a dog'); #获取长度
    select length(ename) from emp;
    select LOWER('THIS');
    select UPPER('this');
    select SUBSTR('this is zs',1,6); #下标从1开始
    #select REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str);
    select trim(' this is '); #去两端空格
    select LPAD('aa',10,'*'); #左填充
    select RPAD('aa',10,'*'); #右填充
    select NOW(); #当前时间
    select SYSDATE(); #获取系统时间
    select CURRENT_DATE();
    select CURDATE();
    select CURRENT_TIME();
    select CURTIME();
    select YEAR('1998-09-09');
    select YEAR(NOW());
    select MONTH(date);
    select DAY(date);
    select LAST_DAY('2018-02-02');
    select DATE_ADD(NOW(),interval 2 MONTH);

    # 聚合函数
    # min() max() avg() count() sum()
    select max(sal) from emp;
    select min(sal) from emp;
    select avg(sal) from emp;
    select count(*) from emp; #记录数
    select count(1) from emp; #记录数
    select count(comm) from emp; #字段非空总数
    select sum(sal) from emp;

    #分组 group by 分组条件 having:分组之后进行检索
    select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;

    # 查询平均工资大于2000的部门的编号和平均工资。
    # 1.where在group by之后
    # 2.where中不能使用聚合函数
    select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal) > 2000;

    #java: Base64.encode() Base64.decode() 可逆加密
    # MD5() 不可逆

    select MD5('root');
    select SHA('root');
    select password('root');

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fax1996/p/9544691.html
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