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  • 八、RFCOMM

    1.      RFCOMM




    1.1       RFCOMM使用示例——SPP

    SPP(Serial Port Profile)定义了一系列协议和过程,蓝牙设备通过该协议实现RS232串行线缆的仿真。很多老式设备都工作在串行模块下面,使用SPP协议可以帮组连接这些老式设备。先来卡纳看SPP在蓝牙协议体系里面的位置:





    1.1.1    核心过程



    1. Submit a query using SDP to find out the RFCOMM Server channel number of the desired application in the remote device. This might include a browsing capability to let the user select among available ports (or services) in the peer device. Or , if it is known exactly which service to contact, it is sufficient look up the necessary parameters using the Service Class ID associated with the desired service.

    2. Optionally, require authentication of the remote device to be performed. Also optionally, require encryption to be turned on.

    3. Request a new L2CAP channel to the remote RFCOMM entity.

    4. Initiate an RFCOMM session on the L2CAP channel.

    5. Start a new data link connection on the RFCOMM session, using the aforementioned server channel number.

    After step 5, the virtual serial cable connection is ready to be used for communication between applications on both sides.

    Note: If there already exists an RFCOMM session between the devices when setting up a new data link connection, the new connection must be established

    on the existing RFCOMM.



    1. If requested by the remote device, take part in authentication procedure and, upon further request, turn on encryption.

    2. Accept a new channel establishment indication from L2CAP.

    3. Accept an RFCOMM session establishment on that channel.

    4. Accept a new data link connection on the RFCOMM session. This may trigger a local request to authenticate the remote device and turn on encryption, if the user has required that for the emulated serial port being connected to (and authentication/encryption procedures have not already been carried out ).

    Note: steps 1 and 4 may be experienced as isolated events when there already exists an RFCOMM session to the remote device.



    1.1.2    连接消息序列



             再来看看典型的连接过程涉及到的消息交互流程图。DevA通过调用SppConnectRequest ()开启连接过程,DevB在接收到SPP_CONNECT_IND消息时决定是否接受该连接,并作出响应SppConnectResponse()。在DevA收到SPP_CLIENT_CONNECT_CFM,DevB收到SPP_SERVER_CONNECT_CFM后,表示SPP通信会话正式建立。



    Sink sink    = (Sink) StreamRfcommSink(cfm->conn_id); /*从RFCOMM会话ID获取sink引用*/

    SourceConfigure(StreamSourceFromSink(sink), VM_SOURCE_MESSAGES, VM_MESSAGES_ALL);


    void connectionHandleL2capConnectCfm(const L2CA_AUTO_CONNECT_CFM_T *cfm){

             Sink                sink = StreamL2capSink(cfm->cid);

             MessageSinkTask(sink, appTask);   /* Associate the task with its sink */



    1.1.3    消息处理


    spp->c.task.handler = sppcConnectionHandler;

    spp->c.client_task = theAppTask;

    TaskData sppsServiceTask = { sppServiceHandler };

    spp->c.client_task = theAppTask;


    spp->c.task.handler= sppsConnectionHandler;

    1.1.4    多串口仿真

    两个使用RFCOMM通信的蓝牙设备可以同时打开多个串口仿真 ,RFCOMM支持多大60路,但是一个设备实际能打开的数据依实现而定。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fbli/p/5930383.html
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