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  • How to use JSon data in mvc action and post form data use JQuery ajax

    原文连接: http://www.flyear.net/Artical/How-To-Use-JSon-Data-In-MVC-Action-and-post-form-data-use-jquery-ajax

    1. Front-End Html:

    1. @using (Html.BeginForm("NewComment", "Home", new { area = "Blog" }, FormMethod.Post, new { id = "commentForm" }))
    2. {
    3.     <hr />
    4.     <input id="articalId" type="hidden" value="@Model.Post.PostID" />
    5.     <ul>
    6.         <li><span>User</span><input id="commenterName" type="text" /></li>
    7.         <li><span>Email</span><input id="commenterEmail" type="text" /></li>
    8.         <li><span>Site</span><input id="commenterSite" type="text" /></li>
    9.         <li><span>Comment Content</span><p>
    10.             <textarea id="commenterContent" cols="35" rows="10"></textarea></p>
    11.         </li>
    12.         <li>
    13.             <input id="commentSubmit" type="submit" value="Submit" /></li>
    14.     </ul>
    15. }

    2. Front-End JavaScript:

    1. $("#commentForm").submit(function () {
    2.             var odata = GetCurrentComment();
    3.             if (oldSubmitComment != null || oldSubmitComment != undefined) {
    4.                 if (odata.Content == oldSubmitComment.Content) {
    5.                     $("#msg").html("<span style=\"color: Red\"><strong>You already submited this comment, please add new content for submit.</strong></span>");
    6.                     return false;
    7.                 }
    8.             }
    9.             oldSubmitComment = odata; //Set old submit comment to current submit data
    10.             var json_strng = JSON.stringify(odata);
    11.             var beforeDate = new Date();
    13.             $.ajax({
    14.                 url: $("#commentForm").attr("action"),
    15.                 type: 'POST',
    16.                 contentType: 'application/json',
    17.                 dataType: 'json',
    18.                 data: json_strng,
    19.                 success: function (result, status) {
    20.                     if (result.Success) {
    21.                         AppenderNewCommentToEnd(odata);
    22.                         var completeDate = new Date();
    23.                         $("#msg").html("Your spend <span style=\"color: Red\"><strong>" + (completeDate - beforeDate) + " Milliseconds </strong></span>on this submit, Thanks for your time.");
    24.                     }
    25.                     else {
    26.                         $("#msg").html("<span style=\"color: Red\"><strong>Your submit fauiler, Detail message is:" + json2.ErrorMessage + "</strong></span>");
    27.                     }
    28.                 }
    29.             });
    30.             return false;
    31.         });

    1. function TrArticalComment(articalId, name, email, site, date, content) {
    2.         this.PostID = articalId;
    3.         this.UserName = name;
    4.         this.Email = email;
    5.         this.WebAddress = site;
    6.         this.Date = date;
    7.         this.Content = content;
    8.     }
    9.     //Page Transfer Model       
    10.     function GetCurrentComment() {
    11.         var comment = new TrArticalComment(
    12.                 $("#articalId").val(),
    13.                 $("#commenterName").val(),
    14.                 $("#commenterEmail").val(),
    15.                 $("#commenterSite").val(),
    16.                 new Date(),
    17.                 $("#commenterContent").val());
    18.         return comment;
    19.     }
    20.     function AppenderNewCommentToEnd(comment) {
    21.         $("<hr/><div class=\"commentHeader\"> <a href='" + comment.WebAddress + "' target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"commentUser\">" + comment.UserName + "</span></a> <span class=\"commonDate\">"
    22.                 + comment.Date + "</span></div><div class=\"commonContent\">" + comment.Content + "</div>").appendTo("#newCommentHere");
    23.     }

    3. Back-End code:

    1. [HttpPost]
    2.         public JsonResult NewComment(NewCommentDto comment)
    3.         {
    4.             var pComment = comment.ToPostComment();
    5.             PostService.AddComment(pComment.PostID, pComment);
    6.             return Json(new { Success = true, Message = "Successfully" });
    7.         }

    4. Some things need more attentation:

    We need add ValueProviderFactories.Factories.Add(new JsonValueProviderFactory()); into Application_Start method in Global.axsx.cs to support Action receive JSon format data.

    1. protected void Application_Start()
    2.         {
    3.             logger.Info("LightBlog log system started.");
    5.             LightBlog.Infrastructure.RepositoryFramework.NHibernateProvider.DataContext.ReCreateDatabase();
    7.             AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();
    9.             RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters);
    10.             RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes);
    12.             ValueProviderFactories.Factories.Add(new JsonValueProviderFactory());
    14.         }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/feinian/p/2182961.html
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