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    29 Events libraries and projects

    •  ReactiveCocoa

        10.0   7.3  Objective-C
      ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is a Cocoa framework inspired by Functional Reactive Programming. It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values over time.
    •  RxSwift

        9.9   8.8 L3  Swift
      Microsoft Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Swift and iOS/OSX platform.
    •  PromiseKit

        9.8   8.7 L5  Swift
      async promise programming lib.
    •  ReSwift

        9.6   6.3 L5  Swift
      Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift
    •  Bond

        9.3   8.8 L1  Swift
      a Swift binding framework.
    •  BrightFutures

        8.3   4.7 L4  Swift
      promise and future lib for swift.
    •  Katana

        8.2  8.7 L4  Swift
      Swift apps a la React and Redux.
    •  ReactorKit

        7.8   6.4  Swift
      A framework for reactive and unidirectional application architecture.
    •  ReactKit

        7.4   0.0 L3  Swift
      Swift Reactive Programming.
    •  FutureKit

        6.4  0.7 L2  Swift
      A Swift based Future/Promises Library.
    •  SwiftEventBus

        6.4   3.2 L5  Swift
      A publish/subscribe event bus optimized for iOS.
    •  EmitterKit

        5.7  3.5 L5  Swift
      an implementation of event emitters and listeners in swift.
    •  Signals

        4.9   3.3 L5  Swift
      replaces delegates and notifications.
    •  Safe

        4.9   0.0 L2  Swift
      A modern concurrency and synchronization for Swift.
    •  snail

        4.5   7.1 L5  Swift
      An observables framework for Swift
    •  Reactor

        4.1   2.4 L5  Swift
      Powering your RAC architecture.
    •  VueFlux

        3.8  6.8  Swift
      Unidirectional Data Flow State Management Architecture
    •  SignalKit

        3.7   0.0 L5  Swift
      Swift event and binding framework.
    •  Observable

        3.7   6.2  Swift
      The easiest way to observe values.
    •  When

        3.4   5.4 L5  Swift
      A lightweight implementation of Promises in Swift.
    •  Caravel

        3.3   0.0 L2  Swift
      A Swift event bus for UIWebView and JS.
    •  Future

        2.5   0.0 L4  Swift
      A micro framework providing Future.
    •  NoticeObserveKit

        2.3   0.0 L5  Swift
      NoticeObserveKit is type-safe NotificationCenter wrapper that associates notice type with info type.
    •  Aftermath

        1.8   0.0 L5  Swift
      Stateless message-driven micro-framework in Swift.
    •  Notificationz

        1.6   2.5 L5  Swift
      Helping you own NSNotificationCenter by providing a simple, customizable adapter.
    •  Forbind

        1.2   0.0 L4  Swift
      Functional chaining and Promises in Swift.
    •  ReduxSwift

        1.0   0.0 L5  Swift
      Predictable state container for Swift apps too
    •  PureFutures

        0.7   0.0 L4  Swift
      Futures and Promises library.
    •  SSEventFlow

        0.3  4.4 L5  Swift
      A type safe alternative to NSNotification, inspired by Flux.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/feng9exe/p/10273526.html
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