今天比较高兴,一口气做完了四道题目。看来VB6 仍有用武之地,尽管速度着实令人失望。
Thank you for entering the Treasure Hunt!
Here are the first correct entries we received for the email address northwolves@gmail.com:
Question name | Correct entry time | Confirmation code |
robot | 2008-12-30 06:15:36.440979 | 49cbd9 |
zip | 2008-12-30 06:49:15.718399 | 2166b2 |
network | 2008-12-30 07:24:56.255210 | 6341db |
primes | 2008-12-30 05:57:09.928994 | c1b0e5 |
Did you enter with multiple email addresses? Send us a note with your email addresses and
confirmation codes, so we can link all your correct answers to one email address.
We're always looking for great engineers, so if you're interested, we'd love to hear from you - drop us a note or resume at treasurehunt08@google.com and we'll tell you how to get started!