Contains all text based SMS messages. 包含基于SMS消息的所有文本。
_ID | _id | INTEGER(long) | The unique ID for a row. |
TYPE | type | INTEGER | 消息的类型。有7个可选值。 int MESSAGE_TYPE_ALL = 0; |
THREAD_ID | thread_id | INTEGER | The thread ID of the message |
ADDRESS | address | TEXT | The address of the other party |
PERSON_ID | person | INTEGER(long) | The person ID of the sender |
DATE | date | INTEGER(long) | The date the message was received |
DATE_SENT | date_sent | INTEGER(long) | The date the message was sent |
READ | read | INTEGER(boolean) | Has the message been read |
SEEN | seen | INTEGER | Indicates whether this message has been seen by the user. The "seen" flag will be used to figure out whether we need to throw up a statusbar notification or not. |
STATUS | status | INTEGER | The TP-Status value for the message, or -1 if no status has been received. 有4个可选值。 STATUS_NONE = -1; |
SUBJECT | subject | TEXT | The subject of the message, if present |
BODY | body | TEXT | The body of the message |
PERSON | person | INTEGER(long) | The id of the sender of the conversation, if present |
PROTOCOL | protocol | INTEGER | The protocol identifier code |
REPLY_PATH_PRESENT | reply_path_present | INTEGER(boolean) | Whether the TP-Reply-Path bit was set on this message |
SERVICE_CENTER | service_center | TEXT | The service center (SC) through which to send the message, if present |
LOCKED | locked | INTEGER(boolean) | Has the message been locked? |
ERROR_CODE | error_code | INTEGER | Error code associated with sending or receiving this message |
META_DATA | meta_data | TEXT | Meta data used externally |
2. 在Sms类中定义了CONTENT_URI。
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://sms");
public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC";