Given a 2D board and a word, find if the word exists in the grid.
The word can be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cell, where "adjacent" cells are those horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more than once.
For example,
Given board =
[ ["ABCE"], ["SFCS"], ["ADEE"] ]
word = "ABCCED"
, -> returns true
word = "SEE"
, -> returns true
word = "ABCB"
, -> returns false
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number(带for循环的DFS,组合问题,递归总结)
class Solution { private: vector<vector<char>> m_board; bool visited[100][100]; string m_word; int max_row; int max_col; public: bool dfs(int dep,int i,int j) { if(i<0||i==max_row||j<0||j==max_col) return false; if(m_board[i][j]!=m_word[dep]) return false; if(dep!=m_word.size()-1) visited[i][j]=true; if(visited[i][j]==false&&dep==m_word.size()-1) return true; return dfs(dep+1,i-1,j)||dfs(dep+1,i+1,j)||dfs(dep+1,i,j-1)||dfs(dep+1,i,j+1);//某一层的上下左右都无路的时候,要把访问标志置回false } bool exist(vector<vector<char>> &board, string word) { //找到起始位置 m_board=board; m_word=word; max_row=m_board.size(); max_col=m_board[0].size(); for (int i=0;i<max_row;++i) { for (int j=0;j<max_col;++j) { if(m_board[i][j]==m_word[0]){ memset(tag,0,sizeof(tag));
visited[i][j]=true; if(dfs(0,i,j)) return true; else {
} } } } return false; } };
const int MAX=100; int dire[4][2]={-1,0,1,0,0,-1,0,1}; bool visited[MAX][MAX]; class Solution { private: vector<vector<char>> m_board; string m_word; int max_row; int max_col; bool res; public: void dfs(int dep,int i,int j) { if(dep==m_word.size()){ res=true; return; } for (int q=0;q<4;++q) { int newi=dire[q][0]+i; int newj=dire[q][1]+j; if(newi>=0&&newi<max_row&&newj>=0&&newj<max_col&&m_board[newi][newj]==m_word[dep]&&!visited[newi][newj]) { visited[newi][newj]=true; dfs(dep+1,newi,newj); visited[newi][newj]=false;//该位置上下左右都不通 } } } bool exist(vector<vector<char>> &board, string word) { //找到起始位置 res=false; m_board=board; m_word=word; max_row=m_board.size(); max_col=m_board[0].size(); for (int i=0;i<max_row;++i) { for (int j=0;j<max_col;++j) { if(m_board[i][j]==m_word[0]){ memset(visited,0,sizeof(visited)); visited[i][j]=true; dfs(1,i,j); if(res) return true; else{ visited[i][j]=false; continue; } } } } return false; } }; int main() { freopen("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\a.txt","r",stdin); vector<char> a;a.push_back('A');a.push_back('B');a.push_back('C');a.push_back('F'); vector<char> b;b.push_back('W');b.push_back('G');b.push_back('C');b.push_back('G'); vector<char> c;c.push_back('B');c.push_back('A');c.push_back('F');c.push_back('Q'); vector<vector<char>> d; d.push_back(a);d.push_back(b);d.push_back(c); Solution so; cout<<so.exist(d,"ABCCF")<<endl; cout<<so.exist(d,"FGQ")<<endl; cout<<so.exist(d,"ABCCGQFAG")<<endl; return 0; }