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  • python-04

    1. >>> list('abcde')
    2. ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
    3. >>> list(('abc', 123))
    4. ['abc', 123]
    5. >>> str(['hello', 'world'])
    6. "['hello', 'world']"
    7. >>> tuple('abcde')
    8. ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
    9. >>> alist = [32,54,234,436,221]
    10. >>> for i, j in enumerate(alist):
    11. ... print '#%s: %s' % (i, j)
    12. ...
    13. #0: 32
    14. #1: 54
    15. #2: 234
    16. #3: 436
    17. #4: 221
    18. >>> max(alist)
    19. 436
    20. >>> min(alist)
    21. 32
    22. >>> len(alist)
    23. 5
    24. >>> for i in reversed(alist):
    25. ... print i,
    26. ...
    27. 221 436 234 54 32
    28. >>> sorted(alist)
    29. [32, 54, 221, 234, 436]
    30. >>> alist.reverse()
    31. >>> alist
    32. [221, 436, 234, 54, 32]
    33. >>> alist.sort()
    34. >>> alist
    35. [32, 54, 221, 234, 436]
    36. >>> zip ('abc', 'zxc')
    37. [('a', 'z'), ('b', 'x'), ('c', 'c')]
    38. >>> zip((1,2), ['abc', 'zxc'])
    39. [(1, 'abc'), (2, 'zxc')]

    1. #!/usr/bin/env python
    2. import string
    3. a = string.letters + '_'
    4. nums = string.digits
    5. print 'welcome to the...'
    6. print 'test must be at least 2 chars long.'
    7. b = raw_input('identifier to test? ')
    8. if len(b) > 1:
    9. if b[0] not in a:
    10. print 'first symbol must be alphabetic'
    11. else:
    12. for c in b[1:]:
    13. if c not in a + nums:
    14. print 'other symbol must be aphanumeric'
    15. break
    16. else:
    17. print 'OK as an identifier.'
    1. >>> print "%-8s%-15s%-12s" % ('name', 'email', 'moblie')
    2. name email moblie
    3. >>> print "%-8s%-15s%-12s" % ('tom', 'tom@qq.com', '1234567890123')
    4. tom tom@qq.com 1234567890123
    5. >>> print '%d' % 22
    6. 22
    7. >>> print '%5d' % 22
    8. 22
    9. >>> print '%05d' % 22
    10. 00022
    11. >>> print '%*s' % (10, 'tom')
    12. tom
    13. >>> print '%*s' % (20, 'tom')
    14. tom
    15. >>> print '%-10s' % 'tom'
    16. tom

    1. #!/usr/bin/env python
    2. width = 48
    3. data = []
    4. while True:
    5. a = raw_input('enter data . exit: ')
    6. if a == '.':
    7. break
    8. data.append(a)
    9. print '+' + '*' * width + '+'
    10. for i in data:
    11. b, c = divmod((width - len(i)), 2)
    12. print '+' + ' ' * b + i + ' ' * (b + c) + '+'
    13. print '+' + '*' * width + '+'
    1. #!/usr/bin/env python
    2. width = 48
    3. data = []
    4. while True:
    5. a = raw_input('enter data . exit: ')
    6. if a == '.':
    7. break
    8. data.append(a)
    9. print '+' + '*' * width + '+'
    10. for i in data:
    11. print '+' + i.center(width) + '+'
    12. print '+' + '*' * width + '+'

    1. >>> import string
    2. >>> a = string.Template('$name is $age years old.')
    3. >>> a.substitute(name = 'bob', age = 23)
    4. 'bob is 23 years old.'
    5. >>> a.substitute(name = 'tom', age = 20)
    6. 'tom is 20 years old.'
    7. >>> import os
    8. >>> os.system('ls /root/')
    1. #!/usr/bin/env python
    2. import string
    3. import random
    4. import os
    5. allChs = string.letters + string.digits
    6. a ="""your account is created.
    7. username: $user
    8. password: $pwd"""
    9. def genPwd(num = 8):
    10. pwd = ''
    11. for i in range(num):
    12. pwd += random.choice(allChs)
    13. return pwd
    14. if __name__ == '__main__':
    15. username = raw_input('username: ')
    16. password = genPwd()
    17. os.system('useradd %s' % username)
    18. os.system('echo %s | passwd --stdin %s' % (password,username))
    19. b = string.Template(a)
    20. os.system("echo '%s' |mail -s 'create user' root" % b.substitute(user = username, pwd = password))

    1. >>> 'hello tom'.capitalize()        //将首字母大写
    2. 'Hello tom'
    3. >>> 'hello tom'.center(20)        //设置居中
    4. ' hello tom '
    5. >>> 'hello tom'.count('o')        //统计字母o出现的次数
    6. 2
    7. >>> 'hello tom'.count('o',5)
    8. 1
    9. >>> 'hello tom'.count('o', 0, 5)
    10. 1
    11. >>> 'hello tom'.endswith('tom')        //检查字符串是否以tom作为结尾True
    12. True
    13. >>> 'hello tom'.startswith('hello')
    14. True
    15. >>> 'hello tom'.find('ll')        //查找ll出现的位置下标,找不到返回-1
    16. 2
    17. >>> filename = ['hello', 'txt']
    18. >>> '.'.join(filename)
    19. 'hello.txt'
    20. >>> ' hello '.strip()        //去掉字符串两端的空白
    21. 'hello'

    1. >>> alist = []
    2. >>> alist.append('hello')
    3. >>> alist.append('hello')
    4. >>> alist.append('bob')
    5. >>> alist.count('hello')
    6. 2
    7. >>> alist
    8. ['hello', 'hello', 'bob']
    9. >>> alist.extend('new')
    10. >>> alist
    11. ['hello', 'hello', 'bob', 'n', 'e', 'w']
    12. >>> alist.extend(['new', 'line'])
    13. >>> alist
    14. ['hello', 'hello', 'bob', 'n', 'e', 'w', 'new', 'line']
    15. >>> alist.insert(1, 'abc')
    16. >>> alist
    17. ['hello', 'abc', 'hello', 'bob', 'n', 'e', 'w', 'new', 'line']
    18. >>> alist.pop()
    19. 'line'
    20. >>> alist
    21. ['hello', 'abc', 'hello', 'bob', 'n', 'e', 'w', 'new']
    22. >>> alist.pop(2)
    23. 'hello'
    24. >>> alist
    25. ['hello', 'abc', 'bob', 'n', 'e', 'w', 'new']
    26. >>> alist.remove('w')
    27. >>> alist
    28. ['hello', 'abc', 'bob', 'n', 'e', 'new']
    29. >>> alist.reverse()
    30. >>> alist
    31. ['new', 'e', 'n', 'bob', 'abc', 'hello']
    32. >>> alist.sort()
    33. >>> alist
    34. ['abc', 'bob', 'e', 'hello', 'n', 'new']
    35. >>>
    1. #!/usr/bin/env python
    2. stack = []
    3. def pushit():
    4. item = raw_input('enter item: ')
    5. stack.append(item)
    6. def popit():
    7. if len(stack) == 0:
    8. print 'Empty stack'
    9. else:
    10. print 'pop', stack.pop(), 'from stack'
    11. def viewstack():
    12. print stack
    13. CMDs = {'p': pushit, 'o': popit, 'v': viewstack}
    14. def showmenu():
    15. prompt = '''(P)ush
    16. p()p
    17. (V)iew
    18. (Q)uit
    19. please make a choice: '''
    20. while True:
    21. try:
    22. choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0].lower()
    23. except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, IndexError):
    24. choice = 'q'
    25. if choice not in 'povq':
    26. continue
    27. if choice == 'q':
    28. break
    29. CMDs[choice]()
    30. if __name__ == '__main__':
    31. showmenu()
    1. >>> alist = ['age', 123]
    2. >>> blist = alist
    3. >>> blist[1] = 23    //注意,改变blist[1],alist[1]也会相应的被修改
    4. >>> blist
    5. ['age', 23]
    6. >>> alist            
    7. ['age', 23]
    8. >>> alist = ['age', 123]
    9. >>> blist = alist[:]
    10. >>> blist[1] = 23        //修改了blist[1],alist[1]并不会被修改
    11. >>> alist
    12. ['age', 123]
    13. >>> blist
    14. ['age', 23]
    15. >>> import copy
    16. >>> alist = ['age', 123]
    17. >>> blist = copy.copy(alist)
    18. >>> blist
    19. ['age', 123]
    20. >>> blist[1] = 25    //copy.copy实现了深拷贝,修改blist[1],不会修改alist[1]
    21. >>> blist
    22. ['age', 25]
    23. >>> alist
    24. ['age', 123]

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