- namespace transform
- {
- /*
- UTF-32 to UTF-8
- */
- inline static size_t utf(uint32 src, uint8* des)
- {
- if (src == 0) return 0;
- static const byte PREFIX[] = { 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC };
- static const uint32 CODE_UP[] =
- {
- 0x80, // U+00000000 - U+0000007F
- 0x800, // U+00000080 - U+000007FF
- 0x10000, // U+00000800 - U+0000FFFF
- 0x200000, // U+00010000 - U+001FFFFF
- 0x4000000, // U+00200000 - U+03FFFFFF
- 0x80000000 // U+04000000 - U+7FFFFFFF
- };
- size_t i, len = sizeof(CODE_UP) / sizeof(uint32);
- for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- if (src < CODE_UP[i]) break;
- if (i == len) return 0; // the src is invalid
- len = i + 1;
- if (des)
- {
- for(; i > 0; --i)
- {
- des[i] = static_cast<uint8>((src & 0x3F) | 0x80);
- src >>= 6;
- }
- des[0] = static_cast<uint8>(src | PREFIX[len - 1]);
- }
- return len;
- }
- /*
- UTF-8 to UTF-32
- */
- inline static size_t utf(const uint8* src, uint32& des)
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- uint8 b = *(src++);
- if (b < 0x80)
- {
- des = b;
- return 1;
- }
- if (b < 0xC0 || b > 0xFD) return 0; // the src is invalid
- size_t len;
- if (b < 0xE0)
- {
- des = b & 0x1F;
- len = 2;
- }
- else
- if (b < 0xF0)
- {
- des = b & 0x0F;
- len = 3;
- }
- else
- if (b < 0xF8)
- {
- des = b & 0x07;
- len = 4;
- }
- else
- if (b < 0xFC)
- {
- des = b & 0x03;
- len = 5;
- }
- else
- {
- des = b & 0x01;
- len = 6;
- }
- size_t i = 1;
- for (; i < len; ++i)
- {
- b = *(src++);
- if (b < 0x80 || b > 0xBF) return 0; // the src is invalid
- des = (des << 6) + (b & 0x3F);
- }
- return len;
- }
- /*
- UTF-32 to UTF-16
- */
- inline static size_t utf(uint32 src, uint16* des)
- {
- if (src == 0) return 0;
- if (src <= 0xFFFF)
- {
- if (des) (*des) = static_cast<uint16>(src);
- return 1;
- }
- else
- if (src <= 0xEFFFF)
- {
- if (des)
- {
- des[0] = static_cast<uint16>(0xD800 + (src >> 10) - 0x40); // high
- des[1] = static_cast<uint16>(0xDC00 + (src & 0x03FF)); // low
- }
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- UTF-16 to UTF-32
- */
- inline static size_t utf(const uint16* src, uint32& des)
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- uint16 w1 = src[0];
- if (w1 >= 0xD800 && w1 <= 0xDFFF)
- {
- if (w1 < 0xDC00)
- {
- uint16 w2 = src[1];
- if (w2 >= 0xDC00 && w2 <= 0xDFFF)
- {
- des = (w2 & 0x03FF) + (((w1 & 0x03FF) + 0x40) << 10);
- return 2;
- }
- }
- return 0; // the src is invalid
- }
- else
- {
- des = w1;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- namespace transform
- {
- /*
- UTF-16 to UTF-8
- */
- inline static size_t utf(uint16 src, uint8* des)
- {
- // make utf-16 to utf-32
- uint32 tmp;
- if (utf(&src, tmp) != 1) return 0;
- // make utf-32 to utf-8
- return utf(tmp, des);
- }
- /*
- UTF-8 to UTF-16
- */
- inline static size_t utf(const uint8* src, uint16& des)
- {
- // make utf-8 to utf-32
- uint32 tmp;
- size_t len = utf(src, tmp);
- if (len == 0) return 0;
- // make utf-32 to utf-16
- if (utf(tmp, &des) != 1) return 0;
- return len;
- }
- }
- namespace transform
- {
- /*
- UTF-X: string to string
- */
- template <typename T>
- size_t utf(const uint32* src, T* des) // UTF-32 to UTF-X(8/16)
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- size_t num = 0;
- for(; *src; ++src)
- {
- size_t len = utf(*src, des);
- if (len == 0) break;
- if (des) des += len;
- num += len;
- }
- if (des) (*des) = 0;
- return num;
- }
- template <typename T>
- size_t utf(const T* src, uint32* des) // UTF-X(8/16) to UTF-32
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- size_t num = 0;
- while(*src)
- {
- uint32 tmp;
- size_t len = utf(src, tmp);
- if (len == 0) break;
- if (des)
- {
- (*des) = tmp;
- ++des;
- }
- src += len;
- num += 1;
- }
- if (des) (*des) = 0;
- return num;
- }
- template <typename T, typename U>
- size_t utf(const T* src, U* des) // UTF-X(8/16) to UTF-Y(16/8)
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- size_t num = 0;
- while(*src)
- {
- // make utf-x to ucs4
- uint32 tmp;
- size_t len = utf(src, tmp);
- if (len == 0) break;
- src += len;
- // make ucs4 to utf-y
- len = utf(tmp, des);
- if (len == 0) break;
- if (des) des += len;
- num += len;
- }
- if (des) (*des) = 0;
- return num;
- }
- }
- const uint8* c = (uint8*)"こんにちわ、世界";
- size_t n = (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) ?
- transform::utf(c, (uint16*)0) :
- transform::utf(c, (uint32*)0);
- wchar_t* s = new wchar_t[n];
- if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2)
- transform::utf(c, (uint16*)s);
- else
- transform::utf(c, (uint32*)s);
- template <size_t X> struct utf_type;
- template <> struct utf_type<1> { typedef uint8 type_t; };
- template <> struct utf_type<2> { typedef uint16 type_t; };
- template <> struct utf_type<4> { typedef uint32 type_t; };
- template <size_t X, typename T>
- struct check
- {
- static const bool value =
- ((sizeof(T) == sizeof(typename utf_type<X>::type_t)) && !is_pointer<T>::value);
- };
- type_t utf(T src, U* des)
- type_t utf(const T* src, U* des)
- type_t utf(const T* src, U& des)
- type_t utf(const T* src, U* des)
- template <size_t X, size_t Y, bool = (X > Y), bool = (X != Y)>
- struct detail;
- /*
- UTF-X(32/16) to UTF-Y(16/8)
- */
- template <size_t X, size_t Y>
- struct detail<X, Y, true, true>
- {
- typedef typename utf_type<X>::type_t src_t;
- typedef typename utf_type<Y>::type_t des_t;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- static typename enable_if<check<X, T>::value && check<Y, U>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(T src, U* des)
- {
- return transform::utf((src_t)(src), (des_t*)(des));
- }
- template <typename T>
- static typename enable_if<check<X, T>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(T src)
- {
- return transform::utf((src_t)(src), (des_t*)(0));
- }
- template <typename T, typename U>
- static typename enable_if<check<X, T>::value && check<Y, U>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src, U* des)
- {
- return transform::utf((const src_t*)(src), (des_t*)(des));
- }
- template <typename T>
- static typename enable_if<check<X, T>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src)
- {
- return transform::utf((src_t)(src), (des_t*)(0));
- }
- };
- /*
- UTF-X(16/8) to UTF-Y(32/16)
- */
- template <size_t X, size_t Y>
- struct detail<X, Y, false, true>
- {
- typedef typename utf_type<X>::type_t src_t;
- typedef typename utf_type<Y>::type_t des_t;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- static typename enable_if<check<X, T>::value && check<Y, U>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src, U& des)
- {
- des_t tmp; // for disable the warning strict-aliasing from gcc 4.4
- size_t ret = transform::utf((const src_t*)(src), tmp);
- des = tmp;
- return ret;
- }
- template <typename T, typename U>
- static typename enable_if<check<X, T>::value && check<Y, U>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src, U* des)
- {
- return transform::utf((const src_t*)(src), (des_t*)(des));
- }
- template <typename T>
- static typename enable_if<check<X, T>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src)
- {
- return transform::utf((const src_t*)(src), (des_t*)(0));
- }
- };
- template <typename T, typename U>
- struct converter
- : detail<sizeof(T), sizeof(U)>
- {};
- const char* c = "こんにちわ、世界";
- wstring s;
- size_t n; wchar_t w;
- while (!!(n = converter<char, wchar_t>::utf(c, w))) // 这里的!!是为了屏蔽gcc的警告
- {
- s.push_back(w);
- c += n;
- }
- FILE* fp = fopen("test_converter.txt", "wb");
- fwrite(s.c_str(), sizeof(wchar_t), s.length(), fp);
- fclose(fp);
一开始只想到上面那个方法,自然是由于惯性的想要手动指定如何转换编码的缘故,比如最开始的想法,是想做成类似这样的模板:utf<8, 32>(s1, s2),指定两个数字,来决定输入和输出的格式。
- namespace transform
- {
- namespace private_
- {
- template <size_t X> struct utf_type;
- template <> struct utf_type<1> { typedef uint8 type_t; };
- template <> struct utf_type<2> { typedef uint16 type_t; };
- template <> struct utf_type<4> { typedef uint32 type_t; };
- template <typename T, size_t X>
- struct check
- {
- static const bool value =
- ((sizeof(T) == sizeof(typename utf_type<X>::type_t)) && !is_pointer<T>::value);
- }
- }
- using namespace transform::private_;
- /*
- UTF-32 to UTF-8
- */
- template <typename T, typename U>
- typename enable_if<check<T, 4>::value && check<U, 1>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(T src, U* des)
- {
- if (src == 0) return 0;
- static const byte PREFIX[] = { 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC };
- static const uint32 CODE_UP[] =
- {
- 0x80, // U+00000000 - U+0000007F
- 0x800, // U+00000080 - U+000007FF
- 0x10000, // U+00000800 - U+0000FFFF
- 0x200000, // U+00010000 - U+001FFFFF
- 0x4000000, // U+00200000 - U+03FFFFFF
- 0x80000000 // U+04000000 - U+7FFFFFFF
- };
- size_t i, len = sizeof(CODE_UP) / sizeof(uint32);
- for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- if (src < CODE_UP[i]) break;
- if (i == len) return 0; // the src is invalid
- len = i + 1;
- if (des)
- {
- for(; i > 0; --i)
- {
- des[i] = static_cast<U>((src & 0x3F) | 0x80);
- src >>= 6;
- }
- des[0] = static_cast<U>(src | PREFIX[len - 1]);
- }
- return len;
- }
- /*
- UTF-8 to UTF-32
- */
- template <typename T, typename U>
- typename enable_if<check<T, 1>::value && check<U, 4>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src, U& des)
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- uint8 b = *(src++);
- if (b < 0x80)
- {
- des = b;
- return 1;
- }
- if (b < 0xC0 || b > 0xFD) return 0; // the src is invalid
- size_t len;
- if (b < 0xE0)
- {
- des = b & 0x1F;
- len = 2;
- }
- else
- if (b < 0xF0)
- {
- des = b & 0x0F;
- len = 3;
- }
- else
- if (b < 0xF8)
- {
- des = b & 0x07;
- len = 4;
- }
- else
- if (b < 0xFC)
- {
- des = b & 0x03;
- len = 5;
- }
- else
- {
- des = b & 0x01;
- len = 6;
- }
- size_t i = 1;
- for (; i < len; ++i)
- {
- b = *(src++);
- if (b < 0x80 || b > 0xBF) return 0; // the src is invalid
- des = (des << 6) + (b & 0x3F);
- }
- return len;
- }
- /*
- UTF-32 to UTF-16
- */
- template <typename T, typename U>
- typename enable_if<check<T, 4>::value && check<U, 2>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(T src, U* des)
- {
- if (src == 0) return 0;
- if (src <= 0xFFFF)
- {
- if (des) (*des) = static_cast<U>(src);
- return 1;
- }
- else
- if (src <= 0xEFFFF)
- {
- if (des)
- {
- des[0] = static_cast<U>(0xD800 + (src >> 10) - 0x40); // high
- des[1] = static_cast<U>(0xDC00 + (src & 0x03FF)); // low
- }
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- UTF-16 to UTF-32
- */
- template <typename T, typename U>
- typename enable_if<check<T, 2>::value && check<U, 4>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src, U& des)
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- uint16 w1 = src[0];
- if (w1 >= 0xD800 && w1 <= 0xDFFF)
- {
- if (w1 < 0xDC00)
- {
- uint16 w2 = src[1];
- if (w2 >= 0xDC00 && w2 <= 0xDFFF)
- {
- des = (w2 & 0x03FF) + (((w1 & 0x03FF) + 0x40) << 10);
- return 2;
- }
- }
- return 0; // the src is invalid
- }
- else
- {
- des = w1;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- UTF-16 to UTF-8
- */
- template <typename T, typename U>
- typename enable_if<check<T, 2>::value && check<U, 1>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(T src, U* des)
- {
- // make utf-16 to utf-32
- uint32 tmp;
- if (utf(&src, tmp) != 1) return 0;
- // make utf-32 to utf-8
- return utf(tmp, des);
- }
- /*
- UTF-8 to UTF-16
- */
- template <typename T, typename U>
- typename enable_if<check<T, 1>::value && check<U, 2>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src, U& des)
- {
- // make utf-8 to utf-32
- uint32 tmp;
- size_t len = utf(src, tmp);
- if (len == 0) return 0;
- // make utf-32 to utf-16
- if (utf(tmp, &des) != 1) return 0;
- return len;
- }
- /*
- UTF-X: string to string
- */
- template <typename T, typename U>
- typename enable_if<check<T, 4>::value && (check<U, 1>::value || check<U, 2>::value),
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src, U* des) // UTF-32 to UTF-X(8/16)
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- size_t num = 0;
- for(; *src; ++src)
- {
- size_t len = utf(*src, des);
- if (len == 0) break;
- if (des) des += len;
- num += len;
- }
- if (des) (*des) = 0;
- return num;
- }
- template <typename T, typename U>
- typename enable_if<(check<T, 1>::value || check<T, 2>::value) && check<U, 4>::value,
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src, U* des) // UTF-X(8/16) to UTF-32
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- size_t num = 0;
- while(*src)
- {
- uint32 tmp;
- size_t len = utf(src, tmp);
- if (len == 0) break;
- if (des)
- {
- (*des) = tmp;
- ++des;
- }
- src += len;
- num += 1;
- }
- if (des) (*des) = 0;
- return num;
- }
- template <typename T, typename U>
- typename enable_if<(check<T, 1>::value && check<U, 2>::value) ||
- (check<T, 2>::value && check<U, 1>::value),
- size_t>::type_t utf(const T* src, U* des) // UTF-X(8/16) to UTF-Y(16/8)
- {
- if (!src || (*src) == 0) return 0;
- size_t num = 0;
- while(*src)
- {
- // make utf-x to utf-32
- uint32 tmp;
- size_t len = utf(src, tmp);
- if (len == 0) break;
- src += len;
- // make utf-32 to utf-y
- len = utf(tmp, des);
- if (len == 0) break;
- if (des) des += len;
- num += len;
- }
- if (des) (*des) = 0;
- return num;
- }
- }
- const char* c = "你好世界";
- size_t n = nx::transform::utf(c, (wchar_t*)0);