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  • elasticsearch连接PHP

    namespace applib;
    use ElasticsearchClientBuilder;
    class Es
        private $url = "";
        private $port = "9200";
        private $client = null;
        public function __construct()
            $params = [
            $this->client = ClientBuilder::create()->setHosts($params)->build();
        public function createIndex(string $name = "",int $number_of_shards = 5,int $number_of_replicas = 0){
            $params["index"] = $name;
            $params["body"]["settings"]["number_of_shards"] = $number_of_shards;//是数据分片数,默认为5,有时候设置为3
            $params["body"]["settings"]["number_of_replicas"] = $number_of_replicas; //是数据备份数,如果只有一台机器,设置为0
            $result = $this->client->indices()->create($params);
            return $result;  //返回值 Array ( [acknowledged] => 1 [shards_acknowledged] => 1 [index] => person )
        public function deleteIndex(string $index = ""){
            $params["index"] = $index;
            $result = $this->client->indices()->delete($params);
            return $result; //返回值 Array ( [acknowledged] => 1 )
        public function addDocument(string $index = "" ,string $type = "" ,string $id = "" ,array $body = []){
            $params = [
                "index" => $index,
                "type"=> $type,
                "id" => $id ,
                "body" => $body
            $result = $this->client->index($params);
            return $result;
                [_index] => person
                [_type] => person_type
                [_id] => 1
                [_version] => 1
                [result] => created
                [_shards] => Array
                        [total] => 1
                        [successful] => 1
                        [failed] => 0
                [_seq_no] => 0
                [_primary_term] => 1
        public function editDocument(string $index = "" ,string $type = "" ,string $id = "" ,array $doc = []){
            $params = [
                "index" => $index,
                "type"=> $type,
                "id" => $id ,
                "body" => $doc
            $result = $this->client->update($params);
            return $result;
        public function delDocument(string $index = "" ,string $type = "" ,string $id = "" ){
            $params = [
                "index" => $index,
                "type"=> $type,
                "id" => $id ,
            $result = $this->client->delete($params);
            return $result;
        public function getDocument(string $index = "" ,string $type = "" ,string $id = ""){
            $params = [
                "index" => $index,
                "type"=> $type,
                "id" => $id ,
            $result = $this->client->get($params);
            return $result;
        public function searchDocument(string $index = "" ,string $type = "" ,int $from = 0 ,int $size = 10,array $order = ['order' => 'id']){
            $params = [
                "index" => $index,
                "type"=> $type,
                "from" => $from ,
                "size" => $size ,
                //"sort" => ['_score' => $order]
            //相当于sql语句:  select * from hp_product where prodcut_name like '茶'  limit 0,100 order by id desc;
            $params['body']['query']['match']['title'] = '张';
            $result = $this->client->search($params);
            //相当于sql语句: select * from hp_product where product_name like '茶'  and product_id = 20 limit 200,10;
            // $params['body']['query']['bool']['must'] = array(
            //     array('match' => array('product_name' => '茶')),
            //     array('match' => array('product_id' => 20))
            //    );
            // $params['size'] = 10;
            // $params['from'] = 200;
            // 当于sql语句:select * from hp_product where product_name like '茶' or product_id = 20 limit 200,10;
            // $params['body']['query']['bool']['should'] = array(
            //        array('match' => array('product_name' => '茶')),
            //        array('match' => array('product_id' => 20))
            //      );
            //$params['size'] = 10;
            //$params['from'] = 200;
            // 当于sql语句: select * from hp_product where product_name like '茶' and product_id != 20 limit 200,10;
            // $params['body']['query']['bool']['must_not'] = array(
            //        array('match' => array('product_name' => '茶')),
            //        array('match' => array('product_id' => 20))
            //      );
            //$params['size'] = 10;
            //$params['from'] = 200;
            //当于sql语句:select * from hp_product where id>=20 and id<30  limit 200,10;
            // $params['body']['query']['range'] = array(
            //        'id' => array('gte' => 20,'lt' => 30);
            //      );
            //$params['size'] = 10;
            //$params['from'] = 200;
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