1.枚举项和数值,字符串如何互相转换?2.结构和byte[]数组间如何互相转换? 这在通讯上普遍使用!
using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; //http://www.cnblogs.com/pato/archive/2011/08/15/2139705.html //https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/asx0thw2%28v=vs.110%29.aspx namespace EnumStructDemo { /// <summary> /// 测量类型:仪迪检测设备测量的类型 /// </summary> public enum MeasureType : byte { ITEM_NULL = 0, //空 ITEM_NY = 1, //耐压 ITEM_JD = 2, //接地 ITEM_JY = 3, //绝缘 ITEM_XL = 4, //泄漏 ITEM_GL = 5, //功率 ITEM_QD = 6, //启动 ITEM_KD = 7 //开短 } /// <summary> /// Binary flag, flag enum. /// 二进制位标志,一个枚举实例包含多个枚举值 /// 输入控制信号:到达位置,测量结束 /// </summary> [System.Flags()] public enum DigitalIN : byte { PositionOK = 0x01, idiMeasureFinish = 0x02, } /// <summary> /// 输出控制信号:仪迪设备开始测量,启动传动点击,点亮报警灯 /// </summary> [System.Flags()] public enum DigitalOut : byte { idiStart = 0x01, //first bit is true, others is false chuandong = 0x02, //second bit is true,... light = 0x04, //third bit is true,.... } /// <summary> /// 仪迪命令数据帧结构定义 /// </summary> public struct Frame { public byte Head; //0.帧头 'I' public byte Protocal; //1.协议编号 '1' public byte AddrHigh; //2-3.通讯地址高位在前,占用2字节:0~16383 public byte AddrLow; public byte bytCount; //4.本帧总字节数 public byte Reserve; //5.保留,总是0 public byte Command; //6.主命令编号** public byte frameEnd; //7.帧尾,总是'D' public byte chkSum; //8.校验和,所有字节和的低字节 public void Display() { } } /// <summary> /// struct to byte /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">truct object</param> /// <returns>string array</returns> public class StructConvert { /// <summary> /// 根据传入的结构对象,返回对应的字节数组的引用. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">传入对象</param> /// <returns>托管字节数组</returns> public static byte[] StructToBytes(object obj) { int size = Marshal.SizeOf(obj); byte[] bytes = new byte[size];//在托管堆上分配字节数组 //Allocates memory from the unmanaged memory of the process by using the pointer to the specified number of bytes. IntPtr structPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); //Marshals data from a managed object to an unmanaged block of memory. //从托管对象obj封装数据到非托管内存块 Marshal.StructureToPtr(obj, structPtr, false); //Copies data from an unmanaged memory pointer to a managed 8-bit unsigned integer array. Marshal.Copy(structPtr, bytes, 0, size); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(structPtr); return bytes; } /// <summary> /// (StructName)convert.BytesToStruct(bytes, StructName.GetType()); /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes">byte array</param> /// <param name="structType">struct type</param> /// <returns>the converted struct </returns> public static object BytesToStruct(byte[] bytes, Type structType, int indexFrom = 0) { //结构的大小总是>=字节数组, 拷贝字节数组到结构,取字节数组大小合适 int sizeStruct = Marshal.SizeOf(structType); int sizeBytes = bytes.Length; //通过使用指定的字节数,从进程的非托管内存中分配内存。分配目标对象缓冲区 IntPtr structPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeStruct); //将数据从一维托管 8 位无符号整数数组复制到非托管内存指针。拷贝bytes到缓冲区 Marshal.Copy(bytes, indexFrom, structPtr, sizeBytes); //将数据从非托管内存块封送到新分配的指定类型的托管对象,传回托管对象的引用. 非托管内存块可销毁! //Marshals data from an unmanaged block of memory to a [newly allocated managed object] of the specified type. object objStruct = Marshal.PtrToStructure(structPtr, structType); //释放以前从进程的非托管内存中分配的内存。 //Frees memory previously allocated from the unmanaged memory of the process. Marshal.FreeHGlobal(structPtr); return objStruct; } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //*************枚举测试*** foreach (var item in Enum.GetNames(typeof(MeasureType))) Console.WriteLine(item); //根据数值获得枚举对象,接收仪器数据后,分析测试数据的类型 MeasureType meas = (MeasureType)1;//1代表耐压 meas = (MeasureType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MeasureType), "ITEM_NY", ignoreCase: true); //获取枚举对象的[数值],串口发送指令时可用枚举项代表命令类型 byte jd = (byte)MeasureType.ITEM_JD;//接地是2 //测试枚举项是否为指定标识,如是否为耐压测试 bool ny = meas.HasFlag(MeasureType.ITEM_NY); Console.WriteLine("jd={0},ny={1}", jd, ny);//jd = 2,ny = True //*************位域测试*** DigitalOut DI = DigitalOut.light | DigitalOut.chuandong; Console.WriteLine("{0} DI={1}", DI, (byte)DI);//chuandong, light DI = 6 if ((DI & DigitalOut.idiStart) > 0) Console.WriteLine("启动仪迪测试..."); //*************结构测试*** Frame frame = new Frame();//结构初始化,值类型为0,引用类型为null UInt16 a = 5; byte b = 0xf1; int c = 0xf1f2; Int64 d = c; int size = Marshal.SizeOf(frame); size = Marshal.SizeOf(a);//2 //size = Marshal.SizeOf(DI);//Error! size = Marshal.SizeOf(b);//1 size = Marshal.SizeOf(c);//4 size = Marshal.SizeOf(d);//8 byte[] bytMeasStart = { 0x49, 0x31, 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x44, 0xC7 }; frame = (Frame)StructConvert.BytesToStruct(bytMeasStart, frame.GetType()); byte[] bytNew = StructConvert.StructToBytes(frame); //frame.chkSum = 199, bytNew[8] = 199 Console.WriteLine("frame.chkSum={0}, bytNew[8]={1}", frame.chkSum, bytNew[8]); Console.ReadKey(); } } }