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    oraginal url:http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11151697

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    Families forced to live in squalor 人多为患(增多粥少),购房置业难,家庭被迫住在恶劣环境中


    Conrad LaPointe says families across Whangarei are living in appalling conditions. Photo / John Stone

    Conrad LaPointe says families across Whangarei are living in appalling conditions. Conrad LaPointe说,Whangarei各地的家庭生活在恶劣环境中。

    Whangarei families are being forced to share homes with other families, live in garages and in damp and mouldy houses, causing a raft of health problems in children.


    Applications to 《Habitat for Humanity Northland 》for its home ownership scheme, the Metra Big Town Build, show a serious housing need in the city, says executive officer Conrad LaPointe. 向HHN(北岛人居署)提出申请实现购房置业计划,代号为“the Metra Big Town Build” 表现出xx的迹象  一系列强烈的住房需求 首席执行官 Conrad LaPointe说

    "The applications reveal people living in overcrowded situations - two families to one house and one family living in a garage," he said. 置业申请如此之多,显示出人们居住在拥挤不堪的局面下 - 两个家庭合住一个房屋 一家子住在一间车库里

    "[They] are living in very unhealthy homes.  A number of people have expressed that they can't live in all the rooms in their houses because of all the excessive condensation and mould." 他们的居住环境相当不堪 有不少人都表示 他们无法使用(住)屋里的所有的房间 因为实在太冷或霉菌太重

    He said this was causing illness such as bronchial infections, asthma and rheumatic fever, particularly in younger children. 寒冷、霉菌易引发一些疾病, 如支气管感染,哮喘,风湿热 尤其对年幼的儿童。

    Common issues included complete lack of, or very poor insulation, no passive ventilation, poor maintenance and being situated wrongly on the site, he said. 常见的问题包括:缺乏或根本没有隔离(估计是防冻外墙), 无被动通风(通风),房屋养护不到位, 坐落朝向等问题,他说。

    All applicants were currently renting, 80 per cent privately and 20 per cent through Housing New Zealand, in areas across Whangarei, he said. 在整个Whangarei,申请家庭目前都租房屋住,80%自出,20%依赖HNZ他说。

    "While we appreciate there is a responsibility for the household occupants to help maintain their home, the issues of overcrowding in these places also exacerbates the problem."

    家庭成员的责任 来维持他们自己的家,我们很欣赏(自食其力不等不靠)理念。 人满为患的问题也加剧了(住房条件恶劣)问题。

    Habitat has had 60 expressions of interest for one house and has already received nine completed applications before the November 14 application closing date. 在11月14日人居署规定的截止申请日期前,仅对一幢房屋就收到了9份完整的申请和60个意向。

    "The majority of applications have come from working families on a low income, who would like to get out of their current accommodation, but just felt a hopelessness that it was never going to happen," Mr LaPointe said. 大部分申请来自低收入家庭 想摆脱他们目前局促的居住环境 但最后他们只能陷入绝望,因为它(申请被核准)永远也不会发生【因为申请的人太多】 LaPointe先生说。

    "From our work over the years, these sort of situations are commonplace. 保守估计 from the Rural Housing programme was that there are 7500 households in Northland that needed to be repaired and maintained up to a liveable standard." 就我们展开工作这么多年来看,类似情况屡见不鲜。 根据Rural Housing(农村房屋计划)情况保守估计,仅北岛就至少有7500户需要进行修缮才可达到适宜居住的标准。

    Mr La Pointe said the average home price was more than eight times the average wage in Whangarei, at around $250,000. La Pointe以先生说,Whangarei的平均房价$250,000,房价工资比大约是8倍。

    He said home ownership had become an impossibility for people. 他说,对普通人而言,自置居所已是镜花水月(不可能的任务)。

    The Metra Big Town Build is a home ownership scheme for a low-income family currently living in unsuitable accommodation, where Habitat offers a rent-to-buy scheme.

    代号为“the Metra Big Town Build” 旨为目前处于恶劣居住环境中的低收入的家庭提供帮助。 帮助的方案是 一种先租后买型的 置业计划。



          Conrad LaPointe says families across Whangarei are living in appalling conditions. Photo / John Stone                 

    Conrad LaPointe says families across Whangarei are living in appalling conditions. Photo / John Stone

    (Conrad Lapointe 说横跨Whangarei的家庭证生活在非常恶劣的环境中。)


















    住宅·一家子住车库 Whangarei住房状况堪忧

    作者:Helen 日期:2013-11-08 09:42:13 阅读:
    1487 来源:天维网编译

    Conrad LaPointe says families across Whangarei are living in appalling conditions. Photo / John Stone

        天维网11月8日报道 援引NZ Herald消息 由于房价过高市民无力承担,Whangarei的一些家庭不得不与其他人家合租,或是居住在车库甚至潮湿发霉的房子里。而这样的状况,却为居民带来了大量健康隐患,对儿童尤甚。      据Habitat for Humanity Northland执行官Conrad LaPointe表示,向该部门家庭置业计划“Metra Big Town Build”递交的申请,显示了这个城市强大的住房需求。

        据悉,Metra Big Town Build是一种先租后买的家庭置业计划,旨在为目前处于恶劣居住环境中的低收入的家庭提供帮助。      Conrad LaPointe说:“从众多申请中可以看出,不少家庭都住在拥挤不堪的环境中:有两个家庭合住一个房子的,还有一大家子住在一间车库里的。居住环境相当不堪,不少申请者都表示,他们自己家中根本无法居住,因为房间都是潮湿发霉的。”      Conrad LaPointe表示,发霉的房屋容易引发不少疾病,如支气管感染、哮喘、风湿热等,尤其对年幼的儿童影响更大。      而较为常见的房屋问题则包括:缺乏或根本没有隔离,空气不流通,房屋养护不到位,被建在了不适合的地方等。      目前,在整个Whangarei地区向Metra Big Town Build置业项目递交了申请的家庭中,80%自行掏钱租房,剩余的20%则居住在Housing New Zealand的公屋内。      “大部分申请者来自低收入家庭,他们迫切想搬离目前的住所,但最终他们只能陷入绝望,因为对大多数人来说,申请被核准已不太可能。”LaPointe先生表示,由于申请人数众多,在11月14日申请截止之前,已有约60名申请者对同一栋房屋表示出了兴趣。      “我们多年来的工作发现,房屋潮湿发霉的情况十分常见,据Rural Housing项目计划保守估计,Northland地区约有7500户房屋需要经修葺维护,才能达到宜居标准。”      La Pointe先生说,Whangarei的平均房价约为250,000纽币,超过平均工资的8倍。对普通人来说,自置居所几乎变成了不可能的事。

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