本篇文章是机器人自动寻路算法实现的第三章。我们要讨论的是一个在一个M×N的格子的房间中,有若干格子里有灰尘,有若干格子里有障碍物,而我们的扫地机器人则是要在不经过障碍物格子的前提下清理掉房间内的灰尘。具体的问题情景请查看人工智能: 自动寻路算法实现(一、广度优先搜索)这篇文章,即我们这个系列的第一篇文章。在前两篇文章里,我们介绍了通过广度优先搜索算法和深度优先算法来实现扫地机器人自动寻路的功能。两种算法都有各自的优点和缺点:对于广度优先搜索算法,程序会找到最优解,但是需要遍历的节点很多。而深度优先搜索则与之相反:遍历的节点很少,但是不一定会找到最优解,而且还有一种极端的情况,就是深度优先搜索在遍历的时候,如果遍历的那个分支是无限大,并且解并不在那个分支中而是在其他的分支中,那么深度优先搜索永远都找不到解。两种算法具体的比较在人工智能: 自动寻路算法实现(二、深度优先搜索)中有详细介绍。在这篇文章中,我们要介绍一种结合了前两种算法优点的算法,A*算法。
本文项目下载地址: https://github.com/tjfy1992/Robot-Path-planning-AStar
F = G + H
#ifndef _POINT_H_ #define _POINT_H_ class Point { public: Point(){} ~Point() {} public: Point(int x, int y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; } public: int getX() { return x; } int getY() { return y; } void setX(int x) { this->x = x; } void setY(int y) { this->y = y; } Point& operator=(const Point& p) { this->x = p.x; this->y = p.y; return *this; } static bool isSamePoint(Point& p1, Point& p2) { if (p1.x == p2.x && p1.y == p2.y) return true; else return false; } private: int x, y; }; #endif //_POINT_H_
#ifndef _STATE_H_ #define _STATE_H_ #include"Point.h" #include<string> #include<list> using namespace std; class State { public: State() { previousState = NULL; } ~State() {} private: //机器人位置 Point robotPosition; //操作,分为W(向上移动一格), S(向下移动一格), A(向左移动一格), D(向右移动一格)以及C(清理灰尘) string robotOperation; //当前节点的父节点, 用于达到目标后进行回溯 State* previousState; //灰尘所在坐标的list list<Point> dirtList; //fvalue为gvalue和hvalue的和 int fvalue; //gvalue int cost; public: Point getRobotPosition() { return robotPosition; } void setRobotPosition(const Point& p) { robotPosition = p; } string getRobotOperation() { return robotOperation; } void setRobotOperation(string command) { robotOperation = command; } State* getPreviousState() { return previousState; } void setPreviousState(State* state) { this->previousState = state; } list<Point> getDirtList() { return this->dirtList; } void setDirtList(list<Point> list) { this->dirtList.clear(); this->dirtList = list; } int getFvalue() { return fvalue; } void setFvalue(int fvalue) { this->fvalue = fvalue; } int getCost() { return cost; } void setCost(int cost) { this->cost = cost; } //用于判断两个节点是否相同 static bool isSameState(State s1, State s2) { //若机器人位置不同,则节点不同 if (!Point::isSamePoint(s1.robotPosition, s2.robotPosition)) return false; //若灰尘列表长度不同, 则节点不同 else if (s1.dirtList.size() != s2.dirtList.size()) return false; //若前两者都相同, 则判断两个state中的灰尘列表中的灰尘坐标是否完全相同 else { for (Point p : s1.getDirtList()) { bool same = false; for (Point p2 : s2.getDirtList()) { if (Point::isSamePoint(p, p2)) { same = true; } } if (!same) { return false; } } //若满足上述所有条件, 则两节点相同。 return true; } } }; #endif //_STATE_H_
最后是算法的实现类,Robot类。该类使用了一个新的数据结构:PriorityQueue来作为存储节点的open list。PriorityQueue需要我们自定义一个比较器(Comparator)用于在插入元素时将该元素与列表中的元素进行比较,并插入适当的位置,保证PriorityQueue在任何时刻都是有序的。需要注意的一点是我们需要把F值较小的元素排在前面。
#include"Robot.h" Robot::Robot() { coloumnNum = 0; rowNum = 0; cost = 0; } Robot::~Robot() { } bool Robot::isCleared(Point& p, list<Point>& pList) { for (Point pElement : pList) { if (Point::isSamePoint(pElement, p)) { return false; } } return true; } bool Robot::isDuplicated(State* state) { for (State state2 : closeList) { if (State::isSameState(*state, state2)) return true; } return false; } bool Robot::isCompleted(State* state) { if (state->getDirtList().empty()) return true; return false; } void Robot::output(State* state) { string outputStr = ""; //回溯期间把每一个state的操作(由于直接输出的话是倒序)加入到output字符串之前,再输出output while (state != NULL) { if (!state->getRobotOperation().empty()) outputStr = state->getRobotOperation() + " " + outputStr; state = state->getPreviousState(); } //最后输出遍历过的节点(state)数量 cout << outputStr << endl; //最后输出遍历过的节点(state)数量 cout << cost << endl; } void Robot::caculate(State* state) { //获取当前机器人的坐标 int x = state->getRobotPosition().getX(); int y = state->getRobotPosition().getY(); //如果当前的点是灰尘并且没有被清理 if (map[x][y] == '*' && !isCleared(Point(x, y), state->getDirtList())) { State* newState = new State(); list<Point> newdirtList; //在新的state中,将灰尘列表更新,即去掉当前点的坐标 for (Point point : state->getDirtList()) { if (point.getX() == x && point.getY() == y) continue; else newdirtList.push_back(Point(point.getX(), point.getY())); } newState->setDirtList(newdirtList); newState->setCost(state->getCost() + 1); //Fvalue = gValue + hValue; newState->setFvalue(newState->getCost() + newdirtList.size()); newState->setRobotPosition(Point(x, y)); //C代表Clean操作 newState->setRobotOperation("C"); newState->setPreviousState(state); //若新产生的状态与任意一个遍历过的状态都不同,则进入队列 if (!isDuplicated(newState)) { //A* Robot::instance()->priorityQueue.push(*newState); //深度搜索 //Robot::instance()->depthSearch.push(*newState); //广度搜索 //Robot::instance()->breadthSearch.push(*newState); closeList.push_back(*newState); cost++; //return; } } //若当前机器人坐标下方有格子并且不是障碍物 if (x + 1 < rowNum) { if (map[x + 1][y] != '#') { State* newState = new State(); newState->setDirtList(state->getDirtList()); newState->setRobotPosition( Point(x + 1, y)); //S代表South,即向下方移动一个格子 newState->setRobotOperation("S"); newState->setCost(state->getCost() + 1); //Fvalue = gValue + hValue; newState->setFvalue(newState->getCost() + state->getDirtList().size()); newState->setPreviousState(state); if (!isDuplicated(newState)) { //A* Robot::instance()->priorityQueue.push(*newState); //深度搜索 //Robot::instance()->depthSearch.push(*newState); //广度搜索 //Robot::instance()->breadthSearch.push(*newState); //加入到closeList中 closeList.push_back(*newState); cost++; //return; } } } //若当前机器人坐标上方有格子并且不是障碍物 if (x - 1 >= 0) { if (map[x - 1][y] != '#') { State* newState = new State(); newState->setDirtList(state->getDirtList()); newState->setRobotPosition(Point(x - 1, y)); //W代表向上方移动一个格子 newState->setRobotOperation("W"); newState->setCost(state->getCost() + 1); //Fvalue = gValue + hValue; newState->setFvalue(newState->getCost() + state->getDirtList().size()); newState->setPreviousState(state); if (!isDuplicated(newState)) { //A* Robot::instance()->priorityQueue.push(*newState); //深度搜索 //Robot::instance()->depthSearch.push(*newState); //广度搜索 //Robot::instance()->breadthSearch.push(*newState); //加入到closeList中 closeList.push_back(*newState); cost++; //return; } } } //若当前机器人坐标左侧有格子并且不是障碍物 if (y - 1 >= 0) { if (map[x][y - 1] !='#') { State* newState = new State(); newState->setDirtList(state->getDirtList()); newState->setRobotPosition(Point(x , y-1)); //A向左侧移动一个格子 newState->setRobotOperation("A"); newState->setCost(state->getCost() + 1); //Fvalue = gValue + hValue; newState->setFvalue(newState->getCost() + state->getDirtList().size()); newState->setPreviousState(state); if (!isDuplicated(newState)) { //A* Robot::instance()->priorityQueue.push(*newState); //深度搜索 //Robot::instance()->depthSearch.push(*newState); //广度搜索 //Robot::instance()->breadthSearch.push(*newState); //加入到closeList中 closeList.push_back(*newState); cost++; //return; } } } //若当前机器人坐标右侧有格子并且不是障碍物 if (y + 1 < coloumnNum) { if (map[x][y + 1] != '#') { State* newState = new State(); newState->setDirtList(state->getDirtList()); newState->setRobotPosition(Point(x, y + 1)); newState->setRobotOperation("D"); newState->setCost(state->getCost() + 1); //Fvalue = gValue + hValue; newState->setFvalue(newState->getCost() + state->getDirtList().size()); newState->setPreviousState(state); if (!isDuplicated(newState)) { //A* Robot::instance()->priorityQueue.push(*newState); //深度搜索 //Robot::instance()->depthSearch.push(*newState); //广度搜索 //Robot::instance()->breadthSearch.push(*newState); //加入到closeList中 closeList.push_back(*newState); cost++; //return; } } } //Robot::instance()->depthSearch.pop(); }
#include<iostream> #include"Robot.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) { int coloumnNum; int rowNum; State* initialState = new State(); cout << "Please enter row number: " << endl; cin >> rowNum; Robot::instance()->rowNum = rowNum; cout << "Please enter column number: " << endl; cin >> coloumnNum; Robot::instance()->coloumnNum = coloumnNum; string str; for (int row = 0; row < rowNum; row++) { cout << "Plese enter the elements in row: " << row << endl; cin >> str; for (int coloumn = 0; coloumn < coloumnNum; coloumn++) { if (str[coloumn] == '#') { Robot::instance()->obstacleNum++ ; } if (str[coloumn] == '*') { Robot::instance()->dirtList.push_back(Point(row, coloumn)); } if (str[coloumn] == '@') { initialState->setRobotPosition(Point(row, coloumn)); } Robot::instance()->map[row][coloumn] = str[coloumn]; } } initialState->setDirtList(Robot::instance()->dirtList); initialState->setCost(0); initialState->setFvalue(0 + Robot::instance()->dirtList.size()); Robot::instance()->priorityQueue.push(*initialState); Robot::instance()->cost++; //stack.push(initialState); Robot::instance()->closeList.push_back(*initialState); //深度搜索 //Robot::instance()->depthSearch.push(*initialState); //广度搜索 //Robot::instance()->breadthSearch.push(*initialState); //Robot::instance()->cost++; //遍历开始 while (!Robot::instance()->priorityQueue.empty()) { //取出队列中第一个state State* state = new State(); //误解的检测方式,看一下depthSearch或者breadthSearch是否为空 //深度搜索 //*state = Robot::instance()->depthSearch .top(); //广度搜索 //*state = Robot::instance()->breadthSearch.front(); //Robot::instance()->breadthSearch.pop(); //A* *state = Robot::instance()->priorityQueue.top(); Robot::instance()->priorityQueue.pop(); //如果达到目标,输出结果并退出 if (Robot::instance()->isCompleted(state)) { Robot::instance()->output(state); Robot::instance()->closeList.clear(); while (state != NULL) { State* temp = state->getPreviousState(); delete state; state = temp; } system("pause"); return 0; } Robot::instance()->caculate(state); } system("pause"); return 0; }
我们使用一个6×6的比较复杂的地图来测试。 地图为
@_#*_* _*#__* #*__#* *_#__* __#*__ _*__#*
Please Enter Row Number: 6 Please Enter Colomn Number: 6 Please Enter the Elements in row 1: @_#*_* Please Enter the Elements in row 2: _*#__* Please Enter the Elements in row 3: #*__#* Please Enter the Elements in row 4: *_#__* Please Enter the Elements in row 5: __#*__ Please Enter the Elements in row 6: _*__#* S E C S C S W C E S S C E E N C E E S C N N C N C N C N C W W C 42824
Please Enter Row Number: 6 Please Enter Colomn Number: 6 Please Enter the Elements in row 1: @_#*_* Please Enter the Elements in row 2: _*#__* Please Enter the Elements in row 3: #*__#* Please Enter the Elements in row 4: *_#__* Please Enter the Elements in row 5: __#*__ Please Enter the Elements in row 6: _*__#* S E C S C S W C S S E C E E N C E E S C N N C N C N C N C W W C 56691
Please Enter Row Number: 6 Please Enter Colomn Number: 6 Please Enter the Elements in row 1: @_#*_* Please Enter the Elements in row 2: _*#__* Please Enter the Elements in row 3: #*__#* Please Enter the Elements in row 4: *_#__* Please Enter the Elements in row 5: __#*__ Please Enter the Elements in row 6: _*__#* S E C S C S S S C N N N E E S S C S W W N N N E E S E S E S C N N C S W N W S S W W N N N E E N N C S S S S S W W N N W C S S E N N N E E S S E N E N C S S W N W S S W W N N N E E N N E S E C S S S W N W S S W W N N N E E N N E E C 155